Here is this month’s Writing Challenge. This month the contest is to write a fic (One shot or it can be the beginning of a story, just indicate which) based on one of the following pics:

Here is the catch. If you have another character you would write on, ask me to render it for you. For instance, Kelpie wanted Hook, she got a say on pic, and what the wings will look like. However, she owes me a story for the contest. But once a character has been added, you are free to enter under that character.
Must use prompt(s).
Use characters in my stories. (Yes Jodie, Kol is in You’re and a couple one shots.)
No letting anyone knowing which story is yours.
If you submit, you can grab the Banner for Participating for the month.
If explicit, you need to warn people in the title.
All entries must be received by by Midnight CST at the end of the last day of the month.
Happy Writing.. and remember, mum’s the word. No telling anyone you wrote what (I don’t even KNOW. My ladies keep it from me.). This is a judging on writing, not popularity.
If you participated, the banner is below. Grab it for your use when the contest is done!
[polldaddy poll=”8223095″]