To all the writers of the Kittyinaz Writing Challenge, Angels through the Fire!
This contest was a huge success, not only in the large amount of entries, but also in the huge amount of people who came to read, and vote. The responses of the public was amazing! Writers, please visit your stories to read the reviews, and readers, thank you again for leaving reviews for these wonderful people who put out their work for you to read. I have the winners below, and the banners and names have been added to all the stories in the contest. Thank you again for your participation. Writers can claim the participation banner above, and are free to post their stories on their sites, and grab the angels to be used.
This month does not have a contest, since I will be gone for the Vegas trip with Bertie Bott to meet Ian and the rest of the Vampire Diaries Cast. I have no idea who I am more excited to meet, my Friend, or one of the men who inspire me to write, not only with his acting, but his day to day actions also.
So the next contest, since so many have asked for it, is a Kill Bill. The only thing I will list in addition to our other rules, is to add the penname you wish to have on the banner when the contest is completed. It will speed up the process to finish them up.
The entries will be due by midnight on September 30, 2014 CST. Please write your entries in, including how you would will Bill to die… especially in this dismal TB season.
Now. enjoy the day, I am off to spend time with my hubs.
Yes.. the writing contest is ending tonight. And as I mentioned last time, the IP addresses are redone every night, so if you have some favorites, go ahead and get those votes still in. You can make a difference!!
I am stuck in a dream.. It is an odd one, and I have been teasing it as I write it, so we will be off for awhile. Here is the Banner that Bertie Bott made me:
Mr. Kittyinaz got his trip postponed to next Saturday, his Visa was not back, and you kinda need that. He will be gone until about the time I will be coming back from my trip, so I have been spending time with him a lot. But since I sleep when He works, I have been getting online later and writing. I am sorry, but RL comes first.
I am off to write some more, and make sure teasers are posted for the stories that the group is keeping up with in the group threads. They are the ones who determine what gets teased.
So vote, and I will let you know after we get the results, and have time to alter the Banners to reflect the places. Remember, if you contributed, to grab your participation Banner, and be on the lookout for those announcements. I have no idea who did what, so if you want your names on the stories, you will have to tell me for them to put on the Banners. And they are yours!
Yes I know I have been missing. I had a migraine. And its hot here, so I was in a dark cool room, with my puppy and thinking hateful thoughts.
Also… One of the greatest comedians and actors passed away this week. I remember Mork and Mindy. It was one of the first shows I was allowed to watch, and he cracked me up. I remember seeing Good Morning Vietnam, loving his performance in it.
It was not until much later that I ever saw one of his comedic specials. And I couldn’t stop laughing. I cried.
From there, I watched his movies, though I did skip the one One Hour Photo and I watched scenes from Insomnia. But I thought he was a great actor for being able to play roles so far from his normal. Yes, his part as the Genie is one of my favorites, it was pure Robin Williams, and I loved Hook. In fact a lot of it, is hidden in Best, since I came up with the idea of Hook in Once Upon a Time being Peter Pan from that movie. I have the music downloaded, so it probably affects me since it is part of the songs I listen to at night.
Good Will Hunting affected me a lot. I was often thought of an outsider, and hid me being smart. I was no where as smart of Matt Damon’s character, but I could emphasize with him.
The man was a genius. He will be greatly mourned. And at the same time, he brings home something clear. Depression is not easy to get out from under. This man who brought so much laughter to others, and that most had described as a happy person, suffered. I suffer under it, and it is an insidious beast that I have to fight against. My writing, and even you guys make it easy to help, but I will admit, there are times I want to give up, and then I list to myself all the good things and then work to get it beyond it. I am not suicidal, but there are times that getting out of bed seems too hard.
So get help. It is not the end all solution of everything. I have help and I fight it. Robin Williams had checked himself in to get help. But remember there are reasons to get up. Reasons to go on. And if you need a list, contact someone.
Here is the next chapter of AIW, and I will try to get back on schedule here, Mr Kittyinaz is going to be out of the country starting Saturday so I will be available more, but I have been taking it easy to spend time with him before he is gone for 3 weeks in China.
If you can’t tell from the banner, here are some warning for this chapter:
Lemon Warning
As you may have heard, I won the Kelpie’s contest. The story will be broken in more chapters, and more detailed. I will tell you more on it, but if you want to read it, click the banner below, it is the one I made for it. Thank you to all who voted for it, and your reward is that I am planning to expand on it.
The Angels Through the Fire contest is closing Friday, and I will tell that 1st and second is one vote apart, as is 3rd and 4th. Now here is a secret. The IP address’s reset every day. So, If you had one you liked, you can vote on it again. The ballet is on the side, so give a vote for your favorite. Obviously, the voting is close.
Yes. It is Wednesday, and I have a chapter of IND ready to go. I wrote one more, and in the middle of writing another. Unfortunately, Mr. Kittyinaz (God that sounds weird, but I won’t give you the name the ladies know him by) is going to China for 3 weeks, and we have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get his passport ready before he leaves in one week. So not much is getting done since it is disrupting my sleep schedule and he was not aware it was still easy to make me go back to the non sleep again. Ah well. Live and let learn.
Thanks for all the responses to the contest!!! It has blown me away, and I am hoping the authors are reading all the comments, and even the likes that people are leaving behind. I thank you all for the responses!!! It makes me smile, hoping this helps any new writers to come forward and grace us with your imaginations!
I am planning after this another contest in September, and it will be a unique one. I am going to alternate them out. I was going to do something else, but this month, with all that is going on in my RL, there is not much time for me. So instead, I will be doing what I can, and not letting my health escape me. the gym will be next week, since there was just no way to start it up this week with all the hoops we have jumped through to get his passport.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I will try to get one ready for you guys next week.
Don’t forget Kelpie’s contest, and there is a new writing contest hosted by Gyllene. Please look to the posts below this one to find the links to go there. I am off to go curl up somewhere and try not to hate this headache to the point I give in and only get a few hours sleep. Damn you Sleep!!!
Yep another contest! We can’t have too many.
For those that are wondering about me, well, this month will be dedicated to the current one, and the next one will be in September. so participate in this one. I am looking for the perfect song to think about it…. no guarantees yet…
Yes!! We are finally done making banners and looking over the stories, and the polls are set. If you voted before, they didn’t count since not all the stories were listed on it. So we are starting with today, and you have until midnight on the 15th of August for your vote. We are doing one vote per IP address, so make your decisions carefully.
If you leave comments on the reviews (which are more than welcome!) you will not receive any answers until after the contest ends. Authors are highly encouraged to read the reviews.
One of the stories in here called, Final Strand was given anonymously, and only if the author wishes to step forward will it be told who did it. But this one is dedicated to the late EricIzMine who had a birthday last month. I am just honored that one of my pictures inspired this fic to be written.
And then there is all these amazing stories, that I worked hard in getting banners for. In fact, one of the ladies in my group made a banner since I was unhappy with the one I made since I couldn’t do the wings. FallingStar made the Banner for Where the Heart is. I was thrilled with her work, and I hope the author is also. Again, nothing will be revealed until after the 15th.
I will say thank you to all the authors who submitted stories, and I was thrilled to stretch out my skills, and to have some of the ladies help me make banners for the stories. I enjoyed reading them all, and I hope you authors will grab the participation banner below. Which coincidently is also the link to the July 31st, 2014 stories.
Lets make this a great experience for those that took a chance and submitted stories. Give them the encouragement to continue to write.
And lastly, when the contest is done, if you can let us know, we will be happy to add your names to your banners. They are yours to keep when it is all done. A thank you for your work!
As a side note, these are items that are unique to my contest and mine only. When we came up with this idea, it was to encourage writers to write something, or to help those that were stuck. One of the things I craved so much when I started was banners. So MissRon80 agreed to make banners for the ladies. She went one step farther and made them different banners for the winners, which blew me away. She also made the original participation banners. Again, this was to encourage writers. Since then, we have continued this practice even when our dedicated banner maker was no longer with our group. Instead, I normally do all the banners, the only exception was this month when we had a record number of entries.
Making banners is not easy for yourself. I have taken an hour to 3 hours to make one banner for myself. And I have an idea of what I want. Making them for others… Well that is harder. You push yourself even harder when it is another person you make them for. I read each entry that I made a banner for.. making notes to myself for ideas… And then opened a blank banner on photoshop and start working. There were a couple fails. One spectacular one on one particular banner that had all my ladies scrambling to find different pictures for me to work with.
I do NOT blame anyone hosting contests for not doing anything like I do, and in fact, I would be shocked if they did! Sephrenia made 1 banner for each different fandom and the winner got the banner. What I do with mine is a lot of work I would not wish on anyone else, and particularly this contest, that if you wanted an angel, you just had to contact me, and your character was made. I took into consideration a lot of things when making the angels, even if a shoulder was tilted and so forth.
I only wanted to make sure people realized this, since one of the contests that is on right now, received an anonymous email (To the point they made up an email that was anonymous?? berating her for not doing all this. Not everyone can make banners, I couldn’t for the longest time. And then to expect others to do what I do? Not cool people. Instead.. read the stories and be happy that they hosted a contest that inspires others to write.
So read, comment, and appreciate the little things. I am going off to vote in the other contest, since I never vote on my own contests, in case I need to be the tie breaker. And if you want to read the stories in the other contest, click on the post below to go there. I may… or may not have an entry on there. Try to guess if I do and which it is……
Yes.. For me too for once. I am back after vacation, and I will admit that I am not wanting to work.
It could have tons to do with the fact that All day Saturday, and then from the moment I got online, I was making banners for the contest. Sundays are my day off as normal, and the betas were very forceful on me keeping to that. Something about me going to bed at 4:34 from working on the banners… I have no idea what they are saying…
The Writing Contest. Wow. Record amount of entries!!! Many thanks to the two ladies below for their help. They made a banner for me since I had so many to make. I thank them so much for their help!!!!
All the entries are available for reading, BUT the poll is not ready, even though it is posted on the side. We found out a couple entries that were sent much earlier in the month went missing, so we put out a call to let anyone know if we are missing the entries, to please forward them to us. One was such a hard time to get through to any email, but we finally got it and it is bannered and up. As soon as our WordPress Whisperer can get all the information linked and so forth, we will be posting a special post for it. There are so many awesome entries I am thrilled for this one. And thanks for all those that made me push beyond my normal skills for the banners. I tried to make each one unique to the story.
So I bet you are wondering what I did on vacation? I finished two additional chapters of HP, and did the next one of IND. I also made all the banners as well as bio’s for the Set You Free Trilogy, all the ones for ED are in there. Also I did the You’re trilogy as well. I played with videos, and am in the process of making one since all the stories are jumbled up and none are speaking clearly for me to start working. But this video is haunting me.
Yes, the normal posting is going on, and you have a new chapter of AIW ready.
Again, I have to thank all of you in the fandom for pulling together to help out ficlet. I was seriously hurt when it happened to me, and the lady was nice about it. but to have it happen like that.. there is no words. If you haven’t read it, the post below this was the thank you from Heather herself.
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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