Hatter and Goodbyes

Hatter and Goodbyes

Story:  Alice Syfy

Song:  This Ain’t a Love Song by Scouting for Girls

Written by: Kittyinaz

Summary:  After Alice left Hatter in the Looking Glass room what happened.

Author Notes: I have wanted to write something to this song for awhile.  But my stories never seem to lean towards this song.  So I figure I would do this one.

Hatter watched as the technician pushed Alice through the Looking Glass.  His feelings were all over the place.  What did she mean when she said ‘and lots of other things?’

He had seen her hugging Jack earlier and then her accepting the Stone of Wonderland.  Sure she had put it in the receptacle that powers the Looking Glass, but didn’t she and the other Oysters need to go home?  He was sure that she was just finishing up business there in her world so that she could come back to be Jack’s Queen.

Hatter stood there in the same spot until the room emptied.  He never noticed the pitying looks that were thrown his way from different people in the room as they watched then left. He never noticed anything until it was too dark in the room to see anything.  He had stood there all day remembering everything that Alice and he had gone through.

Hatter finally moved to leave.  He had nowhere to really go, but his feet led him to his Tea Shoppe.  He had visited it briefly to clean up, not wanting Alice to see how bad he had been hurt by the Doctors.  He hadn’t had much time to even do that, not wanting to be late and miss Alice, so he had cleaned up but not changed his clothing.  Then he had run to the Looking Glass room to try to convince Alice to stay with him or for him to go with her back to her world.  There was nothing here left for him anymore.  Everything in him didn’t want this world unless she was in it.  If she didn’t want to be here, not that he blamed her, Hatter would go with her back to her world.

But when he ran through the doors and saw her hugging Jack, he remembered the confrontation in the Kingdom of Knights and how right Jack had been.  Jack was able to offer Alice everything she deserved.  She deserved to be the queen that she was.  What did Hatter have to really offer her? He was owner of a Tea Shoppe that was now out of business.

Hatter walked in the Tea Shoppe and headed back to his office.  He sat down in his chair and thought about Alice for the rest of the night.  He was a bloody big mess inside.

Dormie walked in the next morning and found Hatter sitting in his chair.  He looked Hatter over, noticing he looked like shit.  Dormie turned and went to their secret stash of healing teas, grabbing one, he brought it to Hatter.

Hatter was startled when he heard Dormie say his name.  He looked up at his friend and waited to hear what he has to say.

Shocked by what he saw in Hatter’s face, Dormie tried again, “Boss, you need to drink this.  It will help with your injuries.”

Hatter just stared at Dormie.  When Dormie offered the tea again, Hatter took it and drank.  He handed it back to Dormie and turned in the chair to face away; he didn’t really want to deal with anyone right now.

Dormie was taken aback.  The healing teas did their job, but it always felt like whatever had done the damage was reversing itself.  Hatter had never shown much when it was working in the past, but for him to dismiss it completely was way out of character, even for him.  Dormie decided to work on the Tea Shoppe and leave his Boss alone, for now.

Hatter never heard or saw anything but his memories for the rest of the day. Friends of his and Dormie had come by to help with the rebuilding of the Tea Shoppe.  Dormie made excuses for him all day.  Jack had sent some suits to help and take stock of what had been damaged.  The same question was asked all day, “How was Hatter handling it?”

Rumors had flown around Wonderland about its newest heroes.  Hatter and Alice.  A lot of Wonderland was upset that the two were not together and was not sure who to blame.  The popular guilty party was Jack.  But to be honest, the King of Wonderland was not thought well of at this time, with his demands that all the Tea be turned into the Hospital of Dreams.  He had explained it was to make sure that all Tea Heads will be sent through detox safely.  But who wanted to give up their feelings?

So as the rumors flew through the city, with eye witnesses being made much of, there was no question that Hatter had lost the girl.  People who had never known Hatter personally showed up to help out, and to satisfy their curiosity.

That night Dormie made his way to the office.  What he saw shocked him and frightened him a little bit.  Hatter had not moved.  Not an inch.  This was not good.  Hatter was hyper and never could sit in one place for very long.

Dormie walked over and stared at Hatter.  Realizing his Boss had it bad, he decided to get help.  He left without saying anything to Hatter and went to the palace.  When he entered, he asked to see Jack.  When asked who he was and what his business was, he answered just, “Hatter.”

He was moved quickly to where Jack was, in an office done in reds and whites.

Jack looked exhausted as he tried to deal with not only the mess his mother had left him but also with grief from his father passing away.  His father had not been there much for him as he got older, but he still remembered his father’s kind words.  The last thing his father had done was tell him to always trust the caterpillars.  He had done so when Caterpillar had found him and recruited him into the Resistance.

Hearing the door open he looked up and was surprised to see Dormie.  The mousy Wonderlander was well known through the Resistance as the man who could pass messages; Jack had used him many times.  So to say he was surprised to see him was an understatement, he was in fact very worried.

Jack asked Dormie, “How may I help you?”

Dormie looked at the King of Wonderland and repeated the same word. “Hatter.”

Jack’s eyebrow lifted in surprise.  “How do you know Hatter?”

Sighing, Dormie replied, “I work for him.”

Jack was even more surprised.  He, just like the rest of the Resistance never asked about anyone’s true lives.  It was one way to protect them all.  But to find out that Dormie worked for Hatter, well to say it was a shock was like saying the White Rabbits weren’t frightened by everything.

But then Jack felt remorse.  He remembered the scene in the Kingdom of Knights when he insulted the Tea Shoppe owner trying to win Alice’s affections.  He had been jealous over his toy and desperate to fulfill his task.  He had come to care for Alice.  A lot.  But the kiss that he had interrupted and then how Hatter had stuck by her?  That made him jealous.  So he had done everything in his power to convince Alice to come with him.  Now with how he felt about Duchess, he felt remorse.  Jack had never cared for Alice the same way.  But with all she had done, all he had done to her, Duchess and he felt as though she deserved the right to become the Queen of Wonderland, all of it as soon as he could hand it to her.  So he offered.  And never was so happy when she turned him down.

But he had seen Hatter’s face when Alice was pushed through the Looking Glass and had been waiting for Hatter to come to him for permission to use the Glass, in fact.  He had worked in the meantime to establish an identity for Hatter in Alice’s world.  Jack just wanted these two to have their happy ending.  But somehow it had gotten off the track and it saddened him.

Jack asked softly, “Why are you here Dormie, instead of Hatter?”

Dormie looked at his King and told him, “Hatter has not moved at all since last night.  I gave him a healing tea to heal all his injuries and he didn’t even flinch.  I know he was tortured by the Doctors.  He has not moved at all since then.”

Jack was surprised.  Then he realized that Hatter of all the residents of Wonderland would know how to feel.  There were select few in Wonderland who remained able to feel as much as an Oyster.  And Hatter, with his legacy, would, of course, be one of those few.

Jack told Dormie, “I think you will need to find the White Knight.  If Hatter saw me, he would move, but I think he is thinking Alice choose me over him, while in reality, she choose him.  But, like a fool, he didn’t tell her how he felt for her.  When he is ready, let him come to me and I will get him to the Looking Glass.  I also have everything set up for him to live in Alice’s world.”

Dormie stared at Jack, “Thank you.  Where is the White Knight?”

Hatter was brought to awareness by a voice he had not expected to hear:  Charlie.  He focused and saw the White Knight in front of him.

Charlie stared at Hatter and asked him, “Why are you here Harbinger?  Why are you not with Alice of Legend?”

Hatter just stared up at the Guardian of the Curtsy.  He finally relented to speak when Charlie did not move. “Alice left.  She went back to her world.  It is safer for her there of course.  I don’t know if she was coming back, but if she is, it will be as Jack’s Queen.”

Charlie nodded and told Hatter, “Alice turned down Jack, Harbinger.”

Hatter stared up at Charlie in shock.  “She did what?”

Charlie looked down at Hatter and told him, “When Jack asked Alice to be his Queen, she told him no, that she wanted something different.  It has been obvious to everyone that she wants you.  But here you sit.”

Hatter sat there just staring at Charlie.  “If she wanted me, why didn’t she-” He could not finish that sentence, it hurt too much.

Charlie looked at Hatter and his face softened. “Harbinger, Just Alice cares for you.  But she is still nervous.  Matters of the heart make everyone nervous, she is no different.  But I was there, I saw and heard her tell you she wanted to do so much more with you than pizza.”

Hatter slumped in his seat.  “I lost her didn’t I, since I didn’t follow her.  Charlie, how did I mess everything up?  All I wanted is to have a happy ever after with her.  Heck, I really just wanted to have a hug.”

A new voice came in and told Hatter, “You haven’t messed anything up.  The Looking Glass can also travel in time.”

Hatter and Charlie looked up quickly to see Jack leaning against the pillar.  Hatter stood quickly.

Jack told him, “Hatter, I am sorry for insulting you. So sorry.  I have some idea how you feel; I feel the same way about Duchess.  So I am here to help.”

Hatter asked bluntly, “If you love Duchess, then why ask Alice to be your Queen?” He needed to know.

Jack sighed and told him, “Duchess and I thought she deserved to be Queen of Wonderland.  All of Wonderland.  I was going to step down, as soon as possible.  It is the least I could do for all she had done for us.”

Hatter just stared at Jack.  “Would you of married her?”  His verbal filter was not working.  And truthfully, he didn’t care.

Jack looked at him and told him truthfully, “You know I wouldn’t have.  It would have been binding to both of us and neither of us wants each other.  That would have been unnecessarily cruel.”

Hatter relaxed, knowing now that the man in front of him didn’t want Alice.  Marriage here was permanent but Alice wouldn’t have known that.  Jack could have had her, with her not knowing until it was too late.  But Jack had stated that he would not have done that.

Jack continued, “I have set up an identity for you in her world, Hatter.  You are both more than welcome to live in Wonderland, or even visit.  I will have the Looking Glass tuned to you both and if either of you wants to come back, you can.”

Hatter and Charlie stared at the King.  He was telling Hatter that they had the ability to use the Looking Glass no matter what.  Once that was programmed in, it could never be removed. And if there were hostile people in the Looking Glass chamber, it would drop them elsewhere.  So, there would be no way to stop either Alice or Hatter from coming back to Wonderland.

Hatter finally moved and stopped in front of the King.  He held out his hand to Jack. “Thank you.”

Jack nodded and then told Hatter, “You and Alice are to be revered in the Kingdom.  If you come back, there will be a place in court to help restore Wonderland. Choose where you want, when you want.”

Hatter could see the sincerity in Jack’s eyes and nodded.  He then asked, “How soon can I leave?”

Jack smiled, “Now.  I would be happy to escort you there.”

Hatter grinned. “Just give me a minute?  I think I need to change.”

At Jack’s answering grin, Hatter ran to his private room above the Tea Shoppe.  He changed and grabbed clothes that he thought could pass him for any scrutiny in Alice’s World.  When he was done, he grabbed a black hat and went back down.

Dormie had joined them and Hatter told him, “Thanks.  If I don’t return, this is yours.  I would give it to you, but I will need a way to keep Alice in the fashion she deserves.”

Jack cleared his throat and told Hatter, “You two will never need to worry about it, either here or in the other world.  It’s just a little token of Wonderland’s thanks.  This was voted on unanimously by the court, after a demand from the city.”

Hatter swallowed, “Thanks, but methinks Alice will have something to say about that!”

Jack grinned back, “Tell her she will have to try to convince me otherwise in person.”

The two laughed, acknowledging that they were on the way to be friends, and possibly could have been all this time. There was something in both that balanced the other out.  Jack hope that Alice and Hatter would come back; he would need advisors such as they as Wonderland was restored.  His Kingdom needed a lot of work, much less the Kingdom of the Knights, which he also wanted to restore.  A kernel of an idea came to him and he smiled.

The group made their way to the Looking Glass and waited as it powered up.  Charlie told Hatter, “I look forward for you to return with Alice of Legend.  Be well, Hatter.”

Hatter shook his hand, acknowledging Charlie’s use of his name.  He then turned to Jack.

Jack handed him a packet and told him, “Here is everything you will need in the other World.  Your name is listed as David Kingsliegh. I too wish you all the best and hope to see you both back here soon.”

Hatter smiled and then walked to the Looking Glass.  He looked back at his friends and waved as he stepped through.

Author’s Ending Notes: And I will leave it there.  We know what happens.  As for the rest?  We will see.  I have plenty of stories to work on now!  Let me know what you think and please submit stories!!! 

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Has Lost Direction

Has Lost Direction

Story:  Alice

Song:  Valentine’s Day by Linkin Park

Written by: Kittyinaz

Summary:  Read to find out.

The clouds were racing above the lake as the waves crashed on the beach, driven by the cold hard wind that was blowing.  It was the same beach that Alice and Hatter had come ashore just a couple of days ago, arguing about the Stone of Wonderland and Jack.

A lone man stood at the water’s edge, as he stared over the water, his body radiated pure defeat, not caring about the cruel chilled wind that was gusting past him.  How did it all come to this?

He hadn’t reacted to anything since the day after the Queen had been overthrown; it all meant nothing to him now, his reason for all he had done was gone.  His insides felt like dust, there was nothing to make him go forward; it had all been taken from him by a man in a grey and yellow jumpsuit.

Oh, Hatter had his revenge, he had pumped every single bullet in his gun into the man, but it had not mattered.  No, he had been too slow and the person who had paid for his lack of attention, had paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Hatter had, as the rest of the room, been watching with bated breath the reunion of father and daughter. The reason he had watched differed from the rest, he no longer cared for the downfall of the regime, only for the woman in front of him. It had been everything he knew she had wanted and needed.  Hatter had been happy at that instant in time, he had ignored the pain he had been in.  Nothing mattered more than him knowing that the woman he was in love with, was getting at least part of what she needed to heal.

Then the unthinkable happened, there was a shot, Robert had somehow seen the gun before it had gone off and taken the bullet for his daughter, his last sacrifice.  Both of them had dropped to the floor and as Hatter heard her scream, his heart had broken as he emptied his gun.  He had been there by her side in seconds, her father’s body already growing cold next to her.  She had looked up at him and asked him to help her out calmly.  Later he came to realize, she already knew her fate.

When he asked if she was ok, she had assured him she was fine.  He believed her, and to this day, has no idea how he carried her out of the casino.  When they had stopped, he noticed that when he put her down, he had felt a cool breeze on his side.  He had ignored it, looking after her, thinking it was his own wounds making his shirt stick to his skin.  She had leaned on him, and he had asked again if she was ok.  She had nodded and stood on her own as they watched the Casino collapse.

Afterwards, they had confronted the Queen. Gotten the Stone of Wonderland and won.  Then Alice had started to drop. He had quickly caught her, as he had screamed her name.  He had known at that moment that she had lied to him, she was not fine.  It was her blood on him that had poured out as he carried her out of the Casino, not his.

The crowd had grown quiet and just watched as he screamed her name over and over.  Doctors, real doctors, had ran over and tried to take her away from him.  Jack had finally interceded and had him dragged away, but as soon as they had taken her to the scarab they had called for her, allowed him to be by her side.

Hatter stayed by her side until they again forced him away from it at the Hospital of Dreams.  He had raged, punched suits and Doctors alike until Caterpillar finally made him stop when he flat out asked if he wanted to make sure she died.

He had stopped and stared at the elder man before him.  Caterpillar told him he needed to get out of his way, or Alice would have no chance of surviving.

That had started a night and day of Hatter just standing there, staring at the doors they had taken her through.  No one could convince him to move, not Charlie with his begging, Jack with his ordering, or Duchess sympathizing.  Hatter stayed there until the end.

The wind blew over the lake, whipping the waves even higher as Charlie stood there watching the Hero of Wonderland as he stared off over the Lake of Tears.  Today, it has definitely earned it’s name as all of Wonderland was here to honor it’s latest Alice of Legend adding to the waters.

He remembered how Hatter had fallen to his knees when they told him she was gone.  He had repeated, “No, NO…NO!”  And at that second Charlie remembered the same denial when they had realized she had went to the Casino by herself.

There was no one in the room who would have doubted Hatter’s feelings for Alice when he carried her from the Casino.  But if there had been, there was no doubt when he had caught her, screaming her name as she collapsed into his arms.  Now, every single person in the waiting room just watched him as he fell apart, not a dry eye in the room.  No one could move to his side at first, his raw emotions pinned them all down.   It had been a long time since anyone had felt that much in Wonderland.

Nor was there a dry eye now as Charlie looked over the crowd.  They all realized how much the proclaimed Hero of Wonderland had lost that day.  Since then he had only reacted when spoken to.  He had been named part of the council, as well officially been named a Hero of Wonderland, as Alice had, also.  He had just stood there, as broken as he was when Jack had announced to the crowd gathered his new titles.

Charlie had stood next to him, supported the man as he had since that terrible day in the Hospital of Dreams.  The only time Hatter reacted to anything was when they headed to his home.  He denied everyone entrance into the Tea Shoppe, actually going to the point of locking them all out.

Charlie heard movement behind him, and turned his head to meet the eyes of the King of Wonderland.

Jack stood there, watching his new Duke of Clubs just stare out over the Lake.  His heart hurt for the man he had thought was his rival.  But, he had admitted to himself, that as much as he had cared for Alice, it had been nothing to Hatter’s feelings for her.  As he had watched the man literally break in front of him had led him to make some hard decisions later.

He just hoped those decisions were made where the man in front of him wasn’t too far broken to accept.  So far, he has received no indication of life in the man.

Jack sighed, then turned and told Charlie, “It’s time.”

Hatter didn’t even start when Charlie came up and quietly told him the same thing.  He nodded one time briefly, and then with one last look over the Lake, he turned.  He walked over to the pyre that held the last remains of Alice of Legend, wrapped in blue silks. The raft was full of flowers, all brought by the residents of Wonderland in thanks of their new freedom, Alice herself rested on a bed of ferns from the Forest of Wabe, gathered by Hatter himself.  He, along with Caterpillar, Jack, the Ten of Clubs, Charlie, and Dodo all helped lift her to their shoulders and walked her to the Lake that according to legend, her predecessor had made with her tears.  Once the raft was on the water, they all quietly walked back out, Hatter last.

The cold wind blew against him, but he never registered the cold as he stared out.  He didn’t acknowledge when Jack handed him the torch.  After a few minutes of silence, he walked forward and lit the pyre.

Charlie cut the ropes and they all watched the pyre floated off on the lake.  He heard sobs behind him, and wondered how people who have never met the amazing Alice of Legend could emote so much emotion, when before they had all needed the Teas to feel anything.

Then he saw the man who stood at the edge of the Lake and he understood.  How could anyone not feel anything when you watched him?  His entire body screamed his grief as he had verbally done on that day.  The last day anyone had seen any indication of life in the man.

That much grief could not be observed for any amount of time without the observer feeling the same grief.

The fire burned through the night slowly, the crowds dissipated just as slowly.  Hatter stood where he was the entire night, watching.

When the flames finally died and the raft slipped into the icy depths of the Lake, Hatter dropped to his knees.  One word was ripped from his throat, “Alice!”

The only ones who had remained were the pallbearers and Duchess.  They stood there, witness to it all, bowing their heads in acknowledgement of his grief. Finally Jack and Charlie moved together and picked up the broken man.

They helped him on his horse and led him back to the city.  The entire ride was quiet, even the horses were silent, as though they observed the grief of the man in the brown jacket.

Once in the city, they made their way to the Tea Shoppe.  Charlie helped him dismount and escorted him to the doors, and watched the man walk in the doors.  He slowly walked away, just glanced at the King as he turned Arthur and made his way out of the city.

Jack just stared at the closed doors, and finally left to the palace.  He and the Duchess dismounted and slowly made their way into their rooms.  He collapsed into a chair and rested his head in the palm of his hand.

Duchess dropped in front of him and just stared up at him.

He looked down at her and just asked, “Did I do the right thing?”

Duchess just watched him and finally told him, “It was the only thing you could have done.”

Jack sighed and looked away, the weight of his decision on him as he hoped that this didn’t break Hatter.

Hatter just barred the doors, making sure no one could make their way inside.  He turned and walked through the main room of the Tea Shoppe, not acknowledging the damage that was everywhere.  He hit the code for his office and walked into the room that had not changed since the first day he had turned in his chair and saw her.

He had no idea why the room had not been trashed, but once he had seen it, he had made sure that no one disturbed the last place he had a memory of her that no one could intrude upon.

Hatter walked over to his chair and just collapsed in it.  He was the epitome of misery, his head dropped in his hands, shoulders defeated.

There was no sound for many minutes, except for the wind blowing outside, until a sob was shaken out of him.  He then asked, so softly that no one could have heard him, “Why?”  He stood and shouted it, “Why???”  He grabbed his hat and threw it from him and fell to his knees sobbing.

He was there for a few minutes before arms surrounded him, comforting him.  Hatter jerked, enraged that someone invaded his last place of memory.  But before he could say anything, a voice he thought was gone from him told him the answer, “Because it was the only way.”

Hatter jerked and turned quickly to find his angel, the woman he thought he had just buried standing there.  He stared at her in shock, unable to move in case it was a vision.  He would take whatever he could of her.

Alice stared at the man in front of her, hating that it had to happen this way.  She finally told him, “They would have never left us alone.  I did die on the operating table.  Three times.  But each time, Caterpillar worked his magic and brought me back.  The last time, I fell into a coma for a week.”

And when she had come to, Jack had been there.  He had told her what had happened, and his plan.  His plan to give them both the happy ending without anyone hunting her for the pearls she had inside, to give them both peace.

It had taken a day of talking and pleading from Jack for her to understand.  And even then, he kept her locked up until this morning.  When the rest of Wonderland was at the Lake of Tears, his most trusted suits brought her here and made sure she stayed.

Hatter just stared then asked her, “Alice?”

Her heart breaking for the man in front of her, she nodded.

Hatter grabbed her and held her to him.  As he registered her smell and the feeling of her in his arms, he cried.  He cried in relief that she was here.  He cried releasing all the grief he had bottled inside of him.  He cried knowing that this woman who was in his arms was alive.

Alice held him, she told him the why’s he had demanded once he had calmed down.  She kept apologizing, telling him she had begged for Jack to let him know.  But Jack told her that the second time she had died; a nurse had left the room and told Hatter she was dead.  It wasn’t until latter that day that Jack even knew she was alive.  That was what gave him the idea, and the only was he knew of convincing everyone, including Dodo, that she was dead was by keeping up the charade.

Hatter finally lifted his head and looked her in the eyes.  He just told her what he had wished he had told long ago, “Alice, I love you.”

Alice smiled at him and quietly replied, “I love you too, Hatter.  Jack asked, saying he would have sent you to me in my world, but I wanted to remain here with you.  I only left Wonderland once, to tell my mother I was leaving for good.  I could not have her looking for me, but I closed that portion of my life to stay here with you.  If you want me to.”

Hatter just held her closer and told her bluntly, “I never want to leave your side.  Where ever you go, I will go also.  Alice, I never want to suffer what I did today ever again.  I will not bury you again.  Once is all I can take.  What ever it takes, we will do together.” He held her away and cupped her head, “I promised you once I would take care of you, let me keep that promise now.”

Alice smiled and told him, “That is all I wanted from you.  I love you, Hatter.”

Instead of answering her, he kissed her, with all the love and devotion evident as their lips moved together.  When they ended the kiss, he told her, “And I love you, Alice of Legend.  Forever.”

Thanks for reading. ~Wendy

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Got A Mountain To Climb

Got A Mountain To Climb

Story:  Alice & Hatter (My own Story)

Song:  Enough to Let Me Go by Switchfoot

Written by: Kittyinaz

Summary:  What is Hatter didn’t call for his Parents when Alice beat the Red Queen?  What if I allowed the movie continue a little bit longer?

Author Notes:  Just trying to get a feel for this writing again.  Decided this song was haunting me enough.

In the great hall that she had only escaped from less than 3 days prior, Alice is listening to a conversation between one of the Oysters, who had been one of the first to wake up after Hatter and her’s help, and two young girls.  She recognizes the girls are the ones that had woken her up from the emotional black hole she had let herself fall into when her father denied her.

Then there was Hatter.  It was her fault he was captured and she had thought he was dead.  But after they confronted the Queen, he had swung around and kissed her deeply.

Hatter had then told her, “I will be back, Alice.  I need to get some things together and finish out a couple of obligations.  Please wait for me.”

That was 3 days ago.

Her chest hurt, but no one was telling her anything.  In fact the Duchess hinted that if she loved him enough to let him go, it would be best for everyone.  Alice just stared at this woman in disbelief, searching her face for a hint of what had brought that on.

Alice had turned around and walked out, left the old palace to wander through the city.  For once, her fear of heights was not affecting her as she was thinking of the pain of letting Hatter go.  She had though that they had a deeper connection than just friends.  Do friends tell each other they love each other and all the other things that they had done while she had been here?

Without noticing where she was, Alice wondered had eventually made her way to the ground level of the city.  She was walking in a garden and noticed that the hedges seemed oddly shaped.  She dismissed it in her head, more intent on figuring out what is happening between her and Hatter.

She walked through a door and stood shocked.  She had no idea where she is or how she really got here.  But the room in front of her was nothing short of a throne room.  And she could tell it was the Heart’s with all the color and shapes.  Alice turned around to look at the wall behind her and gasped.

2011-11-23 14.01.04

There on the wall, was a mural with a dragon looking creature being ridden with a woman with a huge head.  On the other side was a griffon that mirrored the size of the dragon.  Alice had covered her mouth with her hand, for some reason she knew what she was seeing was important.

After staring at the mural for a couple of minutes, Alice decided to try to make her way out.  Luckily, it looked as though no one had walked through this area in ages.  She followed her footsteps out of the complex and through the garden she had barely noticed the first time.  Though, she frowned, trying to understand why if everything else in this place was colored red, why were the roses all white?

A brief memory picked at the back of her brain of her father reading from Alice in Wonderland a part where in the garden of the Red Queen, the Alice in book along with the Queen had painted the white roses red.

But before Alice could think any more of it, she heard someone calling for her.  She ran out of the garden and met up with Charlie.

Two more days go by,  and Alice had come up with an answer to the Duchess’s question.  Yes, she loved Hatter enough to let him go.

Jack walked in with his father.  Seeing Alice there, his heart jumped.  He quietly walked over and asked, “Alice, what are you doing here?”

Alice looked up into his face and asked, “I just need to go home, Jack.  Now.  All my goodbyes are made to those who wanted them.  Can I just go now?”

Jack jerked back, but then his mind though of how once he got everything ready, he could go and win her.  Seems Prince David made a mistake and Jack is going to cash in.

“Of course, Alice.  We would be honored to respect your wishes.  Just go and stand on the platform.  Once the Glass is fully charged, the technician will let you know.”  Jack hurried to the box and put the Stone she had handed him earlier today.

The machine hums to life.  The Technician is shocked but he stands on the platform.  He softly tells her, “Not all is as you think it is, Alice.  He will be following soon once he hears of this.”  When Alice shakes her head, he can see she is determined to go through this.  His eyes look up and the Former King of the Reds.  Seeing the nod there, he tells Alice, “Take a deep breath.”  And he pushes her through.

Alice cannot help but scream as she rides the rainbow current.  She also feels as though something in her chest was being pulled apart.  The pain grows so much that Alice gratefully gives into the darkness.

The next thing she remembers is lights and people’s voices saying they found her before the darkness pulls her back under.

The next time she wakes, she gasps as pain shoots through her body.  Her mother is there in seconds, asking where it hurts.

Alice can barely concentrate through the pain and gasps out, “Hatter!”

Back in Wonderland, Hatter is at the Hall arguing with the Prince to open the Looking Glass.  Finally, he draws himself up and demands his mum’s ring back.

Jack jerks his head back and repeats, “Your mum’s Ring?”

Alice of Legend and her husband, the Hatter, walk through the doors.  “Ye give muh boyo ‘at he is wanting.”

Jack is just staring at the two legends in front of him, his mouth just gaping open.

Luckily for him, his father came in the room, goes to the box, and hands the ring to Hatter with a bow.

Hatter takes a deep breath, rubbing his chest.

Tarrant tells him, “If you take it, we will stand guard on this side.  The Stone be there long enough to get you there and to bring your mate home.  Go me son!”

Hatter nods and placing the ring on his little finger, he grabs his hat and jumps through the Glass.

Alice and Tarrant smile and then turn their attention to the Jack of Knaves in front of them.

Jack slowly backs up from in the look in their eyes, his eyes looking frantically around to find an escape route.  And finding none in any of the eyes he meets, including his father.

Alice is still in the hospital since her vitals are showing them that she is in pain, but they have been unable to pinpoint the cause of it.

Suddenly this morning, the pain had flared then faded.  Alice’s eyes popped wide open as she tries to figure out what is going on.

Seeing nothing going on, Alice just drifts away, not fully asleep, but not awake.

An hour later, a familiar voice wakes her up, yelling.

Alice sits up and asks, “Hatter?”

Her mom was just going to walk in the room, but seeing her daughter not only awake but functioning, makes her turn her head and look at the young man arguing with the nurse. “She is my Fiancé!”

Alice just says disbelieving, “Hatter?  Here?  It must be a dream…”

That confirms it to Carolyn.  She turns and hails the man, “Hatter! I left multiple messages for you.  Alice is in here.”  She reaches out and grabs him by the arm and drags him past the nurse.

Hatter is looking at this woman, but feeling that she is taking him towards the pull, he allows her to drag him.

Alice is just staring at the door, her hand on her chest.  The door slowly opens and she sees the man she loves walking through the door.  He stops and seeing his Alice in the bed, he rushes over to her and pulls her into his arms.

“Alice, why did you leave me? You must have fallen through the Glass just before I entered.  I needed to take care of a couple things.  Why, Alice?  Why did you leave me?”

Alice is crying as she holds Hatter closer to her.  “I was asked if I loved you enough to let you go.  It took more than I knew to do that, and now you are here, I cannot let you go.  I am so sorry.”

Hatter pulls back and kisses her.  He pours all his love, desire and need for the woman who is the other half of his soul.  He leans his forehead on hers and told her, “You look beautiful tonight, Alice.  And you never need to worry if you love me enough to let me go, unless you are willing to let me follow through, to fall in even more in love with you.  Alice, there is just so much we need to talk about.  But, know this.  I love you and need you by my side from now until the end of time.  Will you give me this?”

Alice’s tears are falling as she tells him, “Yes.”

Hatter grins and kisses her tears.  Then he pulls her into his arms as he grins.  “Well then, I guess we need to get you back home, where you belong.”

Thanks for reading. ~Kittyinaz

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