Yep, new Challenge for this month. And as I hinted, (And the Kittyinaz’s Group on Facebook actually watched as the banner came together) this one is not the normal prompt.
Here is the banner:
We are doing Fairy Tales. At least I am putting it all under that heading. I know it is all Disney ones on the banner, but Annie Leibovitz’s Disney pictures series inspired me with the pic of Cinderella. I have been wanting to do this challenge since I saw the pic, but I kept putting it off. The response I received from the Angels Through the Fire series, made me think that I can offer this one up to you guys.
So what is the idea behind this? It can either be a fairy tale, or it can be based on one, or it could reference it. Yep. Wide open. My thoughts were True Blood cast in the Little Red Riding Hood. or have the Originals in the Beauty and the Beast. Vampire Diaries cast as Snow White. And just pretty any much story using Once Upon a Time qualifies as long as you don’t make it Real Life. I don’t care if you pull a Maleficent story out of this, making the bad guy understood or even good. It’s the idea I want to use. And you are open to any fandom I write in, or will be writing in. (For instance Charmed is ok, since it is written and in the beta’s hands)
To help you out, I did a search on Fairy Tales and found Wikipedia’s list. Now, this doesn’t include American Versions, but I do count them. I grew up with Johnny Appleseed, so you can use it as much as Goldilocks. If you have any questions, please ask Rissa (Charissa Horton in the group.)
The rules are as follows:
Must use prompt(s).
Use fandoms I write it. (It can be one from a story upcoming also. Just ask if you don’t know, you can ask Rissa if you don’t want me to know!)
No letting anyone knowing which story is yours. This alone will be grounds for immediate withdrawal of your entry. If you have questions, please ask Rissa, she is your contact for any contests.
If you submit, you can grab the Banner for Participating for the month. You will also receive a banner for the story you submit.
If explicit, you need to warn people in the title.
All entries must be received by by Midnight CST at the end of the last day of the month.
To submit, you can send it to the or to the Writing Contest email,
Just a reminder, this is open to ANYONE. It is completely Anonymous. Rissa is the one who receives the emails, she strips out anything that would tell me who is what, and forwards on the entries to me. I read them, make the banners and so forth, putting them in WordPress. 4Padfoot then goes in and makes the Poll, that she only can access. When the contest is finished, Rissa sends me the names of the authors. 4Padfoot sends me the results, and I am the one who puts who is who, and whom places.
No one knows who is what until the end, and even then, it is only me after the polls close. We do this to allow everyone an equal chance to enter the contest. Your stories will be judged by the readers as is, with no idea who wrote what. We have had brand new authors win over authors that are favorites. And I am proud to say, there are ladies who have entered and since then, gone on to start writing. You guys are the reason why I do this.
Good luck, and I look forward to not only reading these, but also to making the banners…Making this banner was a blast today!
The posts I have been reading the last couple of days have done their bit. I am coming back to address this crap that is going on.
First off, I know for American Android, it can be painful to get Guest reviews that are flames. Shoot they still hurt! But as much as I hate to admit it, our fandom has ebbs and flows. Right now it is low, except the trolls. This is a time of finals and graduations. Time for the freedom of the summer to be tantalizingly close, but with tons of hard work to get there. For me, if I was still working my old job, I would be up over my head doing State calls I believe. Since the last time I worked them, I managed to do them all by myself, (A job that would have a team of 10 working on them for weeks before hand)
However, the trolls do attack around this time of year. I don’t know if the awards stir them up or what. My advice and what I do? Delete them. If they can’t be brave enough to show their names, then they don’t count. If they are so bad, do as some of my authors have and tell people that if they do ANY guest reviews, you are deleting them. No matter what they say.
Also, American Android, I wish to say something. If you give up, they will only pat themselves on their backs and go on to another. If you hate the guest ones, leave Fanfiction. Tell them why and just leave it to have your own site. And disable them on your site. Take a break, then come back. Because really, you are punishing your readers when you leave like that. And as a fan, I would really like to see the conclusion of Down The Rabbit hole and Whispers. Especially when you left Whispers on such a cliffy!
Now. Moving on.
For Sephrenia, What the fucking hell people?!?!?!
I will tell you Sephrenia welcomed me to this fandom with open arms, and made me my first Buttons. I was so freaking honored!!! I still have them, but now that I do stuff for my own stories I use them. But still, the work she did for the banners… wow!!!!!! Look below!
Now, she has also made me a banner for a one shot I chip away at. I refuse for it to be anything more than a one shot, and work on it quietly. Only one person other than Sephrenia knew about it, and she made me the banner when I was not making them very well.
There it is.
Now lets address some of the complaints. As a banner maker myself, I made a crapload that were claimed, and then never used. It happens I figure. Since no one has mentioned they wish they could have had that one, or anything else, I leave it alone. Are you telling me that these people did it for the express reason to get my banners out of the circulation? If so, then I have a bunch more that needs to be adopted.
Everyone has different styles. Falling Stars taught me a bunch of stuff, but my banners are completely different. Bertie Bott and I started at the same time, shared tips and so forth, and there is no way you can ever imagine that we are the same banner makers. I use shadows alot. It gives my banners sense of depth, and I like it. I also use other tricks as I go, and mucho thanks to Falling Stars for one of her tricks that I use the heck out of!
Sephrenia was one of the first banner makers, that is dedicated to making banners. She still does them. She offers to help out the writers make something to show the readers what they are thinking. Her contests, well each of them I voted for the winners. So am I shocked that they won? No. hisviks was one of the authors I found when I read her contests.
Sephrenia is the opposite of me in many ways, in a staring in the mirror backwards. But I still remember her fondly as someone who gave me a helping hand in the fandom. I may not ask for banners anymore, since I make my own, but that is it. Yes, we have different styles, and I use and like something different. But what the hell people?
Are you going to attack me for being different? I write in many fandoms, and this is the first time I am seeing a fandom self destruct itself. Why?!?!?
If you hate reading the stories, then don’t. If you don’t like the banners, then don’t look at them. If you disagree, sign the heck in and let the author know!!! They don’t know you personally, so there is no risk of them getting in your face and starting a knock down fight!
Seriously. You guys who are doing this, frighten me. And as someone who told her mother when a fight started in Bed Bath and Beyond and she spoke up, the worst anyone can do is hurt me. I live in Texas people. You know, the state that carries weapons proudly in the gun racks of their vehicles.. If I attack someone, seriously, I let them know.
Now, I do bitch and moan to my closest friends. But it is my opinion, and like everyone else, I have them. But that is what they are. My opinion. Am I going to go be mean for the sake of being mean? No. I don’t read or look at things that I don’t like. I may poke some fun at them, but hell. It is private. Many people do it to me, (I know since I have read them. The Void as I call the internet, well, others are around and read things.)
But for all I do for being human, I am standing here saying this is bullshit.
American Android, I am sorry for any part of the crap going on. I said my pieces and hoped to let this die a quiet death. That you are being attacked, well it makes me upset. But I can’t do anything beside what I am doing now. I do hope you at least finish your fics. I would enjoy to see how the paradox in Whispers fixes. Really want to know that one more than anything else.
Sephrenia, I adore you, and hope that people stop. The fact you put yourself out there in something you love to do for others, is something others who attack probably don’t. Don’t let it get to you. You are talented, and most giving of your heart. Please don’t stop.
And for you guys out there reading this, I don’t expect it will change anyone’s minds. I hated to say anything because of all the crap that has gone on lately. Life has sucked to the point that I shake my head at myself. Was I hurt? Yes. Now? Nope. Finding out there are much more hurtful things in RL in people I face everyday is much worse. And like I said on Memorial Day, it isn’t worth the sacrifices of others to be petty as shit.
So here is the deal. The awards are being done solely by 4Padfoot. Send her an email if you have suggestions. Other than that, please stop stirring the pot. We get that it was fucked up. We get that you guys have opinions on what was going on. We appreciate you saying your bits. But if you keep stirring this up, innocent bystanders are going to get hurt. You have done your damage to us that worked on it. Beating a dead horse on posts is doing nothing more than stirring up resentment and opening wounds that were trying to heal. Please stop.
And before any of you get ideas on attacking people because of this post, please don’t. It isn’t going to do anything. It is slowly killing our fandom, and we are already dying. You are killing the authors who came to relax and give us the gifts of stories from their hearts. Like I said, if you don’t like something, stop reading. Stop looking. If it is helpful criticism, then please leave it. If it is nothing but flaming, then no. Why bother? I will tell you I delete anything like that. If I get the chance. My betas are awesome about looking over things and erasing them knowing my opinion on them.
Now. I am off to babysit a sick little boy that I adore, then to come home and deal with a puppy who is freaked out for some reason. And to deal with my Fucked up Life right now. Do NOT reply to spread this shit further. If you want to say something positive, please go to someone’s blog or story and tell them, I agree with Kittyinaz, and am showing you my support. Leaving them here isn’t going to help those who were broken like the plate above. Go out and do something that will help another.
It’s all I can say, but my ladies in the Beta group know what happened, and lets just say… O….M…..G!!!!!!!!
Needless to say, my mind was no where in the right place to write, or do anything for fiction. I may have killed everyone off and stuck my tongue out at the screen. Since none of the Void (my name for the internet from You’ve Got Mail) was responsible for the bad week, well I stayed far away.
Gyllene and a few others sent me the following good news, which did help me laugh in the middle of all of it. (If you click on the banner it will take you to the nominations separated out by the authors)
To all these wonderful ladies who take their time out of their busy schedules to listen to me, look over my stuff or being there when I feel that FML is the best way to describe my life right now. Thank you. I am honored to be nominated, and never, ever, EVER Expected to have my Mummy Crossover get any accolades. I did it because I dreamed it up, and it is aweing me that you guys think enough of it!
The writing contest is ending this weekend. Please feel free to send them in ahead of the time. If you need to look over the pic or the rules, well the pic is below, and you can click on it to get to the rules. I do have a plan for next month, and will be working with my betas this weekend to hammer out details. We will see the results of the contests, the turnout on both sides to determine how often to hold it. I like the monthly ones, but I will say that when the Area 5 Bloody Pen holds their contests, I will take a back seat.
For now, I will be looking over the Fanfiction stuff for this weekend. Friday-Sunday (Which I say Sunday, but often I am chased off the computer!) is Fanfiction time. So we will see what I get up to. I have a huge checklist for a new story, so I will be working on that tomorrow. I want to be artistic right now.
Have a great weekend if nothing else. I am off to work! And thanks again for all those spoke up and nominated me! Truly an honor. Thanks.
This week will be weird for me, since I am going to be switching over to the novel. M (aka Mr. Kittyinaz, but he hates to be Kitty anything, so he wanted to be known as M. I was going with PF, but he gave me the look for that one.) is thrilled to death I am going to work on my novel. He is giving everyone a stern eye to back off, and let me work on this. He has this idea it will allow him to retire. Not quite dear. But I will allow you the dream.
Before I get into anything else, I wish to say. THANK YOU!!!!!!
I am so freaking honored to have these two stories nominated, much less EVER expected to place in these contests!!! This encourages me to get back to what I love.. Writing. And thanks so much to 4Padfoot for all her hard work.
So what does this mean for you guys? It means my betas have chapters, I just didn’t finish up Dying to Start or any of the others, but I will work on them on the weekends. I wanted to finish things, but time was escaping and with everything going on, I needed to just work. I have my white board all cleaned off, ready for me to plot out ideas, the one note pages ready, and I will be going through to make up the bios for my characters and so forth. I am NOT leaving any fandoms.
What I do need is some help on the database. I was using my favorites on, and if someone would like to help out, I will be happy to let you know where I stopped. They are out there for anyone to see anyways. There is no fear about duplicates since, I have programs that make short work of them. Just frankly, I was doing all the work on the Fanfiction site, and while MissAliceUnsub was kind enough to help on the blogs, it is ALOT of work!!! And to be truthful, a month of working on it is to much. I have other things you guys like.
And to be absolutely truthful, the people who support me have submitted their information to me. (If you haven’t well… you can ask me for the sheet and I will send it to you.) But after this past week, I kinda feel like there is no reason for me to break my back and put off my readers who showed so much support for me. I do so much, and even my friends are asking why.
As it is, I am looking for some positive reinforcement for the Reviews & Interviews I do on the Non-Canon Awards. You guys have until the current crop is done. If I don’t hear anything, then I am going to be thinking about telling the ladies over there I won’t be doing it anymore. Here is the one I did for this week: Back and Forth
The things that will continue are the contests I host. They make me feel good when I can help someone get their leg up on the wonderful feeling of writing and others liking it. It truly is awesome, and I wish to continue to give that chance to the writers who are stumbling with writers block, or those that want to start. I support more than TB/SVM fandoms.
For those that were Pre-readers before on my Original Fiction, check with Rissa on Facebook and she will organize all that. You guys will see things being published as I finish things. You are more than welcome to look through the information I supply.
As many of the authors probably saw, I am working on my emails. I and down to 88 unread updates. And none of those are for more than one story. Yikes. I am also trying to be better and leaving reviews. I lost track of the reblogs, and decided to restart today. Sorry. My inbox is scaring me and my OCD is freaking out. Not a good combo.
So I have my tea, a Connor on my feet. A murphy sleeping, and who knows where Tucker is. I am also making plans for the ball of fur coming my way.
Here is the chapter for today. I know it should be Tin Man, but I am off by a day all week. Hope you enjoy…
For those that know me, I am a huge supporter of the armed forces.
Because of that, I will say my normal piece of that. As for everything going on in our fandom, well. Let us just say that I will think on all of that. Today is for remembering those that gave it all so that we can point fingers and have our opinions. And the right to say them. I was going to make this post about the armed forces and the outrage I feel on their behalf’s for a day set aside to honor them is often spent on forgetting them. But this year Facebook has really done it’s job supporting and reminding you guys.
Instead, I am going to try to put this in my thoughts of why I am done with it all. And why today, Memorial Day, is the day I realized how stupid I have been. I have not honored my fallen and veterans with this whole thing. I am sorry.
Truly, have you thought through the fact we have this freedom? This freedom to post online how hurt we are. What we think on it. How we Hate/Love/Don’t care about it? How we have the right to talk about our feelings behind anything but a closed door and in fear that someone might be listening?
M went to China, and he couldn’t really get on anything. Everything over there is restricted. Facebook, my site is somewhat banned even! After we found out how bad it is to get messages out, we were going to put up a page on my site and have us talk on there. And even that comes and goes intermittently. It seems I am revolutionary. So many thanks to any who read my site in China!!! I know there are some, (which is why we thought it was ok..) but now that I know what you guys go through, well thanks!
Anywho, that brings home what freedom that our veterans and those who fell in battle fought to give me the choice to be able to do. That I can do as I wish, and not worry that soldiers are going to come knocking on my doors. I can write what I want. Complain on what I want. Cuss the government out. Breathe in cleaner air. (seriously the smog reports are not joking!!!)
I have the write to feel and do what I love. All because some very brave souls fought to give me that right.
And I thank them.
You might not think it is a big deal, but we go back to my site is banned because of it being revolutionary. I have ideas. I have the strength to post my opinions. I have the audacity to use my site to promote you guys thinking of those who gave it all. And I am not scared to say any of it.
Then there was my Hubby, M. We were driving to go somewhere on Friday, and in Webster, they had the flags up for the holiday weekend. And he stared at them for a little bit and then said, “I salute and thank each person who served and especially to those who gave everything to give me the chance to be here today. I salute and give thanks to my Grandfather for his service. I salute and give thanks to Bob for his service. I salute and give thanks to (Kittyinaz’s) cousin for his continued service. I salute and give thanks to (kittyinaz’s) other cousin’s service. HooRah!”
I blinked, and just stared at him. While I know he really supports the armed services, this is the first time he has ever said that. But he meant every word. and told me, he has been thinking about it lately. Nothing like a trip to a country that is the opposite of ours to make you more thankful for what you have.
We have shit going on, but it nothing like sitting out in the desert reading something to make me forget about the lives I defended, the brothers in arms who may have not survived, and looking in another reality that does not involve what they are doing. I cringe at what those soldiers are probably thinking, and even our fans. I said my piece when I was hurt. I asked that no one comment. I just wanted people to think over why I am hurt. Not to do anything about it. Just understand.
I applaud anyone brave enough to put their opinion out there, since it is open for anyone to read. Everyone. For if you post it online, you might be surprised at all who is reading it. Some may never comment. Some may never do anything but read it, unable to do anything cause they are restricted and am very aware of the freedoms that we have to do it all. They are afraid to say great job because a knock may come int he middle of night for outsmarting the system to read something outside their country. Seriously. The things told to me make me thankful, but I forgot. I forgot about those freedoms that were given to me.
It made me think what these soldiers who are off fighting for my right to do this, are thinking. And I for one, am going to wash my hands of it all.
Take pot shots at me and my friends. Point fingers and continue to be petty. It is your right. My cousin fought for it. But me for one? I am going to let go of it all. I am going to go write my book and hope someone enjoys it. I am going to continue to hold my contests to help authors, both those who are currently, and those hidden and shy about coming out of themselves. I am going to do what I love, and remember that a contest we threw for applauding the fandom is not worth being so petty. Someone gave their life so I could do that, and I choose to honor and remember them by ignoring it.
What is your choice? To continue fighting over something so small in the grand scheme of things, or remembering that there is freedoms we have that are given on the blood and tears of family members who lost loved ones for that right?
Think on it…
And as long as one person appreciates this, or changes their thoughts, I will count myself lucky to have pointed it out to you.
2008 Memorial Day Poster #3. Created by Virginia Reyes of the Air Force News Agency. US Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Cecilio M. Ricardo Jr. Air Force Link does not provide printed posters but a PDF file of this poster is available for local printing. Requests can be made to Please specify the title and number.
This is the most reviews I have ever gotten on a chapter of Heavenly, and believe me, the muse is sitting up and taking notice. She is muttering to me about making a plan to work on the novel for Monday-Thursday and leaving the weekend to write on Fanfiction.
See what power you readers have? With your reviews you inspire the writers. The more you leave reviews, the more likely we are to turn our attention to the story. When you reread (and I am guilty of this too!!!) and leave reviews, especially on a story that has a sequel planned, you make me pay attention to the story and where my muse starts whispering, ‘maybe we should go back and look at that one.’
Likes on this site also send me emails. This is something I do, I hit like on the stories if I am caught up int he action going on. Or my iPad is being pain and not allowing me to leave a review. But the like buttons work no matter what.
So please, keep up with what you are doing!!! It is amazing and exciting to wake up, expecting that you may have got 4 reviews, and instead had more. There is one more chapter to be published, but maybe now I will go back and see if I can write a few more.
Plus, just a hint, if you really want me to work on a story, get your friends and you to do a bunch of reviews. You have to entice the muses people. They live on praises, and our praises only go so far.
Now, I know I reblogged it just a couple of minutes ago, but please, make your voices heard. 4Padfoot has opened the polls for 24 hours, and the previous one information is gone. So this is your chance. Tell your friends. There is one chance, and you have up to three time in each category to decide on. Lets not let this opportunity pass you or the rest of us by. I voted…did you?
Yes? I think we all need to take a deep breath and let it slowly out.
First off. Many, many applause to my Excellent and wonderful Web Admin, 4Padfoot for her announcement this morning. I talked with her at 7:30 before I left the house for my day with GrandmaKitty. I not only agreed and fully support her, I offered my help in any way.
So yes, there is a vote happening over at the You Want Blood Awards. And since one of the things people mentioned is to let their readers know, I am letting you guys know. I am hoping I am still on on the ballot, and if not, please still vote. If I am on, please consider me. If you want your voice heard, you need to speak up for the 24 hours it will be open.
For those who only care about the Heavenly Chapter, here is it. This is a chapter length post.
I also wish to thank each and every one of my group on Facebook. You people rock my socks. Seriously. And then there are you people. Who listened to my request not to allow the fires of this burn higher. I needed to say what I did, and you guys read it. The ladies in my facebook group turned to that place and left me so many loving messages, it truly brought me to tears. Good ones.
Before I tell you anything else, I will tell you what I told my ladies. I will say do NOT react until you read the whole thing:
Thank you to everyone who has left a message. Truly. And thank you for posting it here, not on the post and feeding this…well whatever you want to call it.
Here is the truth. I feel like there is no reason for me to work hard for a fandom who does this to a few people who tried so hard.
I will finish what I started. I will host this months and next months writing contest and evaluate from there the responses.
Right now, with 4padfoot stepping back, I see no reason to work on the database I was compiling for readers. Frankly, without her, I am unsure if it will go on. Hopefully, if she comes back, we will reevaluate if it is worth all the time we are putting into it. (which is will, already talked about)
I will reevaluate the responses to my reviews for the non canon awards. I already did the work for weeks ahead.
Needless to say I’m gun shy right now at the thought of another contest, but to be blunt, it won’t really involve this fandom, so if we get the site up and running, I will think on it.
I will publish anything the betas have done.
What I am not doing is writing any Fanfiction for awhile. I’m going to work on my novel. Hopefully my muse will agree to work with me. She is busy right now trying to remind me that my faith in humanity is good.
So thanks. Truly. For the support you are showing us. It means so much right now.
Then to more responses from the above, I wrote this:
Oh I’m not giving up Fanfiction. MistressJessica1028, 4Padfoot, Meridian, Bertie Bott, Mommy4Thomas, Harleen Frances Quinzel, Royal Ember, MissRissa82, and so many more would come hunt me down. And crap, every single one of those ladies have my real address.
This (fanfiction) helps me. What I am reevaluating is my extra stuff I do. But then, a nice review over on the YWB reminded me that the writing contests help writers so much.
And it makes me feel good as MistressJessica1028 and Meridian reminded me. Why give up things that make me happy?
Then there is M as he wishes to be called. He told me I wouldn’t last a week without throwing my heart into it all again. And as I pointed out (to the above-mentioned ladies in a private talk), I give second chances, since without them, M and I wouldn’t be together now. If that isn’t incentive enough. (I was reminded tonight it is 13 years. Monday. Yes, Monday.)
So, yes, I’m giving everyone second chances. If you blow that, then no more. Am I going to trust you a 100%? Sadly no. But then I didn’t trust M either.
I am also thinking if I was on the other side. What if I ducked up. (And still autocorrect fixes it. Duck…. Ugh f first!!). What if I put my foot in my mouth? Would I want a second chance?
But I would not expect not to (have to) earn the trust back.
So I’m off. I’ll catch you guys on the flip and hope I get more than 3 hours. 🙂
The ladies in my group came together to convince me, but stood behind any decisions I made. Then there was all the awesome comments on the YWB site. There was a comment (and sorry I can’t remember who said it) but mentioned the writing contests specifically as a way to find new authors, and it made me realize that there was good in what I do.
Faith in humanity restored.
It takes so little. I truly want to believe in the faith of humanity and that I do make a difference in this fandom. I am human. Who wouldn’t want to know their hard work was being appreciated?
I am letting the water go by under the bridge. It won’t ever be forgotten. Ask M. I remember things from 1994 when we first started to date and use it against him now. That same brain that brings in all those weird facts and make them work in the stories? Yeah there is a reason for it. But I will let this all float down the river to the back of the brain. I hate being upset. Especially that way, it makes things so much worse since I am not good with stress.
This way, I am hoping the fandom does as 4Padfoot suggested, and get back to the way things were that made this such an AWESOME fandom.
People, we are fighting an uphill battle. We are losing some of our greats, one retired just last week. They are disheartened by the way things ended. I can’t blame them. We were screwed out of our HEA. But then, lets think positively. We are one of the biggest Non-Canon Fandoms out there. Period. If you write Sookie with anyone BUT Sam, for SVM, you are non-canon. If you write Sookie with anyone but weird stranger dude, you are non-canon.
And then there is that whole SVM/TB crossover. It is SOO hard to tell the difference. I know since I was guessing that the whole Nevada thing would come around in TB, so I added it in for ITE. Now it is considered a crossover. (wow, I think so far, that AIW is now my only fic in TB world by the rules!) It IS hard to tell. How do I tell? If your story has Godric as Eric’s maker it is TB. If it has Tara as a vamp, it is TB. If Lafayette is alive, TB. Russell a bad guy with Talbot? TB. The Authority? yeah you get the idea. Now if you have Andre in it, SVM. Appius (Meridian has a name much more preferred for him) SVM.
Yeah you get the idea. But these two fandoms are so tied together, it aint funny. We truly are one fandom.
Do I support those that write in SVM as much as I do TB? Heck yeah!
I am rambling, but I am trying to make a point. We need to pull together. I have tons of ideas. For stories. For other things, but then I will not be me.
So what do you need to do? Do as Robin suggested. Write a note on someone’s story saying Eric sent you. Or Godric. Whichever you prefer. I don’t think Godric will mind. He would give you that smile of his and silently approve.
Readers, here is your chance to shine. Hit that Like button. Leave a review button. Our stories helped you out in a bad spot? Leave a note. Make it known to us that you are around. We have many newbies in the fandom who don’t do what those of us do that have been around. We look at stats. They need that encouraging review. If it had not been for my fandom I started out in, I would not have stuck around long here, but I enjoyed the atmosphere. And I freaking STILL fangirl when one of the writers tell me anything. Shoot, California Kat contacted me to ask what I was building with the information I collected, and I freaking jumped around the room dancing. Then I did more dancing when she said she READ what I had said.
So yes, we all have fangirl moments. Shoot, Angela helping me out made me almost hyperventilate. I felt that that skit on Saturday night live?
Yeah that one. I was not worthy!
I know I don’t reply unless there is a question. There is a very good reason. I get reviews on many stories. When I used to reply, since you couldn’t copy and paste them in, (face it there is only so many ways to say thank you. And I will update when I get the chance.) it would take me a day for ED. And I do so many more than that. I think you guys would rather me write. I do now go through and like each and everyone that you guys leave on my site now, to show you I do read them. I also, ALWAYS read them and if there are questions, try to email them to you with the email my site provides you if they are spoilery. If not, I try to respond in the comments.
Also, I would like to tell you guys, if you follow me in Facebook, and write something to me outside the group, tag me. Put it in my wall. And if I STILL don’t answer you, PM me. I got close to 200 notifications today. Things get lost. From what I understand that was part of the issue. I DO read everything in my group. It is why Mondays are such a rush since I have a day gone away from the computer to catch up. So either post int he group, or try to get my attention. MY name tagged means I get an email. Though I have 166 of them today, (you guys were VERY busy!!) I go through them, each and everyone of them to make sure what is there. And then my OCD kicks in and I work them.
I am now off to bed, and plan tomorrow to work online, but remember, M controls the FRiday, Saturday and Sundays. They are his to do with, and with it being our anniversary weekend, it may not happen. Depends on how he feels.
But I did get something to cheer me up. This past weekend, I put to bed my hope for Morgan’s return. I told my grandma about it, and she managed to get with my cousin. So when I was there dropping her off, I was offered a new kitten.
It (since it is too young to be determined what sex it is) is 4 weeks old. I have to wait for four more weeks for the newest edition to the family. The back of it is grey a light grey. They wanted me to see the face to understand the white and black stripes on it. It has been handled since day one, with mama’s permission. Who could not be in a happier mood with that face?!?!? or the fact that it is mine now? I am so much happier and this has been an awesome gift.
Yes I will keep you up to date on it. Soon, the house will be full of animals, and I cannot wait. I love dogs, but there is something about a cat that also calls to me. Maybe the curiosity that earned me the nickname from my grandfather?
Enjoy the chapter, and guys, seriously thanks for rocking my socks with your support.
I am so upset. Truly. This has made me unable to sleep, sick to my stomach and so forth.
From what I understand, I am to blame for losing notifications in my Facebook feed. I’m sorry. I get hundreds a day, and I try to keep up with them.
Then there is so much talk of corruption in the awards.
Let me tell how it works. We open nominations up on Poll Daddy, and set it to one answer per IP. That is the strictest setting you can make it on the poll you get for free.
Once they are in ONLY the person who makes the poll can get the answers. This has tripped up my admin and I in the past, but we got it figured out now. I don’t do polls. This leaves it in the hands of one of the most trustworthy people I know. How much do I trust her? With my digital life. Seriously. For me this means everything I do since I do everything online. Many of you trust her with your sites as well.
After that we go in and verify the dates for the nominations we received from the readers.
We have no idea who is what, we just got the input that even with the top ten, there was still ties. We decided again that the readers decide who gets in with the wildcard place. Again, not us. So for any award that had ten places, and we opened it up for voting, EVERYONE who was nominated was given to you guys to decide who will make it in to fill the remaining spots.
Then we post the results days ahead to see if you guys see something we missed. I know I disqualified All I Want for being a TB/SVM. And Gyllene and Jessica both kicked out entries that did not fit categories. Of their own. Some we gave benefit of the doubt since we went with the reasonable doubt that is good enough for a murderer to walk free.
From there we opened it up to the readers again to make the decision.
I heard there were tales of favoritism. Last year kjwrit received a bucketload of nominations as well as California Kat and others. We did nothing different this year.
I spent a day agonizing over my nomination. Authors were getting one shot. If they were named in one category they didn’t get another. Did I have to rearrange a couple of times? Yes. And I worked solely out of the information given to me. We didn’t offer this information since that would be unfair to authors I don’t read or stories I don’t read. I asked for authors to donate their information time and time again, but got few responses. Me giving that information would have have been one form of favoritism.
If others didn’t do this. It wasn’t our fault. Last year we tried contacting people for more information, and was not answered. This was unfair to everyone, to us trying to verify the information, to the person nominating that we picked the wrong variable and to the nomination itself. This year we said no.
We have already said oops and sorry for the multiple vote. We didn’t know any better. This is our second time trying this.
It takes days to make the banners. One person does it. One person has who was nominated, but not the same person. One makes the rules. And one or more verifies the nominations. We have checks on each other. It’s the same kind of set up we do for my writing contests. But with tons more people affected by it.
I didn’t even know I was nominated until they came out. And no I did not win the wild card, that meant to me that people thought highly enough of me to write me in more than once. What an honor!!!
I get words of stuffing the ballots. That this is an exercise in corruption. What the heck guys?
Here is a fact. People vote for favorites. Most recognize the author 80% of the time and vote for them. But if the author is in more than once that LESSENS the chance of being chosen to vote. If they have more than one, people try to vote for the underdogs unless they really like the story. Or they play eenie miney mo. I’ve done this.
I’m so sorry for everything turning out so hateful. We are NOT complaining about the criticism, but that no one came forward about it. I got apologies and asked why. That is how we found out. I’ve been busy, trying to do the database, and then relieve some pressure on writing. I have RL issues that are not big as they were before but time consuming. Shoot I’m training dogs to use a dog door! I’m being bugged every ten minutes by one or both dogs wanting a treat after they run through the door. Not a huge deal, but time consuming. If I don’t make sure they go out, we have accidents.
By the time we found out, we had been hated on to the point it had turned from helpful criticism to hurtful. People were being blamed, fingers pointed. Our first question was, how can we fix this?
Then as we found out more and we saw the hate emerging, it came to, why are we doing this?
Finally you had a bunch of hate being slung over the course of days, being received in less than 15 minutes. It started out where if someone came to us, it would have been an, oops, let’s throw out the votes as is, and go forward with one vote per IP which is how strict we could make it on a FREE website. We give days up for this. You can’t blame us for not wanting to put our own money in. Especially for something used once a year.
By the time it was over I was sick at heart, frustrated, but unable to do anything, and angry. Which not being able to vent made it too much. None of us felt like continuing, we frankly didn’t care since we were being accused of stuffing ballots and so forth. Of being crooked. For what?!? Something no one cares about in a year, shoot in a month?!?
I pride myself in being as honest as I can be. And being accused of not being so has so broken my faith it’s not fair to anyone. Being told I was not a good enough writer that I can’t get a nomination without cheating. That is the message you sent me and the other ladies.
You want to sling mud at Gyllene and Meridian about the count of nominations? Well here’s a tosser. I’m very close to Meridian. So if anyone would stuff it for her, it is me. She never has done anything for the awards but answer a question about her own fics. I love the woman to death, and would walk on fire for all the help she has given me in the fanfic world and my own personal hell.
I wouldn’t. It would be unfair to her. She is great enough to get in on her own.
I’m taking time away. I need to decide if it is worth working so hard to keep a fandom alive as well as helping others. If my writing contest are worth the time, if the rec pages I am working on for authors is worth it. If the reviews I do to introduce readers to our world and to hopefully give boosts to stories I love is worth the time and work it takes me to do them. If I want to continue writing new stories in a fandom who I feel that I have given so much of myself to, that reduces me to a pitiful mess and questioning myself. To where some of the ladies I have great respect for imply I’m a liar and a cheat, or are being called one themselves.
To where I am standing here torn apart, not knowing who or what is going to call me names now.
Yes, I’m telling myself over and over the few vs the many, but guys, it is hard right now. Cause those few? I trusted those few and tried to help them.
I’m sorry it has come to this. I’m sorry for my part in it all. I’m sorry that I missed a notification in the hundreds I get a day. I’m sorry for it all.
But then sorry doesn’t cut it. I’m not sure what can fix this mess. People are upset. They feel put upon on both sides of the issue. There are pointed fingers, and people are upset. Why? Because they feel the finger is on them, so everyone is defensive. It’s not nice is it?
It is how we felt about it all.
Just think on it. And please. Don’t write comments. Don’t inflame this. I just want everyone to think about what I said and decide on your own how you would feel. I needed to say my piece. Now I’m going to go, and try to make peace knowing I am to blame for this as much as the next person.
And pray we don’t lose anyone in the fandom because of this. But I won’t blame you. If the muse won’t work with what they feel is negativity, then don’t force her to work for something we don’t get paid to do. That is what I’m trying to decide on.
So instead of commenting, please think on it. Seriously think on it. I’ll catch those remaining on the flip side.
Ok… So what has been going on Wendy? You disappeared and didn’t post yesterday as well you were almost too late today.
Starting Friday I decided that the house needed a deep clean. I started in my office, so I can clean and organize the shelving and so on. The cleaning elves are awesome, but they don’t life books and so on to clean, and won’t move anything around on my desk to clean. I guess they got worried after I told them to leave the white boards alone. (they partially erased a draft I had up of how my original books were going to go…I got smart and put that stuff in photoshop and did it in there.) So they don’t move anything around in the office. Fine… I can clean that. But they also do dry dusting. Which is fine. But once in a while, you need to attack it with pledge. (By the way I am listening to Kiss, and the minion performs to the song perfectly….)
So I got the office done on Friday. I tore everything apart, arranged things, and ended up with 2 free shelves when I was done. Awesome. I need two big whatamacallit thingies that can go there.
(thingies is my catch all phrase… but I like Whatamacallit’s too.) Then I moved to the bathroom, and cleaned the doors and so forth. Get the idea when I say deep clean? Yes. Doors, baseboards, windows and so on. Pull the furniture apart and wash it all however you can. Saturday was spent in the living room. My Hubby started in the attic. Sunday was the big push to finish it all and the whole family got into by then. MamaKitty cleaned cabinets in the kitchen as DadKitty went outside in the 100 degree weather to wash the last of the windows in the main part of the house. We finished at 6pm, ordered our super fast pizza, and then I crashed.
Yesterday I was happy with the house, but so sore from the weekend. I climbed ladders, which I am terrified of falling, so I was shaking per M (Mr. Kittyinaz wants to be called M from now on…). Then I did the bulk of the work. And I washed everything. ugh. I remembered why I hate spring cleaning like that.
I spent 0 time on the computer during that time. Saturday and Sunday were spent in an exhausted state of mind. Which continued to Monday.
Last night Insomnia struck and though I was so freaking tired, I couldn’t fall asleep until after 5. I was up before 10 this morning. Ugh. lol. I got to the gym today, so I am thankful to Royal Ember for her suggestion that made me do a palm face. Sometimes I just don’t’ think things all the way through.
Also yesterday, even though I did nothing on the database, I wrote two chapters for Sacred. Let me tell you, when I am done with this, I am off to write the next one. 4Padfoot may threaten me if I don’t since I left it on a cliffy last night. I am up to 22 chapters, and we are not done with the beginning part to me. Yeah, this one will be huge. I am trying to stay on it and finish it, since you guys deserve as much of this one as possible. And 4Padfoot and Royal Ember may cause harm to me if I keep them waiting.
I did start on the database, and hopefully tomorrow, after the updates to the other sites, I can finish the Harry Potter area. Then skip right through the other ones until Twilight. This thing is much bigger than I ever imagined. It will probably take awhile to get it out to you guys.
ok reminders:
The review for this week was California Kat’s story Funeral. Check it out below:
The Writing Challenge for this month. It’s a pic.. maybe think of someone in the woods or something happening in it? Either way, I DO know what next month will be. It will be outside the normals, and be kinda like the Angels in the Fire. At least I hope so. It is one of those that I was thinking of, and I came up with ideas. Alot of them.
The You Want Bloods is still running. Have you voted? I will tell you, this is awesome to seeing you guys reach out and credit these amazing individuals who put forth their time and efforts for nothing. Please participate and give them a heads up, you know that little nod thing. They will appreciate it more than you ever know. I know I do. To be nominated, and to know you guys not only thought enough for me to get into the awards, but then on one of them, as a wild card, you thought enough of me again to put my name up. Thank you so much!
I am going to be adding more stories over at Fanfiction Affliction. Please go and see the site, get involved. This is open to any fandom, and they are pretty easy to work with. Let’s help this take off. IT is an easy format for authors to use, and they have a few rules. Mostly, no plagiarizing, and no Child Pornograghy. You go in, you sign up, and you are in!!! Start posting the stories. One of the admins is around to help out and they have a facebook group in case you have any issues. When I post what I need, they are quick to answer as they do the rest. I love how it shows you what has been loaded on recently (I am on there alot since I do massive downloads.. oops.) and gives you a random story to find. They are good about updating their site with news also. Go over and lets see if we can get this as the alternative to!
Here is the chapter for today. I know we are getting closer on some of the other stories I have already written chapters for. The betas are checking in with me, and I am quick to assure them that their RL comes before the stories. They are not getting paid for it, and they worry about keeping to the schedules. I will tell you this one took me forever to try to find the pics for it. You will understand more when you read it. Be prepared to start understanding how I am tying things together.
Enjoy the chapter and I will see you guys later. Hopefully without being this exhausted!
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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