Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday!

Ice StormI know.. I don’t usually post anything on this day, but I wanted to get this one shot out.

No, it is not the promised Christmas one.  It is the one I promised with Eric and Sookie.

I Still Love You

I wanted to give you some background on this.  I was listening to this song, and this story poured out.  I loved it, but another author who is one of my ladies, loved it even more.  So we decided that I should publish.  But, life got the better of me.  When I finally did it, MistressJessica1028 worked on it, but she commented that it was odd.  Found out later that it was because while I worked on it, she didn’t get that version.

So after all that, and yes she actually edited the same story twice, for this one and the Mummy one, I thought I didn’t have a banner.  So I finished it and today when I got home, I made the banner on the story page.  Seems someone coughFallingStars?!!?cough made me it.

Also, during this, I couldn’t imagine Anna Paquin as Sookie.  This is the story that made Elisha Cuthbert my Sookie.  From here she spread into the other stories as the Sookie I imagine.

Ok other things!!!


Per the ladies on Facebook, when I listened to a song by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, when they heard the song, they thought of Damon and Bella.  So I wrote the one shot for the Christmas Carol Kittyinaz Writing Challenge this month.  I have bits of Kol, Klaus, and some guest appearances.  I wrote it last night, need to work it over, since the muse started one way, and turned and went a 180 from there.  So I need to go through it and fix the changes to make it all work.  But my entry to show you guys what I meant is ready…. Is yours?!?!?!

And no, it is against the rules for me to enter, the only way I can participate is by writing example ones….   So no fear there.  (Not like I would win!!! There are awesome ones out there!!  The story banner is already posted in the Vampire Diaries/Twilight as Carolized.

Kill Bill

The Kill Bill contest, well I need to do the banner.  No other entires were received, so once I can get with Rissa, I will make the banner with the winner badge on it.  Congrats!  I also am not running that one again, since I get the least amount of entries for it.

Just a reminder, the only stories you will get during this time is one shots, or if the betas release a chapter to you ladies.  otherwise, we are all spending the time banking chapters not only for me, but for their own stories.  The Holidays are rough enough without trying to keep schedules.  I, for one, felt a lot of relief for not having to work everyday.

Murphy update!  He has hair!!! Yes his hair is starting to grow in.  He ahs a fuzz all over which is really soft.  Looks like his main coat will be close to Connor’s color, a blondish red.  I call it fawn color.  He has a black muzzle.  I have some pics I will show below.  One was when I edited all the Mummy chapters, and he slept out in the living room.  This past weekend my mom realized we have the Boondock Saints in the house.  The brothers in the movie were Connor and Murphy, with Connor being the older twin.  LOL.  I did NOT name Connor for that.  He is actually named on my side for Andrew Lee Pott’s character on Primeval, and on my hubs side, for a character in Assassin’s Creed.  It fit him perfectly.

Clocks is being edited right now, and we have some reworking to do with the chapters.  I realized that I jumped a lot all over the pace, and asked the beta to see if she agreed.  She did, so we will be reworking those chapters.

We still have the Sun Holds the Moon, (LotR/Twilight), Our Road (Twilight/TVD), Game of Life (Twilight/TVD). Heavenly Light (HP/Twilight) and What If (Twilight) left to Edit.  When I start really writing again, I am looking to edit at night what I wrote in the day to send to the betas.  That way it will be faster to you guys.  But hopefully all the above will hold you guys over until I get there.  If it works, then there will not be edit times and writing times.  I much rather write.

Dying to Start AgainI did, start a new crossover.  It’s a Charmed/Twilight with Cole/Bella.  It came upon a midnight clear-  I mean.. It just came upon me.  No it has nothing to do with Christmas, except it may be a present to you guys if I can watch the episodes with him in it soon.  He was my first crush on TV.  I used to watch Charmed before going to work on TNT in AZ.  Coffee, Breakfast, (that I actually cooked, like breakfast tacos and such!!!) and Cole on TV.  What could be a better start?

So my time will be busy, and you might not have many of these.  but after the new year?  Hopefully we will be back in business!  It might take a week or two, since my birthday is so close to the New Year.  And Russian Christmas.   And.. Well you get the point.

We are still asking for Betas.  We are looking for those who are knowledgeable in the field, to help form our core better.  We have an awesome bunch of ladies, but I seem to dump a lot on them at once.  We are looking for those who are interested.  There are plenty of fandoms, since I seem to be branching out.  While we would love to see how you are before the new year, if you want to do it, but not start on helping until the New Year, that is fine.  You will be mentoring under someone, who is used to my idiosyncrasy. Is that even a word?!?!   Yeah, stuff like that.  I know the word I want, but nobody else seems to… LOL!


Amazon.  You know the spiel.  It really does help.  And it is a no cost way to help me out as a thanks.   So please click on the banner to be taken to Amazon using my link, that will give me credit for What you buy from using my link as a referral.

I think that is everything!  Have a happy Holidays until I get back with you!!!

cinematics signature

Holy Cow!

Holy Cow!


Ok.. Maybe not that type of cow.  But still!!!

First off, here is the chapter for tonight.  And it is still Saturday by my time!!!


After many incarnations and a call to Google, you have a chapter.

And I am working on Clocks, we just will be rearranging some chapters around for it to make more sense.  One good thing that comes from working ahead.  We have a chance to look at it and while scratching our heads, we try to figure out what the heck were we thinking.

So… the bad news.  I am having a hard time finding time myself to work on stuff, and my time will be growing shorter here soon.  I need to start baking.  And when I say start, I mean exactly that.  So far I am making pumpkin rolls, banana bread, snickerdoodles, capt’n Crunch Berries bars, Peanut butter covered pretzels, Butter Cookies, (Which are not what you think, they have coconut and oatmeal in them!), Gingersnaps, Smore’s Candy (Cookies, but they call I candy).  And that is just the start of it.  I look around and see if there is anything else I want to try, because when I am done, that is it.  No more for a couple of months.

I am making it for Marty’s ladies at work, for my family, for my mom’s work and so forth.  I will probably hear from my Kitchen Aid mixer that it quits for good, but hey.  It’s so handy to use!!!

The short of this is that, if I hardly have time, how can I expect my betas to have it?  I don’t.  So here is the deal. If they want to get a chapter done, and build up, they can.  If they want to have it published, I will do that too.  It’s up to them.  If they want to run away and not look back until after the new year, they are welcome to that.

I just cannot ask more from these awesome ladies than I can from myself.  And I refuse to stress out this year.  And knowing me as I do, I will.   I have already started and calmed down when I pointed out to myself it was the 6th of December and I am ahead of the shopping and so on.  It just doesn’t feel like it!

The Good news?  I will be still working on things, so it will build up on the betas, and give more for updates.  Just I won’t be pushing myself so hard, and spending the time with my hubs, who is working stupid insane shifts.  Someone at his work just realized it was the end of the year, and they need more engines out.  Duh!!!

Here are the reminders!


Amazon.  I am using my mom’s sign on, while I shop so I can give myself the credit also.  I also made the link my default one.  I have a favorites bar at the top.  You just have to use the link, then click on the button below to add it to the quick favorite bar. Easy!


Xmas 2

The Kittyinaz Writing Challenge for this month is Christmas Carols.  I am going to be writing one here to show what we mean.  I was listening to Christmas Nights in Blue by Transiberian Orchestra on the way home tonight and got the idea for the song.  Any Christmas song will do folks!  though I think somehow I promised to do another one…. Rissa……  As always, click the banner to go to the page for more details.

Also my ladies wanted me to remind you guys that if you would like to join the ranks of my betas, we are looking for some people who are willing.  You will be working with another beta that is used to working with me, and they are the ones that will give you the ok to be allowed into the ranks.  Once you are one of us, there are benefits galore!  At least that is what they tell me.  Please contact Meridian on Facebook if you are interested.  Yes, you need to be on Facebook, and it would be highly suggested to be part of the group.  We use it to talk to each other since it is often an easy way to see each other.

I think that is it… I hope you enjoy the chapter.  Hubs is home, so I need to make nice with him!  I have a one shot that I need to look over the notes from the beta, then make the banner for it… So you will see me shortly.

Desert-Gif signature





Mountain during a day

So I have a funny little story to tell.

See I went and tried to write a chapter of I Never Did.   And got 626 words into it.  That is it for the entire night.  (Teaser below!!) (It’s rough people.. pretty much my thoughts as I type!)

Song I listened to for this chapter: Marchin On (feat Timbaland) by OneRepublic


He shakes his head slowly, and then moves to be in front of her. He cups her face softly, and then he kisses her as the room just stares at them, shocked.

After he allows her to breath, he looks down to her, “I apologize, if I had known, I would have never left. I gave up the hope of you long ago. Will you forgive me, mein gefahrte?”


The whole room is frozen as they hear what he said and it vibrates through their head. Then Eric slowly chuckles.

His little mate is still out of it in his arms, and he plans to soon have her in their room. But this defientely changes the game. He wonders if she had known…

Brandon is just blinking then starts to laugh. When his family turns to look at him, he shakes his head. “I didn’t know of all of it, and like usual when a part of whatever it is comes true, it comes clear. This is one of the reasons he needed to come back. Aisling needed him.”

Godric is looking down at his little mate, and he asks, “So you are my Dotter’s assistant?”

She is staring at him, and nods.

Frey chuckles, “I don’t think she would ever be that silent!”

Griffon, Gainor and Carter all grin at each other. However, before they could say anything, Eric shakes his head at them.

He has a huge grin on his face, and relaxes even more. Unless something happens to Aisling, his Master will be here for a long time. And nothing could make Eric any happier than he is with his mate here, bonded and pledged with her father, and his, here to be here.

Eric gently lays his little one down in their bed, and he just watches her for a minute. He commits every part of her to his memory, as he does each and every time he has a moment to do so. When everything is as he remembers it previously, he takes a finger and trails it down her face, loving the fact he can do this any time he wishes to.

She is his.


And in turn, he is hers. In every way, but then, she has owned him since she walked into his bar that night. He just refused to acknowledge it. He fought the war against allowing her in; not knowing it was way too late for it.

No. That time is over. Now is the time for their beginnings to happen, their happily ever after. Or it would be if there wasn’t all the mistakes that have happened.

Like him not killing Russell. Mistake number one. And he is sure that there are more, and that not killing Bill Compton will be one of those things to come back and haunt him later on.

Quickly undressing, he moves to Sookie, and looking down at him, he gets a mischievous look on his face. Within moments, there is only pieces of what had been her clothing floating on the air as he gleefully on his handiwork.

A naked Sookie.

A naked Sookie on their bed.

A naked Sookie on their bed waiting for him.


“You think you were going to get away with that?”

He slides in behind his love, kissing her shoulder. “Me?”

A silvery sound of laughter sounds out, as Sookie looks at her other half, “The innocent look doesn’t work so much for a 6’4” Viking vampire. Just letting you know.”

Enjoying the feeling of her enjoyment in him like those bubbles he sees in champagne glasses popping inside his

And that is as far as I got in 6+ hours of trying.

I normally write about 2k words per chapter and about 2 chapters a night.  Needless to say I gave up and went back to editing.  Clocks had been edited up to chapter 4 last night.

Instead I was going to post this one shot Gyllene had fallen in love with since my awesome Beta Mistress Jessica went ahead and did it.  Figured you guys would love it, and we all be happy this week.

Until last night I was trying to find something and went on my laptop to the Google Drive that holds everything.  And found out my laptop was not updating to the Drive.

Remember all that head banging?


Yeah I was doing it again.

I went back and looked, and nothing was updated.  I should have checked when Jessica had mentioned about the verb tense, but while I thought I fixed it, it is one of those things I get wrong.  So I thought I missed some.

No wonder she said something.

So I had to go to her and apologize late last night. I was embarrassed as hell, and mad that I walked away after I fixed it all.  And you guys don’t get the chapter, since I did clarify a lot of things in the chapter when I went back to Edit of things that just didn’t sound quite right.

My fault!!!

Everything is fixed, and I will be carrying a little thumb drive back and forth until I can get the laptop updating like it should be.  I bet you are wondering why am I still using the laptop?  I got ALL of the Mummy done in one night.  I got a lot of Clocks done in one night.  Frankly I get a lot of work done out there in the other room, and spend more time with family.  A great win in my books.

My laptop is great, but it is old. I bought it back in 2007.  It can keep up with things, except where memory comes into the equation.  It has, I think, 4 gig memory harddrive.  Yeah.  My desktop has a TB and so does my Google Drive.  And while one has pictures and stories on it, the other has the programs to run all of the above as well as the precious iTunes.  And they are about even.  I am Kittyinaz and I am a memory hog.  I seriously have to edit what goes on EVERYTHING I own.  All in the interest of memory.

So I do what I can, and am still fiddling around trying to find what works to get out the stories to you guys, and to keep me happily writing.  I am working on editing only because it works right now.  I will need to go back read everything over, make my notes, go through Rissa’s timeline and then start drawing on my white board what is going to happen to start writing a story I have currently going on or I am writing the sequel to.  And I have 20+ stories to do that with.  Things are happening, you are getting chapters, but I am doing what I can.  I like to write, it’s the editing process I hate.

Basically, we are working on updates to all the other sites, in fact, right this minute we are taking down the Tea Shoppe stories.  I know they are down from here and FictionPad.  This is also the last week All I Want and Wisdom, Justice and Love are being updated on FanFiction.  I was not joking when I said we were going to start pulling away from the site.

Because, ficlet78 announced another story of hers was plagiarized.  And as she said, it’s getting stupid.  Funny how it seems to be FanFiction that holds most of the plagiarists.  I enjoy the majority of the fans, and it is NOT their fault.  But there comes a time that you need to realize enough is enough.  And I have long since given up on the site.

Anything new will follow my fellow writer’s Dr Harley’s example.  First chapters will be published.  I publish on other sites, A03 (Archive of Our Own), FictionPad, and TWCS (The Writer’s Coffee Shop).  I hear rumors of another site by some of my ladies, and I will support that one with everything I can.  But I cannot spend my time chasing thieves instead of writing.  I can’t even reply to comments since it takes days for one story.  Much less all the ones I have going on!   I try to answer the questions, and grin with glee when I get the others.  It has given me days of being taken from being in the dumps, to grinning like the Cheshire Cat.


So I am going to go back to making sure everything is ready, make some Homemade mac and cheese for dinner. (The recipe and step by step pictures are on the food blog!) Then edit my heart out for the rest of Clocks so I can move on to another story.  I think I will be overworking my poor betas!

Enjoy the night, and when I can publish again, I will be!


December’s Writing Challenge

December’s Writing Challenge

Xmas 2

I wanted to get this out as fast as possible.  Since I am not going to the end of the month, so that we hopefully will have some stories to read at the end.

I talked it over, and while people had great ideas, I kinda rolled them all into one heading.  They wanted stories to show people getting together, others wanted to show the worlds coming together in peace and so forth.

Music is a huge motivator in my stories.  Since the songs of the season often encompass all the ideas above, I used that as the idea to give you guys a wide range of stories ideas.  Hopefully.

The prompt is to use a Christmas Carol to inspire a Story.  Easy right?!?!  I hope so!! If you are part of the Kittyinaz Facebook Group, we have been loading a thread of Christmas Videos that we like.  There are a lot there, and we are welcoming more!


  • Must use prompt(s). You need to have a Christmas Carol (Or Hanukah, Yule or so forth.) song to inspire the story.
  • Use characters in my stories.  (It can be one from a story upcoming also.  Just ask if you don’t know, you can ask Rissa if you don’t want me to know!)
  • No letting anyone knowing which story is yours.
  • If you submit, you can grab the Banner for Participating for the month.  You will also receive a banner for the story you submit.
  • If explicit, you need to warn people in the title.
  • All entries must be received by kittyinazwritingchallenges@gmail.com by Midnight CST at the end of the last day of the month. the 20th.  This way we can have them to read for the holidays.

To enter, you can send it to the Kittyinazsbetas@gmail.com or to the Writing Contest email, KittyinazWritingChallenges@gmail.com.  These are both permanent email addresses that Rissa checks for entries and really anything.  Please include the name you want on the banners when the contest is over for Rissa to send to me.  She sends the stories to me, and erases any way of me knowing who wrote what.  They are due by the 20th midnight CST, and give me a few days to do the banners.  If you wish to send them in early, please do, I will be able to do the banners ahead of time, and get them ready for publishing early.  The sooner you send it in, the sooner we can start the contest.

Thanks for such a wonderful year, and I hope this has helped people with writing!

Since my betas will have the time off, please remember that there will be just me.  So if you can get them in early, the better off everyone will be.

Please remember the golden rule.  Have fun!!   I will admit I am playing with the idea of doing my own one shot to publish for it when I close the contest for you guys to read.  Not decided on it a 100%!

 kittyinazowl31 Signature

Happy Cyber Monday!!!

Happy Cyber Monday!!!


LMAO….  ok how many of you went crazy this past weekend?  I didn’t get to, but this coming weekend I will be out of commission as I shop my heart out for Christmas.

So… You know what day it is right?!?!?!  Yep.  Monday.  And instead of offering you a special deal of 99% off, I will give you instead a free gift!  A Chapter of AIW!

Chapter 12 AIW 5

Click on the banner to get there, the links will be active once the WordPress Whisperer whispers cunningly to the internet and makes them magically appear.

Yeah, I am in a good mood.  LOL.  I be you guys couldn’t tell could you???  Why?

Because for one thing, it is Christmas.  My favorite time of the year.  The good vibes off everyone is enough to make anyone smile.  To have Christmas songs playing (Joy to the World by Faith Hill right now!!)  I was happier until I sat up and realized that I have downsized a pillow from the attentions of Murphy and Connor.  Ah well.  It’s just money.


Ok so this past week when we were supposed to be all doing the holiday thing, some things went down.  To answer the questions I am still getting, here is a break down:

  • Yes, I am phasing out FanFiction.net.  This week will be the last chapter for All I Want on that site.  I will be publishing the beginning of stories, and that is all.  If it comes to the need to delete stuff, then the story is no longer being published there. I will continue publishing here everything.  TWCS is another site that hosts my stories as well as A03 and FictionPad.  But they are all published here first.
  • Yes, I am pulling all the Tea Shoppes and stories that have to do with it.  This will happen on Wednesday.  After a long discussion, my betas convinced me it really is good enough to publish.  I didn’t think so.  It has not ended, so it will be sold as a book instead.
  • I am still writing FanFiction.  In fact, last night I finished editing the Mummy.  And was very upset with myself for leading into the sequel.  If I can wrangle the time before I need to do anything, I will start on IND.  I find I can edit on my laptop better since I am not talking to everyone.  I don’t like to edit.  So I am easily distracted.  oops.
  • I also edited a one shot Gyllene loves, so it is off to the betas.
  • After IND, Clocks is being edited.  I plan to have EVERY story I have updates for to be sent off to the Betas soon.  So expect more and more to show up for you guys.
  • Best was opened, but was found to be too tiring for me at 2am to work on.  I expect you will be finding that one sent off soon also.
  • We started a new Facebook group for those who are switching over to WordPress, or who are users of it who wish to find new tricks, talk over issues they are having or so forth.  It is a open group, and as people join and ask, we will discuss some items.  I did some tutorial screen shots to show how to add media, how to use shortlinks and how to embed links in posts and pages through the use of either pictures or words. It is called WordPress Help for FanFiction

That is the questions I received this week.  Here are your answers.  Nothing else is being removed at this point.  I am planning on finishing all the stories.  The reason Tea Shoppe was pulled cause it was an original story being set to the fanfiction worlds.

We held our monthly Banner Contest over in the Kittyinaz Facebook Group.  Members who wish to participate often submit their entries when I open the contest up.  This month was harder due to the holiday.  The first place is the banner of the month on the group page, and 2nd place is the banner for the Kittyinaz Facebook Page.  Please see the Banners below to be taken to the pages.  Congrats to our winner!  (PS, no the banner does not snow on the Facebook Page.  But I use these as opportunities to try new things!)

Bexie - The Best is Yet To Come

Bexie – The Best is Yet To Come

Kittyinaz - You're All I Am Asking For

Kittyinaz – You’re All I Am Asking For

For past entries, please go here to see them.

Kill Bill Contest:

Kill Bill

I received one entry.  If you had forgotten, you have until midnight to get in your entry, otherwise the one entry wins.  Because of the response… This is the last Kill Bill.  I will work to find the theme for this month’s contest.  I am thinking Christmas….


Amazon.. It is shopping season, and please if you use Amazon, use the link above in the banner to buy from them.  It helps me out and does nothing but may help you.  For those that rather copy and paste, here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=kittyinaz-20 Thanks!!


Good news on that front.  He got his shots on Saturday with the normal Vet we use.  They are trying to find some flea medicine to use with him since the medication on his mange is really strong.  His fur is coming in, and you have above adorable pics last night as he slept while I edited.  And yes, that is his tongue sticking out.  He is getting the idea of house training, he is actually going to people before he goes inside.  The problem is we have no idea if it is for affection or to go out.  But he is telling us!

For now, I will let you soak in these things as I introduce the Person of the Week!

Person of the Week_edited-1

This week is Naima Demars.

This woman is amazing.  She has never failed to help out in anything we have asked, or to take up causes she finds.  If you are on Facebook, you know this woman as the person who shares updates on FanFiction Lovers as well as SVM/TB FanFiction.  She was the one who spread the word on the You Got Blood Awards, and who also helped spread the word on the Plagarists.  I even saw her comments on the person’s stories that she told them which stories they stole it from!!!!

She is so very loyal to those she sees as friends.  Even though English is not her first language, she works with us English speakers.  I am constantly amazed.

So please, leave her a kind word on her wall in Facebook.  She more than deserves the credit for working to see the SVM/TB Fandom not dying as many have seem to have done.  We well appreciate her efforts and continue writing, knowing she will be there cheering us on!

Have fun this week, and I will see if I can get a IND chapter done now.

Eric-Gif Signature

Kill Bill

Kill Bill

Kill Bill

The Kill Bill Contest is ending tonight!!!

Please have your entries in no later than midnight CST.  After they are in, it will take some time for me to make the Banners for each.

Please click on the Banner above for more information.  And if you have submitted, please grab it for your participation banner for this month!

 kittyinazowl31 Signature

Removal of a Story

Due to the rise in plagiarism combined with the fear of censorship (it’s REALLY racy), my beta team and I have discussed pulling this story and holding it to publish as an original fiction.

After much arguing, they finally got it through my thick skull that it is good enough to be an original work.

So, you guys have until next updating (Dec 3) to read this. Then it will be taken down in all incarnations of it.

Sorry to all of you who wanted this to end here, but the work going into it is going to be huge. And with people stealing work and so forth, I just don’t trust people. Right now, there is no ending written in stone yet, but when you buy the book you can find out how it goes down…


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you wonderful people!

I just got back from the Kittyinaz Family Meal. We had two types of fried turkey, a baked one (For the stuffing) and a ham.  then we had tons of sides, the best being my sister in law’s sweet potato casserole.  I think nothing was left over but that tiny bite that no one wants to take.

Then we had 5 pumpkin pies, my Pumpkin cheesecake (Made for Grandma!) 2 pecan pies and some chocolate one.

Mr Kittyinaz has to work tomorrow so we came home.  Murphy is all happy we are home, since he is not trusted, and Connor is just happy someone is home.  As I am typing this up, they are fighting under the desk for the spot.  Fun!

What have I been up to?

Wordpress Help

We made a new Facebook group for anyone that has questions, especially geared towards FanFiction writers moving to WordPress.  I have answered the same questions for people, and figured making a group to help newcomers out will benefit all of us.  The WordPess Whisperer is also one of the ladies as well as Queen of Area Five, hisviks and some of the ladies who work with me all are part of the group to help answer questions. We hope you take advantage of the opportunity.  Click the banner above to be taken to the group, it is called WordPress Help for FanFiction.  It is an open group.

I also been dragging Christmas stuff out, since normally I try to do it and shopping tomorrow.  Not happening this year with Mr. Kittyinaz working.  the check coming will be nice, but the time he must work for it sucks.  this is why I am pushing to get stuff out to the betas so I can sit back and write.


Just a reminder for the Black Friday, Amazon has a bunch of specials, and please use the banner to be taken to the site for shopping.  As long as you use it to go to the site, you can sign in as yourself and I still get the credit if you use the log on button.  Please help out, it will cost you nothing at all as you use Amazon, but can give me some extra dollars.

I am going to finish tomorrow decorating/cleaning.  I think the last thing will be the tree, and I gotta wait for Mr. Kittyinaz to come home and drag the tree in for me.  I will then be sitting down here at the computer. I hoped to write for this week, but it looks like I need to head back into editing.  I am going to be finishing up the Mummy Crossover, then head back into IND to write up some chapters for you guys, then finish up with the chapters for stories that I have started, or have chapters for.  What If is top of that list.

So enjoy your holidays, be safe out there, and I will see you guys hopefully next week with updates!

Large Blog Image

New Facebook Group!

New Facebook Group!

Wordpress Help

For all of those of you who are moving to WordPress and would like some help, well I decided to make a group for it.  Well actually Rissa did the group for me so I wouldn’t get banned.

It is public, easy to find.  And the banner above is, as always, a link to it.

If you would like to join to either receive help, or to help others, please do.  Paying it forward guys.  And it will help us gain a community to help new people to the world of WordPress, and help them to find it is not so scary out here.

We are not building the sites for you, we are only helping out.  Explaining how Pages work vs Posts and so on.  How to add Facebook pages to your site to get automatic updates when you post, as well as Tumblr and twitter.  How to make links and how to use buttons and so forth.  What a Shortlink is and how to use it as well as find it.  How to make your posts more interesting and easier to read.

A place to talk if you are experiencing an issue.

I have had many new ladies in my group going out and trying to use their WordPress, and I figured this would be a great place to gather them all up to get help.  And for those of us that wish to help, be able to share our learning experiences with each other.  Who knows?  Maybe some of us know tricks that others don’t!

It is a wide open group, so mosey on over and feel free to join!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving if I don’t talk to you before then!  (Yeah right!!! I’ll be back!!!)


You Guys Freaking Rock!!!


Her stories are down.  All of them.  Harley, who was the secret ok’r for me to start publishing, is thrilled.  So am I!!!

First all, I am so really thankful to all of you for what you did.  You stood alongside me, and I heard so few (Like under 5) naysayers but had hundreds of people pour in their support.  This is amazing.  I really hate to go through and post another post today on all my FanFiction, but I am unsure what to do.  I have so many people who follow me!!!  I think I will reload the page for my readers to know it was resolved…

Harley’s thank you can be found here:

Dr Harleen

Now for the bad news.

I will be moving myself off of FanFiction.  It should have never come down to this.  This should have been solved the first time we brought it up months ago, and we move on with our lives.  Instead, Harley lost all those reviews, and for what?  A petty disagreement on the behalf of the Plagiarist?  A cheap shot?

This worries me.  Seriously.  Think of what this can mean.  IF someone doesn’t like you, they can report you and get everything deleted.

I have my stories elsewhere, and I will admit, I am a packrat and keep every single review in my inbox on my email.   All sorted into folders for each story split into their bigger parts.  C’mon.  This is me!!!!  Not organize it?!!?!?  Yeah right!

But for others… this is not an option.  I did it because I had a wise mentor who told me to do it, to be able to just open a folder and see all the people who have reviewed.  My first story? 259.  184 of those come from FanFiction.  821 is the highest reviews from FanFiction.. but per my count, 1,320.  Wow.. There is a reason I am going to do Edge first.  Dang do you guys rock!!!  You’re will be next since it is 42 off from a thousand.

But still.  This is not an option for many.  So FanFiction rips that little thrill from Harley and others it has deleted.  And it leaves many of her readers confused for awhile on if she is posting or stopped.  Not right.

So… I will be moving to posting only on sites that don’t require my beta Meridian to spend extra time to rip out the items that would violate TOS.  It is hard enough to post on other sites.  I will miss the traffic I get from FanFiction, but can you guys really blame me?  No matter how careful I am, all it will take is someone being petty to have it all ripped away anyways.

I do post on TWCS (Thanks! You know who!!!) A03, and here.  FictionPad is another place I am posting.  I am looking into BetterinTexas, but since I got this site, I am not seeing me moving over there also.

We will do this in a way that there is no doubt to the readers of the stories that they are moved.  Everything will be finished.  For the lady who asked about Tea Shoppe, it is being reworked since when I went back to it, I can’t write in past tense anymore.  It messed it all up and I spent more time trying to figure out the right word than paying attention to the story.   It is still a favorite.  I am clearing the slate of the smaller stories so I can concentrate on the epic ones better.

For now, celebrate the win as we all are.  (I’m opening up my Appletini!)  Read the new Mummy Chapter.  I am making the banner for Cross the line, but the chapter is ready to go.  Give me some time before you click the Cross the Line banner below.


Chapter 3 Light2

Cross The Line:

Cross The Line 3

Remember, this is the last story post until Monday, December 1st for stories. My ladies are taking a time out for their families.

Also, I had one lady kindly ask me for an update on Murphy. So here it is:


He is off the Allergy pills as of today.  He an Connor played all day, woke me up as they ran masquerading as a herd of elephants up and down my hallway.  He is starting to grow his hair, and his head is no longer stiff and coarse.  There is no bones showing on him now, beyond healthy.  This little dog is a fighter, a survivor.  He is adorable.  Now if he will only learn to be potty trained….

See you guys later (Since you know I will wish you Happy Thanksgiving!!!)

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