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Wow, I got another one done!


Yes, I managed to do another post on Sunday.

So far today, I have managed to get to the gym.  I have been trying to catch up sleep after taking Mr. Kittyinaz to the airport on Saturday.  I ended up not sleeping the night before and Connor is upset.  Daddy took the big boxes, filled them up with stuff and left.   Poor Puppy.

Me on the other hand is still scattered brained.  I really just can’t seem to get my act together to concentrate.  I’ll try tomorrow, or I’ll do my normal and just veg with no one around to point fingers.  Either way, I will try to get the next chapter of IND written (yes it is a ways ahead of where you guys are). That way I can edit them and get them to Meridian.  I can’t promise anything.  I am not sure how I will be, since I will be dealing with a lot of crap that normally my hubs does.

Changes!   So I got Photoshop, you can subscribe and get the full version for the price of $10 a month for a year.  Since the program is $3k, its a steal, and you can upgrade for free to new versions.  It’s different, but man once you catch on, its easy.  The other side of the coin, is that I am making banners like crazy.  Falling Stars showed me how to make animated ones, and I have been going to town with them.   I have a new page on the site with the adoptable Banners.  I warn you.  You have to be fast to get them.  So far, the one I used up above is the only one not adopted. We are going to add the page to the top, but it is in the side menu for now.

There is also a link to the teasers in the group.  You have to be a member of the Kittyinaz Facebook Group, but once a member, you can see the threads that I have been teasing on.

Just a reminder, I try really hard to do these fics, but I do have a real life, and that ALWAYS comes first.  I insist on it with my betas.  I know you guys want updates, but I have to first write them, then Edit them.  There are fans for all my stories, and they are just as important as you.  All you do when pushing for updates is upset me, and make me take a step back from everything.  It does nothing to harass me.  And yes, when you follow all my platforms I am on, and ask for the same thing on each and everyone of them, it is harassment.  And I am done.  I answered you, and I feel hunted right now.

I have also been lost in the world of Harry Potter fics.  I started to read them to get in the world more, so I can write mine.  It’s making it where I am not reading my updates as fast for the stories I love.  Oops.  One Red Shoe is the author I am reading through right now.

As you all know, this is the last week of True Blood.  I am NOT holding out any hope.  I am just pleased we saw more of Eric than I thought we would.  But that is fine.  I will gladly pay to see him running around shirtless in the jungle.  I think he mentioned he became shirtless pretty quickly in the shooting.  That is all fine for me!

For me… It is in the countdown phase of my trip to meet Bertie Bott, and Hopefully LadyKT.  Sad this will be Ian’s last season of The Vampire Diaries, but thrilled I get to meet him.

Ok on to the normal.

Person of the Week_edited-1 Sunday Posts

Person of the week:  WhiteWolfLegend!

This is the lady that I wrote Points of Authority, then now am writing Wisdom, Justice and Love based on that story.  She has inspired me often with her stories, then with her talents at banners.

She is also the one who decided to do the Non-Canon Awards.  By herself.  Holy crap!   It took a team of us to do the You Want Blood Awards.  To find out that she started them.. wow.   She has been amazing supporter and has helped many of us.

Thank you Ellie.  We appreciate you!!!

Videos_edited-2 Sunday Posts

I went looking for some new ones.  And You tube was nice to suggest some.  We also have more videos made for the ladies of my group.  And as always, I support anything that helps them out!

First is a HP video.  I watched it and was impressed!

 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpYyCiu_RQw?rel=0]

The Marauders (HP) – All Fall Down by RockSashka13

Then You Tube suggested I rewatch the following video.  I remember why I liked it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YHDbhWfRjA?rel=0]

Once Upon a Time – I knew You Were Trouble (Neal/Emma/Hook) by ChloeJadeOrginal17

And long ago in a far away place. I found this video.  And then lost it.  I had tried to make it appear many times again, and until today when I was looking for new stuff, I found it again.  Isn’t that normal…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc_wOktGbSw?rel=0]

Syfy Alice –  Hatter/Alice Follow me Down by 3OH!3 *request* by Would you like a cup of tea?

Now for the people who made videos for my ladies:

The first one is by Falling Stars for her story Another Place, Another time

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQCq-dCqufE?rel=0]

I have been reading this story, and I highly recommend it!!  I want to see what she does with it.

this is a trailer Bertie Bott received for Thirsty for Your Love

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1BLjnP_yig?rel=0]

Thirsty For Your Love Teaser by mssurfgirl1

And to end it, we will have the full Thirsty video made by our very own 4Padfoot

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsFhH-kwa78?rel=0]

I hope you enjoyed todays videos.  I know I did not include an Eric one.. but I wanted to see how badly they leave us.

See you soon.

I-hope Gif Hatter

lunapic_130866719676712_2 signature

I absolutely love this story. The funny thing is that Robin asked us about the banner, and I still didn’t put it together until I followed my curiosity and came to find this site. Go off to read.. and be prepared to be amazed!

Sunday Post!!

seriously-on-fire-wall-signPlease don’t.  I did the Sunday post!!! Yeah, I know missed the last couple of weeks, but life has been hectic here.

Mr. Kittyinaz didn’t get his visa in time for his trip yesterday so it has been pushed back until next Saturday.  And.. I will miss him.  Normally when we are separated, I am in Tucson, surrounded by his family, and often having a good time and have things to make me not worry.

But he is going off to China, and I worry.  I am going to be here, and I worry.  I admit it!  But other than that, I will be fine.  I just am spending all of the time we have together, together.  Just sitting in the room reading while he does whatever.  Though I hate Knight Rider, but I shouldn’t have complained cause now I get Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  The old cartoon.  It’s annoying.  Just to let you know.

So I will only be online when he is gone or sleeping this coming week.  Sorry.  I just can’t concentrate long enough to edit anything.  But I will write as much of the Game of Life as I can.  And the Facebook Group is getting all sorts of teasers….

Ok.. I thought you guys might want to see the infamous board.  This is the board that I put what I am working on, and what I plan to work on, and so on.  Its messy.  I jot down names of stories as I work, so it doesn’t always look nice, and to tell you the truth, I have no motivation of cleaning it up, since all I want to do is erase names off it.  So here it is.  this may give you an idea of how hectic my life is in writing.


Other than that, I spent the vacation parsing Vampire Diaries seasons to have Damon footage, then I actually made an Alice one for myself.  Using the song from Chapter 1 of Alice and Hatter.  It was not easy, and now I wish I did the discs I did of Vampire diaries different.  Ah well.  Live and let learn.  (BTW as a side note of how bad I am, I had to go research that phase since it occurred to me how weird it looked…)

Ok.. For the fun stuff!

Person of the Week_edited-1 Sunday Posts

Yes. It is the person of the week!  This week I am honoring Falling Stars!!!

This woman is awesome.  I first new of her when she made me a Banner for Ellie Wolf.  I did a one shot called Points of Authority, and she made the banner for it.  It was awesome!  Then she became part of my group, then I didn’t hear much from her, until they came to ask me to do the interviews and reviews for the Non Canon Awards.

Kittyinaz Signature Non Canon Awards

I agreed, and she made me an awesome signature (see above). then I started to talk to her more and more.  Amazing lady!  She helped me when I was doing the banners for the Writing contest, and when she saw the Angels through the Fire series, she started to blow us away with adding wings that wrapped around people and other stuff on pics we KNEW didn’t have them to begin that way!  I asked for help on the Where The Heart is, since the writer gave such vivid scenes to see in the minds eyes.  She did it, and even replaced Anna with Ellie, my Sookie.

Where the heart is Falling Stars banner

She writes too.  I have showcased her talent in that area a couple times when she did a series of one shots given by a prompt.  She has a site on WordPress.

Then, just to blow me away, she was talking to me about her banners and mentioned Textures.  I had no idea what she meant, and she made me a tutorial.  that tutorial blew me away, and I showed it to the other betas, and they were stunned too.  It gave them all ideas, and it made me finally be able to do the Tea Shoppe Banner that has been driving me crazy.

Tea Shoppe_edited-5

So all in all, she has been more than helpful.  So has another lady, but I will honor her soon.   So very soon!!!

Thanks FallingStars!

Videos_edited-2 Sunday Posts

First one is going to be… Mine!  It is Alice and Hatter.  And yes.  I worked on the timing for the first transitions, and had it right on, and then it messed up when I sent it to You Tube…

 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiQY9ppF17Q?rel=0]

What If | Alice & Hatter by Wendy Brandibur

The next one is different for me.  I am not a huge Hunger Games fan, but I loved Eyes Wide Open.  And I found this gem.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYZ9dxUsL-I?list=PLcyLGSl_i0snrtz4y_yB-cOiEJIO87VAq]

Eyes Open – Taylor Swift. by Isabella Cruz

And then I found this other one.  I liked it..

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpFprhdblqM]

Katniss Everdeen – Collect Call by Sparralex

Yes I am trying to do some really odd ones that I normally don’t do..  The next was found totally by accident.  I think I was looking for something else, and found this instead.  I loved the flash of the old crew in it too.  Soo perfect.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3457NJlJcQ?list=PLcyLGSl_i0snEZTYhwW6iKW_Yw-7c2UQL]

Gotta Be Somebody [Kirk/Spock 2009]

The next one is a Primeval one.  It is a great one and has great timing!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vi_ZiKcDGg?list=PLcyLGSl_i0sn1V6Ov-NpRVGzhsEjGX8jl]

Primeval – How Far We’ve Come by Limabeta’s Vids

This is one that someone made for the awesome Cuinawen’s story Step to the Edge.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy2kwuFH18Y?rel=0]

Kol Mikaelson & Bella Swan | Step to the Edge | Twilight & Vampire Diaries Crossover Trailer

Here is another one off.  I have no idea how I found this, but I found it in my lists.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5asMO3N0Mc?rel=0]

Tony and Ziva || Colorblind by bubblewrap1988

Last one is a Doctor Who.  I watched this and remembered why I loved the series soo much.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vJtYxlivio?rel=0]

Yesterday I Died – Doctor/Rose

Ok I lied.  I had to leave you guys happier.  So here it is.  One of those odd videos that make me laugh.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv8KoXTXBPA?rel=0]

Syfy Alice – Hatter & Charlie – You’ve Got a Friend in Me by Would you like a cup of tea?

See you next week.  There will be no chapters done unless they are Tea Shoppe or one like that.

cinematics signature