A Post? What is this?

Warning signs 1

Yeah I suck.

Ok here is what is going on.  We are moving.  Due to some information found out, I rather not take a chance, and will be moving to a self hosting site that is STILL WordPress. Ms 4Padfoot has informed me that we can transfer my followers and so on over to my new site, so there will be that.

Because of this happening, this site will be temporarily unavailable.  Before we do the actual move, we will let you guys know.  It will still be Kittyinaz.(something), just will be a difference in the layout and so forth for you guys, for us, well it will highly different.

Another thing is we are moving the Anthem of the Angels to it’s own site.  Since it does not have anything to really do with the reason I may need to move, there is nothing wrong with it being on normal WordPress.  However, as we move the site around, we of course are going through issues.  We are working through them, and I do have the next chapter of Cross the Line ready to go.  It’s just missing some very important lines.  Once we get this fixed.. one way or the other, it will be posted.

Now some happy news:

  • IND – What I have written is all edited and sent off to the beta.  There is only three chapters, but I am hoping that I can finish up everything I have planned in the next three weeks to get the next chapters written for you guys.
  • AIW – I am in the middle of Chapter 23 of edits, and since this is a 25 chapter story, this should tell you how close I am in getting this done.  All chapters up to this have been sent to the Beta.  I also (before my Photoshop messed me up) managed to get the chapter banners for the chapters up to 11 done.  I also am asking some pretty big favors, but you will understand when you read the chapters.  It is awesome.
  • I have Wisdom, the prequel for Points of Authority next to do after this, and will continue the list as follows: Mummy, What if, A one shot I am calling Austin, then editing what I have of Clocks, Game of life and others the ladies in my group have asked for, as well as the first couple chapters of Heavenly.
  • When Done, I hope to churn out some IND, then move off to work on my original fiction.
  • I have changed how I am doing things.. again.  I edit, which is normally adding a couple thousand words, but this process is taking too long.  So I am pushing my envelope some more, and am only adding back the missing words, and any clarifying sentences needed.  What does this mean for you guys?  Chapters being written, looked over and then sent to the betas, AS I WRITE THEM.  This will change things, since I normally agonize over each and every word, before I send it over to the betas. However, I find myself reading my stories instead of editing, so I figure if they grab my attention that much, I am doing something right.

So you will be getting a slew of updates, one week apart as usual.  The way we set up the stories is that betas normally have a story or two that they are in charge of.  The difference will be my original stories since I am going to be having the betas all look over it before I send it out to try to get it published.  However, we have some crossovers happening.  I am venturing out further and further from the norms, and exploring new crossovers. Because of this, I am needing betas who know Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter world and so on.  Shoot I lucked out with Bertie Bott.  She does Supernatural and Harry Potter so she works for Cross The Line.  If you will like to become a beta, you need to join my group, and contact Meridian. I do all my conversations on Beta stuff online in Facebook.  So you need to be there for me to work with you.  There is a mentoring process and like I said, the way I do things is changing so my betas are about to be given a bunch of new work.  And as I move forward in finishing stories, I seem to add a couple new ones as I finish the favorites.  Typical of me.

Also, the Amazon link, will be very important since we are moving to a self hosted site.  I am going to be incurring a large price to myself to do this, and once again, my hubby is forking over the cash.  The money I get from Amazon is not a lot, 4-6% of the item you buy, but it adds up.  it costs nothing to you guys, and it can mean a lot to us.  So please.  While you shop on Amazon, please go to the site through the link that will give me credit.  Even you looking at stuff can help me out when someone else purchases it, since it registers all that.

So look forward to the changes, and once we get everything ready, we will let you guys know.  It will take a few days, so please be patient as we, on our end scream at the computers, and pull our hair out.  I personally threaten screwdrivers, but I am not sure what to threaten the internet with.


Spotlighting Fanfiction: Saints & Sinners

Spotlighting Fanfiction: Saints & Sinners

As any time this is brought up, I highly recommend Angela’s stories. One of the stories honoring her is by our very own MistressJessica1028 in the Angel’s in the Fire Kittyinaz Writing Challenge. The link to Angela’s site is in my Blogs I love. EricIzMine… We miss you still!

Slow Cooker Beef Tips

Hey ladies, the holiday season is coming up quickly. Don’t forget the blog is there, and it is REALLY handy for sharing out recipes. Or if you are traveling, you can send in the recipe, and access it anywhere in the world!
Megan did a recipe, so you can see what happened. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. And follow our Kittyinaz’s Group Food Blog page. They have been sharing recipes big time on there!


don’t forget about this contest!! Yes I am working with 4padfoot for the post. We have a slight issue, but it will be up soon!


Just to let those of you know who may have not received this already. Show your support, she is fighting the fight for others not to steal our stuff.

No, your eyes DON’T deceive you!

go off to read!!! its a great chapter… I will have an update for you guys soon. I am working on stuff, but I can tell you to make up for no IND chapter this week, I finished the chapters that have been written, and sent them off for being updated for next week. And I finished a chapter of AIW. I’ve been busy!

One Lovely Blog Award

Thanks to the lovely Gyllene and VictoryInTrouble for nominating me.

Here are the rules for this award:

  1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2. You must list the rules.
  3. You must add 7 facts about yourself.
  4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.

The Lovely Blog Award

Seven things about me:

  1. I have a fear of falling, but not of heights.
  2. I came onto FanFiction because of Twilight, and I had broken my leg, I was stuck at home, and reading books was not economical.
  3. I get irritated and go through the house and organize everything.  Closets, books, dvd’s blu rays, anything that can be, will be done.  I also clean, detail clean.  Normally when nice days hit for the Spring and fall.
  4. I like my teas hot to warm, but if they get cold I throw them out.  They never taste the same.
  5. I will go days just getting stuff done, and then it seems in one night, everything will make sense in a manner that doesn’t and I will get days worth of things done in one day.
  6. I don’t feel safe without a dog in the house.  I also feel something is missing if I don’t have a cat too.  It bugs me until I have both, and then life goes on fine.
  7. I hate things being undone.  I put a lot of pressure on myself to finish things, so having them hang over my head is more pressure than anyone else can imagine.
  8. Bonus!  Marty often listens to my story ideas and tears them apart with me.  He says he does it now to help me out, and often does.

Who I nominate:

  1. Meridian
  2. Bertie Bott
  3. 4Padfoot
  4. Kelpie
  5. MagsMacdonald
  6. MissRissa81
  7. MistressJessica1028
  8. Mommy4Thomas
  9. RealJena
  10. Sitalia25
  11. CaliforniaKat
  12. Harley
  13. InLoveWithEric
  14. Mavrosal
  15. MyUniverse424

Thanks!  And I am NOT leaving comments on each site.  Most, if not all, will get this email.

kittyinazowl31 signature

First Multi-chapter Story of Anthem of Angels!

Cross The Line 3 AOA

YES!!! I am happy to announce the first chapter of my multi-chapter story Cross the Line is up and ready for you to read!!!!  Click on the banner to go to the front page of the Universe.

Description: One day Gabriel is pulled to do what he thinks is mischief in London.  Instead he finds a mystery, one that he keeps coming back for.  He finds a new life, a new goal for him to protect.  Now he ready to do anything to protect what is his.  From anything.

This is an experiment, as well.  I am writing these chapters and tossing them to my Beta for this, Bertie Botts.  So at first they will be short, but I will be writing them with this in mind more and more often.  These will follow my normal postings.  Once a week.  If this continues, it will be your Friday Post.

Facebook Group

I have also made a group in Facebook, and will be thinking of making a page for it, if interest grows in the universe.  I am seeing some of the conversations among the beta’s that are going to be writing for it.  And to say I am anxious to seeing them written out is the least I can tell you.  If things keeps going this way, the universe will be so much fun!!!  This is an adult group, so please keep in mind that!  It will also have a lot of stuff for the authors and such, as well notes that things need to be linked and so forth.  For general conversations, please keep going to the Kittyinaz Group.

And yes, it is work, so from now on, Friday and Saturday will be dedicated to it.  Right now, we are a few that can make the Character Banners and so on.  If this takes off, I will be moving it to another site which will help out a lot in that regard. It will be open to any authors who wish to work on the site for the stories as actual permission to be in the site.  I have too much in this site that I can’t allow any who are not betas allowed to be in it.

Also, Charissa (aka Rissa) is in charge of the Universe.  She is the one you go to with the questions, and she is in charge of the group also.  I may have started this, and am actively engaged in it, but I cannot keep track of everything and write also.  Not possible. So I passed the control over to her, and she is doing a FANTASTIC job!

So settle in, enjoy this first chapter, and I will be working on some of the background things, and hoping I can write a chapter or two in this universe before the weekend closes on me.  I will say this, Bertie Bott has the next chapter ready to go also!

Remember you need to enter into the universe through the main page, which clicking the banner to enter will say you agree to the rules.  After that, go to Stories, and you will see the banners for the stories that are either published or will be….




What?!?!?!  I updated on time?!?!?!?!?!  HOLY SHIT!   This update is brought to you by Meridian.  Who worked her ass off to get this ready for you guys when I gave it to her late, after my jam packed weekend!

And.. This is an update on sooo many things!!!  So we will get to the actual update you are waiting for:

Chapter 14

Yes!  And this is a fully M rated chapter!!!  Hold on.. Warning signs needed:


Lemon Warning

Lemon Warning

And for those that know me: Alexander Skarsgard showering

There should be plenty of signs what this chapter is all about right?!?!?!  I spelled it out and demonstrated with a picture for the old school ladies on my site.  Once of these days I will do the infamous him getting out of the shower gif in a story.

Ok. Fun part is done.  (Not really but I wonder how many people will read the rest of this?!?!?)  We have a lot to discuss.

I will be going back to the Sunday posts since these take soo long otherwise!  I even wrote a list for me to type up all the things! (And yes the pictures are the discussion topics)

Angel universe Banner 3

In the Facebook group, I asked a question, and the ladies agreed to it.  So Cross the Line is being beta’d and then will be published, without an edit!  These will come faster to you, because of this.  I have a couple of ladies getting geared up for writing in the Universe, so I am getting excited.  I can’t wait to see what happens, and one of the ways to keep it up for you guys to remember, is for me to post in it.  When the other ladies are ready for their stories, well if they are a beta on this site, they can post the updates themselves, or I will be posting for the other ladies if they tell me about it.  If no one tells, then I have no idea.  It’s how the cookie crumbles.  But I am looking forward to some of the ideas that are being tossed about!

bertiebotts3 copy

I am thrilled about this one!! Bertie got the idea after Cuinawen posted in the group a bunch of two sentence horror stories.  I love when my group comes up with these things!! And from there, they find inspiration to do contests, or to even write stories!

Since this is going to be Bertie’s contest, I delayed my writing challenge.  So have fun, and enjoy the contest!!!!

Kill Bill contest!

Since I haven’t built a banner for this one yet, I wanted to let you guys know, that the Kill Bill contest has been extended until November 30.  The page is up and if you click on the Kill Bill announcement up above, the link will take you there.  Why am I delaying it?  Bertie is doing a great Halloween contest as I mentioned up above.  Plus SOOO many of the ladies do the Novel in November.  I wanted to let you guys know ahead of time.  You can click on the link, and it will give you the rules, and the email to send it there.  The rules are VERY lax this time.  And if you don’t read True Blood or SVM, NO WORRIES!! there is a way for you guys to be able to play in the contest this time!!!!


Yep, I am going to remind you guys until the holidays are done.  It costs you nothing, but to click and save the link!  Nothing.  And deals can be found by using it!  What is there to lose?  I am also making it easier since my hubs said that to be on the main page of my site and being able to click on a banner to get there is easier, so I will be making sure it is easy to get there.  Just remember, there is a page that 4padfoot keeps updated with specials.  the link is on the page also.  If you need help with knowing how to set the bookmark, leave a comment, and one of us will get back to you on it.  It helps offset costs for me writing.

Last but far from least!


Our very own Bertie Bott is being crafty in every way!! She is making these purses!  Right now, she is working on some new ones, and there is rumors of more coming.  They are freaking awesome!  Click to find out more, and favorite it for when you are thinking of Christmas presents!!! Let her know you came from here!

 ::Takes a deep breathe:: ok I am off to spend some time with Connor and Marty (since Connor is literally trying to push me into the room with them…dang schedule puppy!).  I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Eric-Gif signature