Public Service Announcement

Per our wonderful Site Admin, I have been asked to tell you the following:

Feb 2 from 8 to 10 mountain time bluehost is doing server maintanence. There will be 30 minutes of total site down time while they reboot their servers.

We wanted to make sure you guys are aware of what is going on.

I am hoping that tomorrow will allow me back to normal, but I may need a day or two, to figure out the mess on my desk.  It’s kinda scary.

Update on Me

Update on Me

I know I have been missing online pretty much.

The reason is we got the house!!! Yeah!!!!

The bad part is that we seem to have to be shopping for it a lot.  I did get new furniture, for the first time in 15+ years.  Seriously.  My chair is absolutely awesome, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoy being able to sit in it and be comfy.  This is only the third time I sat in it since Thursday, but we have been busy, busy, busy!!

I am the driver for my grandmother, and I had a lot of appointments for her last week and only one this week.  Tomorrow was supposed to be a free day, but I broke a filling, so I will be seeing if I can get in.  If not, then I will be getting my oil changed.  Or both.  Who knows?

Tuesday will be taking her to an appointment, and Wednesday we get the new fridge we desperately need as well as someone coming out to look over the AC and to see what we need to be more energy efficient. Thursday I may actually get.. wait… Nope.  I have to go for the woman’s torture session that we have yearly.



We might be starting the first room to redo at that time…

So we will see!!!  My desk is seriously piled high with papers for me to scan for the house as well as other items we have.

But hey, new furniture!!!

And trying to get a lawnmower on sale is freaking difficult!!!  Just saying!!!  We have a huge yard, thick grass and no we are NOT going to try the push mower again.  Yes, we did try it on a 1/4 acre of land, and I will tell you, misery!!!!

But this will all calm down soon.  Or at least I hope it does!!!  But…

I will tell you it is a great feeling knowing you own the house you are in.  And thank god my parents and others are willing to help when we have questions!!!

That is all for now, I am tired and getting sleepy, so I will be signing off.  Just wanted to let you guys know that life is running me over but in a good way.

New Year!

New Year!

And we are working it already!

First off, please don’t forget that this site is not free for us, that we self-host it to allow us to use the site as we wish.  It allows us much more freedom, that also allows us to host the writing challenges and well, anything we can come up with.  If you think about it, please feel free to donate.  The donation button is on the right side of any chapter or posts you read.

Now, that THAT part is done with, (I hate asking as much as you hate reading my begging), now to the fun stuff.

The vacation is over.  It was nice, and I got a story I had been stewing in my head out of it and talked with my muse.  I still need to work on the original story, which I will be starting to edit in hopes to inspire the muse in what was fun with it.

I may not have enough time to work on much for awhile.  RL interfering and so on, but hopefully, it will be over by June, no more than December of this year.  Hubby is determined that my story will be a bestseller and so on.  I have tried to tell him otherwise, but he is dead set on it.

I am getting ready to start editing chapters.  I had a frustrated as heck day since I wanted to start on this sooner, but I had issues.  My wifi Adapter pooped out on me, and I needed the chapters I had on Drive to sync up so I could work, as well as I was being irritated with the delay in the house closing moved to Friday.  Hubby fixed the internet issue with us buying an ethernet cord to stretch from the living to the office. The delay in the closing, well it is out of our hands, we have answered all the questions, proved what we needed.  It is up to outside sources and they verified that for us.

Oi Vey.  I think I will never want to buy another house after this one.

So I am here ready to work, and will be editing chapters for Betas.  Also, any betas who have NOT read the notice in the Beta Chat, please stop over there to juts give an indication of what you wish to do.  I promise this makes more sense once you read it.

For those who are wondering, I did start another chapter for IND.  We will see what happens.  It depends on my health and RL.  Neither being very kind to me lately.


Writing Contest!!!!!!   I am looking forward to this year’s first!!!  The pic is your prompt for this one…

And nothing else yet.  LOL!!!

Enjoy the stories, I appreciate coming online and seeing people still visiting the site, as well as reading the reviews left.  Some of you are going back to read some of the older stories.  Wow!

New Writing Challenge!

New Writing Challenge!

Sorry, everyone, I have been really sick.  Right now I started this while waiting for my Chamomile tea to brew since it is the only thing that makes my throat feel better.  No idea what I have, since I can breathe fine, it seems not to affect my nose, but it is my sinuses.  Go figure.

So before I run back into the bedroom to try to sleep the few hours before something happens and I wake up (since this has been the recurring theme for the last three days, and I so want to sleep!), I wanted to let YOU guys know what the writing challenge is.

I published this in the group back when I was feeling good, thinking no biggie, I will publish it tomorrow.  Never even guessing I would feel this bad.

This is based off a pic.  Full credits are owned by the artist who did the pic, I did change one thing to make it more mine.  Ok more than one thing, but you guys don’t really want to know about filters and so on, right?

Here is the pic:


  • Must use prompt(s).
  • All fandoms are allowed.
  • No letting anyone knowing which story is yours.
  • If you submit, you can grab the Banner for Participating for the month. You will also receive a banner for the story you submit.

  • If explicit, you need to warn people in the title.
  • All entries must be received by by Midnight CST at the end of the 15th of March 2017.

To enter, you can send it to the or to the Writing Contest email, These are both permanent email addresses that Rissa checks for entries and really anything. Please include the name you want on the banners when the contest is over for Rissa to send to me. She sends the stories to me and erases any way of me knowing who wrote what. They are due by the 15th of March at midnight CST.   From there I will reserve until the end of the month to be able to do banners, with the option of opening the contest early if I finish ahead of time.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Do remember, it is anonymous, so if you are inspired, but frightened to put your name out there, please try here!  My readers are awesome at leaving reviews, and you can answer them at the end of the contest (I will let you guys know when!)  Plus, you get a banner made for your story!

Good Luck!

General Update

General Update

So the new year is upon us. Hope this finds you all well and happy!

I, for one, am jubilant 2016 is over.  I’m still waiting on the closing of the house, but that is all snafu’s and so on.  Thankfully my parents are the ones selling us the house, so they are willing to wait.  All I can think is that since we started this in 2016, some of the bad luck of the year is following over?  I hope that will be all that will be followed over!!

I would like to congratulate Darkest Falling Star for winning the First Place on the Banner contest I host for the Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group each month.

Our very own Padfoot won 2nd Place, which is used on the Kittyinaz’s Author page:

Unfortunately, the Gif won’t work as the facebook cover, but she did such an amazing job I asked for it to be a new signature for me…  lol

As most of you are aware, I put the site on vacation while the holidays are going on, since I am usually overwhelmed, and I suspect others are also.  But once the holidays are over, I still have the site on vacation, but I normally get some stuff done.

Like what you ask?

Generally, we start shuffling things around for the new year, open up the new year for Banners and so on.  General Site Maintenance.  If there is something you like, let us know, and if there is something you would like to see, do let us know.

I also spend this time just floating around and seeing what I did bad and good the previous year for writing.  It is always a learning process to figure out what worked and didn’t.

  • I do know I will never release a whole story at once on the site since I get told over and over that no one knew about Crossing the Fine Line.
  • Forcing myself to write is not a good idea.  I didn’t do so well for stories last year.
  • I need to go back to my way of working before; it was not perfect, but it did produce more results.
  • Do banners as I edit.  It may seem small, but I seriously spend a lot of time adding pics and banners at the end.  Now, I am going back to where if I send the chapter to the betas, I will be ready to push publish.  I used to do this so that the beta could just hit publish and let me and Robin know, so we could add in any links that were missing.  I have no idea where I got away from that, but I need to go back to it.
  • Publish either one day, or set days.  But only if I can do what I said above.  I like having people knowing that something will be released on set days.  It also helps me with my depression and getting out of bed to work on things knowing you guys are waiting on it.  I sometimes need the motivation.
  • Work when and how I want.  It seems like a repetition, but I will tell you why this matters soon.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Not much, but you see, I started a story I had been meaning to write since they announced the Dr. Strange movie was coming out.  Nothing big, I just wanted the idea out there.  But thanks to the people in the Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group who went gaga over the chapter I asked if they would read it, and many huge kudos to TB Viking Addict, who inspired me to keep writing.  I finished it.

Yes, I worked and finished it.  Now, for some reason, the Marvel stories seem to come in shorter chapters, but still. It is finished. For the Marvel, I am waiting to see where things go, though I may be working on the sequel to Tired Wings.

I am working on finishing Tempered Grace, for those that are Skyeward fans.  And that one is NOT short.  Too many things have changed to stick to the Marvel ideas anymore.

So while I am working on at least a chapter a night for Tempered Grace, I am rereading Sacred to finish that one, so that I can go back and finish some others without my muse constantly tapping my shoulder about it.  It’s quite an annoying feeling, so I am not going to ignore it.

I will say, during this time I lifted all restrictions on me with writing writing, there are now at least one chapter or more, waiting for I Never Did and others.

All I can say is it is a learning process.  I want to finish stories, but ignoring the muse lead to last year having really nothing done.  Though I did finish Tired Wings, I didn’t finish editing it.  Oops…

And technically I should be editing Sacred as I read it, but since I am near the end of what I wrote, I think I will finish reading then go back and start editing.

But seriously, when I wrote six chapters in one night vs. struggling to write one, I think I can see what I need to do.

So I will still be working on getting things done, this year will be odd, with the remodeling we will be starting once the house is ours.  It needs to be done ASAP on the front of the house for cost savings, and to make it more ours.  But at the same time, in anticipating this, my hubby got me a laptop so that I will have a way to write still.  It has helped the last week and is where I wrote all that I did….

Hopefully, I will see you soon!!! I have chapters done for the Alice stories, and for a couple of others.  I am going to work on sending others soon.  Hopefully, the cooler weather starts again.  Difficult to believe this weekend was deep freezes for the South (My hubby will be happy that the Devil plant as he calls it, can be trimmed back majorly!) and now I am in flip flops and it is in the high 70’s.  I’m a sad panda…



Everyone who enters the writing challenges are winners.


It is hard to enter contests.  I still get all nervous and rethink my entries and so on.  It is easy to publish a story, you know your fans will let you know what they think.  And I cheat by giving my Facebook group teasers to see what they think of any new ideas I have.

But to submit a piece of work anonymously and see what strangers really think of it?

That is brave.

So, congrats to the ones who entered the Christmas Challenge.  It was close, I had to look a couple of times to make sure I had the right person since the numbers were only a couple off from each other.

However, as is usual, I have a 1st place and 2nd place.  Congrats to GeezerWench who is our 1st place winner with her awesome Gifts & Wishes.

The other entries are as follows:

Authors, you are now allowed to answer to any reviews.  If you want your Banners altered for your preference of an actor, let me know.  And if you need them for other formats, (i.e. Fanfiction, Better for Texas or so on) let me know.  Also, let me know if you want your story to be linked back to your site, or you are continuing elsewhere.  Unless you contact me, I think it is all hunky dory.  I’m forgetful so even if I follow your story, it might be from my iPad and I forget to link them when I get back to my computer.

As for the next contest, it will be a random one, since all the others are going to be one of two popular challenges from the past.  The Angels in the Fire, and the Fairy Tales.  The Christmas one is an annual one so it will be done closer to time.  But for the first quarter, I will probably do a picture inspiration.

I’ll see you guys later for an update on what is going on.

2016 Ducking Sucks

I think we can all agree with that.

I am staying off of social media except for the Kittyinaz’s Group for the time being.  I am also going to be working on my dream story, which may not be very long, but we will see.  Mostly I am trying to end the year with minimal stress, and hopefully the excitement of owning a house here in the next couple of days.

Right now, I am just too overwhelmed with all the things happening in the world, that I think we all need some breaks.  Once I get this story out of my head, I will be editing some chapters so that 2017 will have some chapters to go for you guys in January.

I am also going to warn you that the first couple of weeks is a lot of looking through the site and seeing what needs to be done for 2017.  Adding banner contests and so on, seeing where we are funds wise, and so on.

So while I don’t have anything for you now, I have plans.  Manageable plans.  Hopefully, the Muse will work with me.



I am hoping you are all having a wonderful season of holidays!!!

I’ve been busy on my own, a lot with Christmas.  At this moment in time, I am done with everything, but Friday I will be baking a Banana Bread for my nephew who asked for it.  I am on the wall about making my pumpkin roll since I don’t have enough pumpkin for that and 2 pies.

But I have been busy over at the Food Blog, I made sure all the recipes I used were live, and then came back to tell the ladies that the Eggnog Fudge is freaking awesome.  I am still getting rave reviews from people on it.  I don’t even like fudge much, I end up nibbling on it for weeks since to me it is too sweet.  This is nowhere as bad, and the eggnog flavor explodes in your mouth.

I did spend Saturday making a mountain of cookies.  see?

That isn’t even all of them.  I made Snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies, no bakes, peanut butter rice crispies. cap’n crunch bars (don’t knock them until you try them, everyone ends up eating them!), Soft gingersnaps, butter (oatmeal and coconut cookies), Chocolate covered Pretzels and the eggnog fudge.  Then on Monday I made: Pumpkin Cupcakes (it’s a 2 ingredient recipe that freaking rocks!) and my brownies that people love for some unknown reason.

Needless to say, I was tired.  I slept mostly Sunday, then back to work.  My presents are wrapped, I have a couple cards to give to the boys with their main gifts in them.

The house buying is coming along, it looks like we will be homeowners for the new year.  I am already excited, as we talk about the changes we will be making to the house.  Just to clarify, this is the same house we have been living in, we are buying it so that we can own it.  It’s an old house and has issues, but we are thrilled to have it since we are getting a huge freaking deal on it.  We will be here for a long time, if not forever.  It is big enough to satisfy our needs, as well as once we are done renovating it, won’t be too big for us to keep up.

The dogs are being…well dogs.  Murphy got to experience opening presents as he removed each of the presents under the tree that were sent to us by people in AZ to the back yard and opened them.  He didn’t chew up the presents, just opened them, and any boxes they were in.  We ended up calling to make sure we had them all, but it is now funny.  Yesterday, not so much.

The cats have mostly left the tree alone.  We have it spinning and the only things that have been bothered is a ribbon wrapped around the tree, and I fixed that, and one ornament.  Now the tree skirt?  That thing has all the animals BUT Connor in love with it.  It has stayed under the tree for 2 days so far.  A true record!!! The longest before this streak was 2 hours.  They all want to sleep on it, so fight over it.

I have started something, that has been lurking in the back of my mind.  I am not publishing it since I have no idea where the story is going.  But that is how most of your favorites have started.  But the prologue is a story all by itself.  The general consensus over at Facebook is that for me to write it out, and when I am done, look back at the prologue to see if it should be a story on it’s own. If you want to know about it, join us over at the Facebook Group.

I know it is late, but please do remember to use my Amazon Link to shop, and you can use it all year long. Using my link costs you nothing since it is me referring you to the site.  It helps waylay the price of Grammarly, Photoshop, and The Google Drive.  It also goes toward my virus protections and so on, since I need to keep them up to the highest level with me on the site so much.  Plus I research a lot, so I end up all over the internet, especially the Wiki sites for fanfiction.  All this you help me pay for by using my link to shop at Amazon.

Here is the link for those that want to keep it bookmarked:

If you are curious on the finances of the site, please click here.  I will let Robin know that it is done so that she can put it where you can find it normally.  If you look at it all, there is a lot of times that we pay out of pocket, Robin more than me.  Luckily last year a snafu happened on my side and McAfee accidently charged me the wrong amount so I got this as a free year.  This year I will be paying the $70+ out of the Amazon funds.  We truly do NOT make any money on your donations or you using our link for Amazon.

Lastly, don’t forget the Christmas Carol Writing Challenge!  After this year, I am going to do the contests once a quarter.  I will be bringing back the Fairy Tale contest, as well as Angels through the Fire Series. Seems you guys REALLY liked those.  One will the Annual Christmas contest, so I will be using the last as whatever I come up with.

I am off to see what I can do while doing the chores.  I think tonight I will be in here for awhile.  For those not in Texas, we are having whiplash weather.  2 weeks ago, it was flooding.  Enough to make us glad we have the home we have since we are a pier beam house. While we are not as high up as this shows, we are the lower blocks…

Image result for pier beam house

I figured those not on the coast will not know what that means, but it means that the house is up on blocks.  They are NOT the stilt houses but are perfect for our area that floods often.  We had a moat around the house 2 weeks ago and thankfully we didn’t have to worry about anything but getting out of the house.  Then we had a week of 75+ temps.  To only have us drop into the 40’s this past weekend.  By Christmas, we are supposed to be up to the 70’s again, with another snap of cold weather to be coming our way.

For me, it is perfect.  But a lot of people are getting sick, and everyone is going to bed early in my house with the cold weather.  Today we are beating the 50’s by getting into the 60’s.

Man, do I miss my tea maker!!!!!!  And of course, when I got it, I gave away to everyone the other tea stuff I used. Hopefully, Santa brings me one?

Ah well.  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!  I hope to touch base with you guys after Christmas when things will be slightly calmer.  Well, slightly.  We have the house signing soon to do.

It’s Time To Snuggle Close…

For the Banners are made, the poll is ready for you to vote for your favorite story.

Yes, the Christmas Carols are ready for you to read!   There are some really long ones in this batch, that took me longer than normal to read.  That with the holiday season and the purchasing of our first home took more out of me than I expected.


But please read these submissions, leave a comment behind for the authors to read.  You have until the 30th (since I am busy, I am thinking others are also!!).

So settle down with a comfy blanket, some snacks and a beverage of your choice.  Pull up your reading device and read some awesome stories.

Authors, grab the participation banner and let your readers know that you participated!!!!  You just can’t give any hints away!!!!

And also, if you are looking for more Christmas Stories, The Fangbangers Anonymous is doing their Advent Calender, The awesome miss Carol E Stweart has a Christmas story for you to read with Eric.  And I have my story from last year called Carolized…  Click on the banners below to be taken to each of these awesome event(s)/Story(ies).

If I don’t see you before then, please have a wonderful holiday(s) that you celebrate…


Get those entries in!!!


I know, I said I would remind you guys,but I managed to wipe myself out from Thanksgiving.  The food was awesome, per everyone, and my taste buds!!!  But I went to bed last night at 7pm and didn’t wake up until 10am today.  Then I still had to take a nap.

I managed to pull something in my right shoulder, so yeah.

So, I will push the entries to be in my the 30th of this month.  End of the month.

I still need to get the house all Christmasy, as well as switch out the summer clothes for the winter stuff.  Seems it likes to be cool for the nights, so I may as well get the stuff out since I save t-shirts since I like to layer clothing.  With this in mind, Tomorrow is the last day M is working for the holidays.  I will be asking for help to get the Christmas stuff and clothing down so I can let my shoulder rest.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it, as well as getting ready for the slew of holidays that are coming up for the world. I say Happy Holidays not because it is politically correct, but because I truly hope that everyone I say it to DOES have a happy holiday.  Plus, for the clerks and so on, who knows if I will see them in the next year?  LOL!

I have received three entries so far…

They are:

I’ll Be Home

Once Upon a December: Winter Memories

Letting Go

If you have sent in your entry and it is not here, let us know.

Hope to see more entries when I can sit down and work on them, I am so looking forward to listening to the Christmas music and doing these!  (I have my Friday list on with the Christmas Songs, but I think I will need to go through and purge some of the songs…)

See you guys soon!!!
