A Few Goodies!
Here is some stories to read. And she had me in the mix! Thanks!
Here is some stories to read. And she had me in the mix! Thanks!
Many huge thanks to Meridian for this wonderful chapter. She had one question that I said I would clarify for you guys. They are heading to the North Cap. Which is approximately Sweden, Norway, and Finland, which are at the same latitude of Alaska. Per TB Sookie came back late October. If not, then she does in my fic. This is the start of the lengthened hours. All this will make sense when you read the chapter.
what’s going on, not much. I am getting many hits on the Contest and in fact have some new Angels that have opened up:
If you are interested, please click here and be taken to the page. If you want an angel, please contact me on Facebook and I will work with you.
I am starting to do some small bios for characters as I make them or introduce them to the story. This is still in the works, but this is going to be the first story who gets it. I also will be making a family tree of the vampires in this story. I can’t make Eric’s actual family tree cause that would be impossible. I nicknamed it the clan, and it really is one.
This story has been completely updated with my new Sookie.
The next chapter of Best has been transcribed from the show. I still need to go back to add the stuff that I am putting in for our Ship, but this is a pivotal chapter. As it is, when I wrote the ending, I took it from the show, and it worked perfectly. So I am very excited for this. The transcribed chapter is up in the Kittyinaz Facebook group, which you are free to join.
Not much to say, enjoy the chapter, and I will be working on my end!
Kittyinaz, our fearless leader, is currently under the weather, so I have the honor of posting this latest chapter of All I Want which was fabulously beta’d by the awesome MKnue.
This is such an awesome chapter!!
So, without further ado since you’re not here to hear me ramble:
(You clicked on Godric’s nose, didn’t you – oh, wait, that was me…)
Get well soon, Fearless Leader – there are MISSIONS awaiting COMMISSION!!
I couldn’t resist… I know I should…but heck. It’s catchy right?
So another week has past. I got to spend today with Photoshop, and I managed to replace Anna Paquin as Elisha all through the fic. If you go back, you will see all the pictures and even the buttons are replaced. There are a lot of banners and even pics I had to make to replace the pics already used. It took all day. SO I will have to do the Set You Free Trilogy Character pages next week.
Today is my day off the computer, and that will be fun… yeah. Actually I am reading HP ff right now, so my mind is ready when I can write. I will tell you editing is REALLY hard for me. But I will be working on it, and you guys will be getting your normal chapters. I am making notes for fics, and trying to push off ideas, however I did write a one shot. It’s 3/4 of the way posted right now in the Kittyinaz Group, and needs 5 new people to request it to get the ending. And its unedited….
I am enjoying all the reviews left on the stories, and it makes me laugh reading what you guys are thinking. Some of you are right on, and some are way off. But I can see where you are all coming from. I just cannot wait until we get going on Harry Potter, and that whole thing. I can tell you now, they are already adding players to who can be the suitors. I just have to reload the pic again.
Which leads me to…. Our person for the week!
It is LadyKT!
This woman is a godsend to our group. She comes in and cleans up the group and sorts all those pics to albums for us to find later. Thank god, since I share all my pics with the ladies in the group and I will need to go back through and replaces a lot of them that should have been png. She does this without anything more than a thanks.
She is also an admin for TWCS and helps us out by posting chapters for us when we post here on WordPress. Which I am all THANK GOD!!!! Posting day is Wednesdays on the other sites, and that is one site we don’t worry about anymore. She also is friendly and helps any member of our group when they have issues, and even set up Mamakitty for TWCS.
All in all, this lady does so much, this is the least I can do for her. Thanks Kelly!
(If someone wants to make me a better banner, you are MORE than welcome to!!!)
The first is by 4Padfoot for Bertie Bott’s Thirsty. It is freaking awesome and I had to rewatch it again!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsFhH-kwa78?rel=0]
Isn’t it awesome???
Once Upon A Time. When they first meet. Its is awesome, and watch it, you can see why they captured my imagination.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZX1gSBuYlQ?rel=0]
Everybody Loves Captain Hook by angelwings4191
The next is a Doctor Who Fanmade video. I am a Ten/Rose Shipper.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vJtYxlivio?rel=0]
Yesterday I Died – Doctor/Rose by analeian
The next is not a fandom… but this one is amazing to watch….
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0GWCk9wnak?rel=0]
Michael Jackson/Fred Astaire/Cyd Charisse: The Master & His Teacher by Steve Briggs
Just because I am going through my favorites list, I found this one. It is one of my favorite songs and videos. See if you can name all the movies…good luck!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU39UtV91ms?rel=0]
Dance! The movie clip montage by VinnyG113
Another one, that I love it…. Alice… the movie is awesome….
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz8m6-SNBs8?rel=0]
“Dare You To Move” – Alice/Hatter by americanfairy
I found this looking for this song for a Video. At the time my hubby was thrilled cause he plays these games…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdE3yQTAlMM?rel=0]
Wretches and Kings Music Video Linkin Park Star Wars (Orginal) by XJoeGeorgeXx
I always tell you guys I love videos. And any of them… Just because… the first ever fan made video I watched was the following. Yes it is a video game, but I had no idea what it was at the time.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY-MQZfhFi4?rel=0]
Linkin Park – In The End (Final Fantasy 9/ATOMX) posted by Teiresias911
I still remember the 8 bit games. But yes, that is what got me started in You Tube world. I remember the day clearly, a friend grabbed me and pulled me over to watch it.
I hope you enjoyed this Post for today! As always, I have it set to go off when I normally am up…. LMAO!
Lookie, lookie at what just got updated…. I’ve read it already…but the big question is have you??
Yes!! It is Wednesday and you guys get a new chapter of I Never…Did. Thanks to Meridian!!
OK. I made one of those author decisions. I don’t and really never have liked Anna Paquin for Sookie. Just how I am. When I started ITE I had no idea how to make banners or anything remotely like that. I had no idea I could really pic my own actors/models since yeah. Not able to do anything. I did the same for Twilight and for any of my stories. I could pick new characters, but yeah.
So now, I have replaced KStew with Leighton Meester. I can’t write a story without her in my mind. Nothing against KStew, but she just isn’t my Bella. Then we have Sookie. Anna to me is not Sookie. But I will use her for In The End. And there is a plan for her in All I Want. But starting Saturday, I will be replacing Anna with Elisha Cuthbert.
To me she is Sookie. I just wrote a one shot, and it is sooo much easier with her being my Sookie, I can picture her so much easier. So expect all the pictures of Sookie to be replaced in IND and you will understand better in AIW what is going on. I also have Edge to write and she will be Sookie also there.
So the warnings for this chapter are….
I wonder who that is for??? Geez. I think that is the only one. I suck at the Cliffhanger one though I warn you…I am yelled at for leaving cliffhangers, when I think there are none. So take that for what it is worth.
Have fun, enjoy the chapter! I am going to go off to work on chapters instead of writing a one shot like last night. It was good according to the betas, and there are 2 more I need to write at the least before the end of the month.
I wrote the reviews up and there is one left!!
We only have 3 more fics to go before moving on…
Yep, my betas Mknue and Meridian came through and got the chapter ready for this week. This is the last one that will be a ‘double’ post for the posting week. But I couldn’t let you guys go without this chapter all the way until next Monday.
Just to remind you, yes, uncensored chapters will be here. This is a E/S/G fic. It will be slow for one of the triad, and fast for the other. This is the first book, and you will quickly see I do have a plan for everything. This book is done. All written, and I am editing it so I can move on to other stuff like those Twilight crossovers I get so many requests for.
Mondays will be AIW, and then, IND on Wednesdays, and Heavenly on Fridays. At least until they are ended. However, Heavenly will be a long running series of books, seems I have like 6 years to cover… so needless to say, it will be reigning over that day once started for a long time. I have ALOT of stories to be dumped on. 8 to work on when I go back to writing.
FYI, for the writers, and readers, FanFiction’s hunt is back on. WhiteWolfLegends just got some of her stories deleted, for grammar. Yes. Not for the mature content, but according to her information, grammar. So back up those stories. There is WordPress, TWCS, AO3 and FictionPad out there to put your story on. FictionPad will move your stories over from FanFiction for you. We have lost some great stories in the past due to these people. I know I am on the list since I got in a scuffle with one of them over the idiocy of them deleting things.
::Looks around:: I don’t really have much to say since I posted yesterday! So go on, click and enjoy, and if you feel like it, let me know what you think or your guesses. I love reading your inputs!!!