A thank you left as a comment…


It’s been one week exactly since I first Googled this phrase and found Anthony. This weekend marks the first time that I’ve been able to look at this situation rationally, even amusedly. I guess because the entire Alex Anthony franchise popped like a freakin’ balloon in under a week. But it also marks the first time that I Googled the fallout with any real commitment, since reading about it made me go blind with anger. I knew from my blog that you guys and others pledged mad support and outrage, and rightly so, for this issue is much bigger than this one instance. But I had NO. I. DEA. that your work had made such an impact. I read the forum on Amazon. I read all the bookseller reviews, which were like official statements in a damning class action suit. I looked for any evidence of her fan base and pages, but they’ve been taken down. I’ve only seen one fan of hers defend her stance, and that was in one of my fan’s rebuttal.

Whereas her work kinda/sorta came down at first, it is now completely removed from all outlets that I can see. And I put that all down to outraged phone calls, reviews and emails. I myself has almost no impact when I first contacted them, and was given vague assurances that while our work was “similar”, I would need to fill out various forms, read the entire series, talk to this person, capture a leprechaun, etc. in order to make any headway.

I haven’t had one single person come back on me about this. Not one. None of her fans, no casual readers learning about her fraud, not even the woman herself. Meanwhile, three of our comrades have gotten hold of books 3 and 4 of the VDS and are currently tearing into them (thank God for ebay). These two books were the two that Alex sent me as PDFs with my scene already rewritten, which of course begs the question of what else was changed. I asked her for hardcopies. She claimed she didn’t have access to any (WTF?). So we bought them second hand. They are also the two and ONLY books of hers that catapulted to $99 through third party sellers. NONE of her other books, even though pulled, are selling for that high through other people. I know that she doesn’t control other sellers, but it still stinks. Why JUST those two? What the hell is going on?

Missron80 has finished Book 1 and is starting into the next two, so she’ll be able to tell me soon.

Meanwhile, I just wanted to thank you guys for participating in this coup. I want this to be a lesson for anyone reading OUR stuff and getting ideas. Our community came down like a swarm of bees and I’d be terrified if I was on the receiving end of it.

You’re awesome.


There is no thanks needed, Heather.  What was done was wrong, and I am happy to have helped to bring this to light.  Thanks for the stories you have gifted to us!!!

cinematics signature


reminderslist_anim Gif

Just a reminder.  Tomorrow ends some contests, and tonight ends the submission part of the banner contest for those in the Facebook Group.

Kittyinaz Banner contest entry

Kittyinaz Banner contest entry

Kittyinaz’s Writing Challenge submissions are due by the end of tomorrow, my time.  And if you owe me a story… I will come knocking!

I also am participating in Kelpie’s Twin Contest this month.  Good luck in guessing mine!!!!  But I fully encourage you to go off and see about hers.

Kelpie-Hook-Large Betas

Starting today, the Twisted Fairy Tales for the Non Canon Awards is open for submissions.

Twisted Fairy Tales non canon awards

So… There is no reason not to sit down and write something, anything!  Come on.  The water is great, and you will find only good things happen when you take chances in life.  Cause otherwise you will wonder late at night…What If……….

kittyinazowl31 signature

So… Here is my two cents

I left the following review on Amazon on the Thief known as Alexandra Anthony’s Fated.  I wonder how long until it is gone………..

Stealing another’s work is wrong.  There are even laws against it amazingly enough.  to be frank, how would you like to build a house from the ground up, spilling your blood into the dirt, your tears into the foundation and so forth.  Only when it is done, you are ready to move in and then someone pushes you out of the way saying it was sold to you by someone you didn’t even know?  Pissed wouldn’t you be?  Going to get your rights and showing you own something.  Wanting if nothing else the profit someone made on your stuff??

So how is someone’s time and sweat, sleepness nights and the burning of your eyes as you type your story up.  The time you poured into making a fic for others to read, then to find out that someone stole this work of yours, which is terrible I have been a victim myself of, and is making MONEY off it?  Before you say anything else, what if Ficlet was going to write it and publish it later? She has that right.  50 Shades of Grey anyone?  That started as fanfiction.  I know.  I read it.

If I was everyone who bought this piece of work from another, first I would be pissed.  I paid for someone else’s work that is currently free of charge for you to read, then the fact that you are paying for someone’s work that stole it from another.  Stealing is wrong.  We all know this.  Every religion tells you this, and even more, your own morals tell you this.

So do something right.  Demand your money back.  Then go read the original authors work and tell her how you enjoyed it.

I am Kittyinaz, and I wholeheartedly Give this 0 stars since it is NOT Alexandra Anthony’s work.  It is my friends ficlet78’s work.

Now to go publish on my OWN site this travesty, to forward the message on to all my followers, and to publish it on my facebook, as well as my post going out to the Twitter world, tumblr and so on.  No matter how many of these messages she deletes, the truth is out there.  And to throw one more cliché.. You can’t stop the signal.

Quotes are from X Files and Serenity.  See that?!?!?  I give credit.

I wholeheartedly support any actions to be taken to get this removed.  And I am going to put this everywhere I can.  Help support your fanfiction authors and a fellow human and share this.  don’t let it die down, until she removes the work, and is giving ficlet her due credit.

cinematics signature


Plagiarism for Profit

So yes I am a day late. But hell, I was ‘off’ for the day, and came back to explosion in my inbox with this. It pisses me off. As you guys well know. then kjwrit published that the lady is going to take the stuff down and work with ficlet. then MistressJessica found that she is deleting posts on her amazon page about it, as well as leaving it up on her wordpress.
Enough. Lets show ms Plagiarism what the TB/SVM fandoms think of her little theft. Spread the word people. This shit needs to end. Really. It is because of this that my original fiction is locked from all but a few. a very few. And I know each and every person it is allowed to.
So please. Do not let this go by. Since you never will know when it will happen to you.

Quench Your Thirst With Chapter 23!

I know no Sunday post, but hey.. still on vacay! Yes I am getting rest and all that good stuff, and poured out an awesome amount of words for a contest. So off I go to continue cutting up season one of TVD for Damon parts…. Such a hard life.

Sneaks in a vacation post!

Hello Everyone!

It’s Robin sneaking in while Wendy is away and all the betas are distracted by vacation time!  You guys may notice over the next couple days a few changes and new links to the site.  I got bored again and you all know how dangerous that can turn out.  So this is just a warning to not panic on the changes it will all be worth it.  *oh and on the sites new wallpaper my advice Don’t ask Meridian about the starfish just save your self.  I have already been traumatized.*  So for a while some of the site pages will be under construction but you should be able to still get to all the chapters and who knows you might see a new one soon!!

Remember if you have any problems just holler at me!



Robin (4padfoot)



Holey Ground Batman!


Yes,  It was my favorite line from Batman and Robin.  The movie was a flop, but damn that line cracked me up.

Ok!  Posting time!!!   I know you guys look forward to this each week.  Not sure why, but my stats show you love these posts!  So I will get started on what is going on in Kittyinaz Land.


First off, as thought the raise shields gif didn’t give it away, I, as well as my Beta team are taking a two week vacation.  It was taking me a week to edit one lousy chapter.  And since this coming week was Jury Duty, I was not sure how much I will be around.  I hate jury duty in TX since it is a week long.  No planning able to be done at all, since you have to call after 6pm each and every day to find out if you have to drive to 6 possible courthouses in my county.  Not to mention you have to show up Monday and sit in a huge crowded room while they give this spiel on it being your duty, then they allow people to walk up and try to get out of their duty.  Go figure.

So what will I be working on instead?  Banners, my recommendation Database and relaxing some.  Since I declared the vacation after the encouragement of my beta team, I slept much better last night.  Hopefully this will allow me to reset myself enough to work on Editing.  Now, I have given my betas the time off, but Meridian already hinted she may go ahead and publish IND.  The only problem?  I don’t have anything after it.  So when I get back, I will be writing IND and trying to get ahead again.  This is why they told me to go relax.  I was stressing too much on the stuff to do, so I can work on my Original Fiction.

I am working on the Set You Free Banners.  As I make them, I am doing a basic Bio on each of them.  Name, Nicknames, Job, DOB Height, Hair Color, Eye Color, Build, Significant other, Parents/Makers, Children, Siblings, and  Enemies.  Very basic, and for those that read the interviews, it is often the ones that my interviewees mock.  So I will make it easier for them, and let you guys have some basic information on them all.  I give the information to 4Padfoot and she will play with it.

The Database is exactly that.  I am inputting from the different sources all the stories I like.  So far the only one not being used is the Doctor Who site, since they make it hard to pull up the original listing for the stories.  I will try later, and we will see.  But the other sites I read on are all working with me, and hopefully we will have a list for you.  I know you guys hit up the list often on my site, and we are adjusting to this.  The database will allow us to sort the information so much easier.  I will be also adding Harry Potter to the recs, since I am now reading them.  I wanted to be in the right frame of mind for writing my story, and this is helping me make sure I have everything covered.

I have completed one rough draft of a one shot, and have another in the works.  I need to work on the one for Kelpie at least.

Reminders!  Please use the Amazon Link, it REALLY helps, and since we seem to be in the business of pictures and stories, we even had to up storage stuff.  Who knew?  But I rather not have to worry about my hard drive crashing and losing the stories to it.  Now they are stored online, and no worries.   A very little thing, will help me out so much.  I hate asking, but if I don’t remind people, I get nothing.  ::sighs::

Crossover Haven is still up, and we need input everyone.  Shoot, I would like input on things like this post, I have to be guided by stats and no comments to know if you like this stuff.  So… Talk to us.

While playing today, I found some brushes and styles and made new banners.  So here is the first one!

Person of the Week_edited-1

Yes!  I wanted something to indicate the Person of the Week!  And this week it is MistressJessica1028.


I found this woman when she came to my group, and had no idea when she started her stories.  I loved them, and encouraged her to join in the chats in the group as I do any new person.  But the time I got to know her well was when we were waiting for the Fanatic Fanfics to announce the winners for their award show.  I was in it, as well as some of my Betas, and Eric IzMine.

I had mentioned that the Fangies were not going to be done this year and wished there was a Fanfic Award’s for the SVM/TB universe, since one had already ended without our favorite pairing being made Canon.  We joked as we waited, and then MistressJessica said why not.  The next thing I had happening was a group of ladies in a chat, and we started the process.  It was a learning process to say the least, and working without rest for the nomination verification was common.  Let me tell you.  You learn more about people when you are under pressure than you sometimes learn for months.

MistressJessica came through, and shined.  She made me laugh, and later she asked to be a beta.  She fit right in the group, and often has me cracking up when I need it, and she sends me gems to read ahead of the time.  Not like it helps, I am still pouring over her stories.  And get cursed at for the ideas I seem to inspire.  She is also great to bounce ideas off of.

So, thanks Jessica for everything!!!!


First one is a music video.  Love the beat, to the point, to the point I have ended up using it a couple times.  And strangely, my mom and I watch it a lot for the horses.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OWj0CiM8WU]

OneRepublic – Love Runs Out

Yep, I am on a OneRepublic Kick.  Sorry.  But I got Damon for you!!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6m25YppOi0?rel=0]

Damon Salvatore | Counting Stars by DeNi22L

Here is for our Trubies, some good times.  🙂

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BggZbwN1zsY?rel=0]

Eric & Sookie – All Fall Down (OneRepublic) – True Blood by Silver Vintage Videos

I loved this movie, and this song to me is still Hatter himself.  If you have ever read my story Alice and Hatter, this song was the secrets Hatter had to keep, and hated.  Unfortunately, It’s a short version.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPC22n8b8qg?rel=0]

Secrets{Hatter} by A friend…I Hope

Another song of theirs I love, All The Right Friends.  Though it is also reminds me of Alice and Hatter, but it was fitting for this fic too.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAh06S3kKAI?rel=0]

Tin Man || All the Right Friends In All the Right places [700+ subs!] by StarWarsNerd456

OK.. I am new to the Harry Potter Fandom, as in getting to watch videos and reading the fanfic (So far I am a HG/SB Shipper….) So I typed in OnceRepublic and Harry potter and got this return with over 1,492,773 hits.  And WELL Worth every single one of them!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWKEXvtsWRE?rel=0]

Happy Potter | Marchin On by Dazzle Me7

That’s is for this week.  Hope you enjoyed your OneRepublic night!
