Eric Bio from In The End


“Evening, Lover.”

Click here to read the full interview.


Full Name:   Eric Northman

Nickname(s):   The Norseman, Viking

Job:   Sherriff of Area 5,

Date of Birth:   approximately in 900 AD

Height:   6’4″

Hair Color:   Blonde

Eye Color:   Blue

Build:   warriors/runners

Significant Other:   Yes, Godric and Sookie

Parents:   Ulfrik and Astrid

Children:   Human: No  Vampire: Pamela

Best Friend:   Godric and Sookie


Tattoos:  No

Scars:    I have a scar on my hand from sword fighting with my father and grabbing the sword when he flipped it out of my hands. I have another I know of from fishing when we were aviking. There are scars from battles and so forth

Favorite Pastime:   I spend time with my Mates as a pastime. Or outthinking that idiot Compton.

Mode of Transportation:   Corvette, but I also enjoy a flight once in awhile.

Weapon of Choice:  I prefer to use my brain against a worthy adversary, or if in battle, my sword is my preferred weapon.

Pets:   none

Best Childhood memory:   The day I became a man.

Best Teen Memory:   is one that every man knows is his favorite. When we returned, my father sent to me a thrall to teach me about being a man. I spent many nights learning the skills that a man needs to satisfy a woman.

Best Adult Memory:  the day we found our Mate. I had no idea why I was being driven through the night to answer this call, but that moment when I looked into her eyes, and she looked into mine…that click vibrated through me

Favorite Scent:   The smell of my Mates after we have all been satisfied. There is nothing better.

What’s your Favorite movie of all time?   Lord of the Rings trilogy

If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?  I would love to vacation in Sweden

How do you spend your day?   sleeping, but when I am awake, lately with my Maker and Mate.

Nights?  spending my nights with my Maker and Mate.

What is your life aspiration?   To be what I am. A loving Mate that takes care of his loves. As long as I have them, I am happy.

What did it feel like finding your Sookie when she was just five years old, and then to find out that you would be sharing her with your maker, only to find out that you were mated to both Sookie and Godric?   As I mentioned earlier, it is the best memory of my thousand years. But when we found that Godric was out Mate also, it settled me. I was not looking forward to giving up the time with my Maker. I love him, and it felt like something was tearing inside of me not to be with him. But I knew that Mating was absolute. I was just confused about why I was upset with it. So it was a relief to find that I was not wrong. That there was a reason for me to feel that way towards my Maker.

Vampires are naturally possessive creatures. How do you stop yourself from feeling jealousy or possessiveness when Sookie shares affection with Godric?    There is none. She is ours, as Godric is ours, and I am theirs. If there were jealousy or possessiveness in our bond, we couldn’t be Mates. There is beauty in watching Godric share his body with Sookie and me, just as there is with Sookie. Godric feels no jealousy either with the two of us like that. Now, we have some issues but they are not because of our love for each other; they are misconceptions that no one had corrected before. We just learned a valuable lesson, that while we love each other, and there is no jealousy over a Mate being with the other Mate, there is still a chance that one of us will be upset thinking we were not enough for our Mates. But never about one being with another. How can I be jealous of them wanting to be with each other the way I want to be with them?

You have an eternity before you: what three things or events do you look forward to the most?    My Mating of course!  I also look forward to this plan coming to an end. I have spent so long acting like I was nothing more to Sookie than a big brother, and now our act has me wanting her but has her acting as if she hates it. I also look forward to not having to serve Queen Sophie Anne. This may not be what others think about, but it all ends up with the same result. I want to be free with my Mates. I want to show them affection, and return it freely. I would like to tease Sookie, and not have her have to act like a spoiled brat. It seems simple and so little, but it is something I yearn for each night this charade goes on.

If you could have one, what would your theme song be? Thrive by Switchfoot


Were there any questions not asked that you would like to have BEEN asked? Not that I can think of. There is one I wish was asked, but per the rules, I couldn’t answer and you can’t answer for me. But all in all, these were good questions, and I am pleased with the thought that went into them.

What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in your 2000+ years as a vampire?  

If you could experience anything, what would it be and why?  

Favorite Quotes:

“As many times as I call you it.”

“Go do whatever it is you do in this shithole.  I will talk to you before I leave.”

“It will take at least one more time, Godric.”

“Some places would term what we did as punishment.”

“Well, I know I am more than willing to please her, I just hope she wishes to please me.”

“I can endure anything you want to do to me in punishment.  I would revel in the torment of being your lover, even if it would lead me until my final death.”

“What was the first thing I taught you, min älskade?

“I have done so.  I told you there was no competition.”

 “I will grow on you, just give me a chance, Min Karlek.”

“Billy boy.  Do you think that Godric will not have that information from you either way? I told you he would make an excellent jester.”

“Money, Sookie.  It all boils down to money.”


Eric played by Alexander Skarsgard


Posted on

March 20, 2015

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