Monday Blues-To be solved!

Monday Blues-To be solved!


First of all, this is Monday, so there is another review of a story on the Non-Canon Awards!


Let’s Die on Halloween is a one shot, but it is a necessary one shot for you to read the next installment.   Give the review a chance, and then click on the banner in the review to read this fabulous writer.  And maybe, if enough of us let her know how much we love it, she will continue the series!  (No worries, she ends the last story without a Kittyinaz deal.  You wonder, but the problem in that story is always finished.)




And now, we have the cheering up part… I hope!!! As I mentioned, I am working on a new story.  4Padfoot has been cheering me on along with Royal Ember.  4Padfoot has been privy to my ideas on this one, and I asked her very very nicely, (with chapter bribes also!) if she would help me make a prologue for the story in video format. She talked to me about what I was looking for, and then she had errands to do.

I am off the computer or more importantly, internet, so I get a message from her, saying that she has something for me.  I came online, and here it is!   The prologue to the story.

Here it is, I hope you enjoy it…

For now, I need to work on the database.  The You Want Bloods nomination round is opening on Friday.  Are you ready?  I for sure am not!!!  Just a reminder, if anyone wants to help me fill in the database to make it easier, I would appreciate it!!!! The spreadsheet is in the Facebook groups TB/SVM Fanfiction and my own.  I will also be happy to send you a copy.  Remember, it is not copying your stories, it is adding them to my rec pages which get alot of traffic, though they are horribly out of date.

The information we are looking for?  Name of Story, Location, Description, Rating, Author name, Fandom, Pairing(s), is it complete, a one shot, and if so the date of completion, is it part of series? The name of the series, and where all do you post?  the location is YOUR preferred location for your readers to go to, and will be the primary link on the stories.

I am after the TB/SVM ones first since I am going to be using them first.  But all the fandoms I write/read in are going to be done.  So if you are a writer, and would like your stories to be added to the rec pages, please contact me.  Shoot, you can email them to  Anything, even a mention of where I could find the dates of the completed stories instead of clicking everywhere on your site, would be a great help.

I am off to work on the database, working on the stuff people have sent me, (this is why I am asking for the authors to help, since I won’t duplicate what they have done already) and I will be moving onto EricIzMine’s.

So enjoy the video chapter.  Later this week my group, Kittyinaz’s Facebook group, will get the first teaser.  I also ask, very nicely, for you to leave reviews on the You tube side of the video, letting 4Padfoot how awesome she is.  While there, subscribe to her.  She does videos often for the group of us.  Also leave a note on Mavrosal’s work. Reviews are like gold, and while I will not ask for them often for me, I will not hesitate to ask you for them for other’s work.


New Chapter of Harry Potter!


I am writing this one minute from midnight.  So technically it will be midnight when I hit post.  That works right?

TGIF!!!!  And they are dancing to whatever song you want to choose to be your anthem today.

I am off to bed, but when you guys read this, I will probably be up unseemly early time to be ready to leave when I am booted out of the house.  I also have a chapter that the Muse has been beating me over the head, but the good news, is that I will soon be leaking teasers over in the Facebook Group for the new story.

Thanks as ALWAYS to Bertie Bott.  If you haven’t gone over and vote in the Superhero contest, then what are you waiting on? click on the Button below to be taken to her site.



Oopsa daisy!

Oopsa daisy!


Yesterday was a day off to the Doctor for my dad, and by the time I got home, I was wiped.  so.. sorry!!!!

And.. no throwing anything, but today is the last chapter I have written for Edge that is going to be published.  However, Meridian gave me an idea for a conversation with Sookie and Bella.   *snickers*  I can’t wait for that to be worked into the story!

So no being mean to the author… The muse hates it and really hates rotten fruit.  She turns her nose up at it.  And then somehow convinces my other side of the brain to go on strike and nothing gets done.  nothing.  Not even the dang database! *grumbles*  It’s not like I want to spend all my time on the dang thing.  I have to keep reminding myself.  One time deal.  Once done, I am done.  Just need to add in the new stuff.

Talking about the Database…I put a call out to my group and the TB/SVM Fanfiction group in Facebook asking for help.  So far hisviks and Gyllene have gifted me with their work.  Thanks so much ladies!!!  I have left spreadsheets to be loaded in those groups.  If you want to help out by doing your stories… well there are pluses to this.  I find I just upload the spreadsheets.  If you are kind enough to give me all the information, I am going to load the entire thing into the database.  Not just the stories I read.   Just saying… So if you write in fandoms, (and no they don’t have to be TB/SVM they are just what I am going after first.) here is a glimpse of what I am using again.  There are additional fields in the database for other fandoms and places I go to read their stuff… But they are cut out of the picture for now.


And if you don’t read California Kat… Why the heck not?   She is stupendous.. (and gave me the easiest way to load the rest of the one shots into here!)   She is also the one who convinced me that telling you guys what I am doing may generate help.  Right now, I go into the sites, and have to look for the completed date, and or the last update (for the awards next month,  no worries if you didn’t update until later, I verify any non-completed again, but for those who updated in the period of time, well….that is one less step for me to check on!).  For WordPress that often means I am looking at the first comment since there is often no other way to get the date. This all takes time, and ironically, Fanfiction (the one I try to find other alternatives to link you guys to) is the easiest one to get the information from.  I do not even have to leave the author pages!

If you want to help me out, contact me.  I will be happy to send the spreadsheet and save me some work.  (I know doing EricIzMine’s is going to be a lot of work.  But dang it the lady deserves to be here!!! I reread her stuff all the time!)

I am also… *looks sheepish* getting lots of stories to be adding to the non-canon awards for reviewing.  I am right now working on Carol E. Stewarts Preemptive Strike.   My life is sooo hard.  Read stories and then let you guys know what I think of them.  All the while, getting me revved up to write away on ITE when I get back to fanfiction.  Full Time.

I say Full Time since I am being pummeled by my muse with an idea.  The betas are going gaga all over it, and last night I had an idea I am waiting on Miss 4Padfoot to get home to see if it can be done.  *rubs hands gleefully* Since we all know no writing makes Kittyinaz a sad kitty…  Well, we gotta keep the muse happy right?  She has been rebelling this week (and how I know she talks that other side of my brain into her plans) wanting to write the next section.  I think she even has Fate on her side.   If Tuesday is any indication, and today, she very well might!

The story?  Well, I will give you this wonderful teaser of a banner that one of my ladies in my group made me:

Some Sacred Place In Time Banner

Some Sacred Place In Time Banner

Didn’t surfgirl11 do an awesome job? I am looking forward to seeing what she does for the banner contest.  She has made a lot of banners, and I highly suggest you check out her page:

To explain this one would be hard, since the Muse is being very sly.  She is sitting in the corner right now enjoying her Spice of Life tea and smirking at me.  She keeps doing things to make the story change.  tossing out the odd idea when I am trying to sleep.  She really needs to get her priorities straight.  I am able to act on them if she would do them other times.  Duh!  And it is not like I don’t!

Anywho.  I wanted to remind you guys that the wonderful 4Padfoot made me a video for Every Dark Night.  Here it is:

And if you watched that, you should be ready for this chapter:

2 Edge

I am off to work on other things, and making sure that the chapter for HP tomorrow is ready. The Facebook group has had this chapter and will know the chapter for tomorrow before you guys get the posts.  I like to reward my ladies who follow me over there.   And you guys get the chapters 2 or more weeks before the other sites.  Well except TWCS, but there is a secret weapon in their arsenal.  Also I reminded myself of a thing I need to go back and replace some backgrounds for the new Character banners.  Duh!


Enjoy the chapter…  And I will talk to you guys later!



I had some private messages asking for clarification, so let me explain what the database is.

I do rec pages here on my site. (they are under Other Goodies). Have since I started this site.  Since then, they consistently have been on my top tens since then.  One is always there.  Often True Blood and Twilight, but hey, they have the most stories and is a big part of what I write.

To make it easier to describe, here is a screenshot of what they look like now:


Yes, they were copied originally from my favorites on Luckily however I did it, (and I do think I copied directly from one to the other!) the links came with it.  Over time, some people moved, and we updated the links to them.

We go through and check the links, but it is harder than you think to update these.

FanFiction does not have a real organization for you to find the latest stories you added.  They do it by update, or other choices.  So we were going one by one, on my favorites, to try to figure out what to add.  Add to that I am infamous for going back through a fandom and finding old completed stories to add as favorites, well you can see the problem.  It was literally line by line check.  Not something that was a good idea.  Not with everyone wanting story updates and so forth.

After last year’s You Want Blood Awards, I made a database that I slowly been adding fandoms to it.  I have not really added anything, but a few websites and some blogs I know have written things in Dr. Who and so forth.  I was testing it for the big ones.  I ran it by the impossible to ever replace 4Padfoot, and she cheered since it comes out in a spreadsheet version.

Here is a brief look at the information I am collecting (in the database itself). It is shortened so I can fill in the blanks as I go without having to move the screen around:


There are additional fields, but they are for other sites, such as Dokuga and so on.  There is a place for me to mark if I reviewed the story yet, as well as a place for notes.  I am not caring about reviews, since I don’t care about them when I read a story, nor about the views.  This is pure, this is what I like, and recommend to others to read.  To be truthful, the views and review numbers change all the time and there is no way I want to try to keep up with that.  And some are spread over different sites and so forth.

I use the descriptions I find, and that box after the link is for 4Padfoot and I, in case the story disappears from the internet, we can click that check mark off and remove it from the lists.  Completion dates and so forth is for the You Want Blood Awards and for me later when I do the Crossovers.  It is also to let someone know if a series is still active.

I am not posting full stories (I use up enough of my own free space without adding more!!!!) and am only wanting to share the stories I love with others.

For the Crossover site I am doing, this database will also hold the stories on it.  No more information, no less.  Well, they get pictures if they ask nicely.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me.

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

It’s Tuesday!

It’s Tuesday!


One day closer to the weekend!

I only have one chapter to post today, and it is the last of the posted chapters for Tin Man.  Starting next week will be the new stuff for that one.

I am working on the Database, I got through California Kat (Which took a long time to get all the dates and so on!  I am trying to mark it if complete and when…) And CarolEStewart.  Those are some very prolific ladies!  But as I remind myself, this is the last time I will do this, and I want to share the stories, not just the sites that list them all. Today I will be trying to get through Dirty Lemons, ElfChef and maybe EricIzMine.  tomorrow will be finishing up what I can, as I move on to Idream3223 and InLoveWithEric.

If any authors want to help me out getting your stories on here, let me know, and I will contact you with a spreadsheet that you can fill out.  (I should have asked much sooner!)

For now, I am working to get this done so that I can have as much done before the You Want Blood Awards Nominations open.

Also,  the crossover site, well due to the fact that I had no idea by the time I had WordPress accept my suggestions for a name of the site, that it was similar to Meridian’s.  I was frankly horrified and with her help, we renamed the site.  The site address is the same, with her permission.  The other alternatives was a long search again.  Thankfully she did not have me subjected to that!  Thanks again to Meridian for her help!

I am going to be working with the authors, so feel free to look over the site.  I made some changes, and loaded up all my stories.  This is a directory.  Nothing else.  If someone is looking for Crossovers, we are going to be hopefully a place for them to find them.  I also will be featuring stories, and building the site up until I can hopefully do the contest later this year.

Here is the new name:

Front Banner Quintus 2

Again, I apologize to Meridian for naming it previously close to hers, and am very thankful to the kind lady for understanding.

So here is the last published chapter for Tin Man.  I am off to work on other stuff.

Tin Man 8


Signature for TB SVM Writers2


New Story!

New Story!


I’ve hinted about it a few times, and then today happened.  Yes, the LoTR/Twilight crossover, The Sun Holds the Moon is now ready for you to read.

Now please remember, that all these stories are only edited to what I had written in my files until I started the database.  There are a few stories for me to work on when I am done with the database.  Dying has two more chapters for me to work on, then there is Clocks and Best that need to be worked on.

And…  umm…well.  I had a need to write to get over something that happened, and so I did.  Something new. The betas are going gaga over it, and I have no idea where I am going with it.  But I cannot wait for a certain part that the muse came up with last night.  I just have to write until then.

Think of it this way, there are stories being moved from the Coming Soon to Active, so I had to put something down there right? *sheepish look*

Back to this story.

This story came up 2 years ago when my mom had gone into surgery for her breast cancer.  She was bored, not able to do anything afterwards, and before I left for AZ (with her blessing since there was much more going on) so I would go over to my cousin’s house to entertain her while she was recovering from the surgery.

She was asking questions about the stories I was working on, and wanted to know how I came up with ideas.  I told her I had an idea, one that has LoTR and Twilight (Bella) that I dreamed.  She wanted me to tell her, so I started this story.  I spent days sitting in a chair just telling her this story, and she was frankly amazed.  I told her the muse usually starts me with information, and from there I expand it.  She  requested a few things, one that Jensen Ackles be in it, and that I write it up for her. I also added one element on my own after the Hobbit came out.  Blame my parents and their obsession with MI6!

Unfortunately, when I got to Arizona,  All I Want came out, but I did write enough of this to come back to it.  Since then, I seem to work more on editing and not writing, which is why I am changing things up.  But I am finally getting around to publishing this.  Since I really have little chapters for it, I may make it every other week, depending how this week ends up and your response. I think there are 5 chapters for this one so far, but we are looking at EPIC people.

So here is the story I dedicate to my mother, and her brave (and successful!) fight against cancer as my small contribution to combat the boredom afterwards.

The Sun Hold the Moon 2

Description: Things go differently for Bella when Edward leaves, and after college, she leaves to travel through the mountains.  Imagine when she wakens to a whole new world that only had been hinted at in a book that is regarded as fantasy.

 Thanks to Carb0408, she is the one who made the banner on the front page for current chapters, as well as the slider banner for this story.

Many thanks to for her work betaing:Lorelei-beta-1

Here is the first chapter:


Thanks for your support, and I will see you later!


New Review on Non-Canon Awards

New Review on Non-Canon Awards

Today started my run on one of the stories that encouraged In The End.


Mavrosal.  Who made me the first ever banner I ever had for a story.  I love that banner so much!!!

So go check out the review, while I work and see if I can get a chapter of a new story out to you today…..  AS always, click on the banner to be taken to the review.  And if you stop by her site, please leave her a review so she will know who sent you!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2


I am sorry.. wires got crossed.

I will be hosting the Crossovers myself at some other time.  It will depend on my time constraints.  But no worries I will figure it out.  Thanks!

The You Want Blood Awards will only be TB/SVM.

Sorry for Any confusion.
