Yes, I love crossovers. Shoot, I am writing one remember!!! But I do seem to like Bella in Crossovers and in fact that is how I found True Blood.
Harry Potter/Twilight
For some reason, this is my favorite pairing. I blame Speklez on this completely since she sends pretty pics of Draco all the time on Facebook.
New Start – Amplify. Your Imagination
‘It was the past, though it still hurt to think about. Think about the dead look in my mom’s eyes, the crazed one in the man I had considered father all my life.’ Bella Swan is getting a new start, a new life, maybe even find love on the way. Complete. This has the Cullens in it but the story itself is unique. There is no vampires and Bella’s backstory is brand new. Great if you like a tough Bella.
True Blood/Twilight
What does this mean? Well there are alot of stories in this universe that has Bella with Jasper and going to Eric. So General. Pairings to be listed as below.
Another Chance to Live and to Love by Heavan Hell Angel
Summary: Bella’s now twenty. She was sent to live with her elder cousin Sookie Stackhouse two months after Edward and his family left her all alone. She has already met Eric, Pam, and Chow along with Sookie’s boyfriend Bill. And to everyone’s surprise,
Crossover – Twilight & True Blood – Fiction Rated: M – English – General – Chapters: 21 – Words: 66,830 – Reviews: 391 – Updated: 1-12-11 – Published: 5-21-10 – – Bella/Godric – Complete
Mate’s in Death Including the True Death by Heavan Hell Angel
Godric does not burn alone on the roof top of the hotel. He had created one another child another than Eric. Eric’s little sister had survived that night but had been taken away and raised somewhere else.
Crossover – Twilight & True Blood – Fiction Rated: T – English – Romance/General – Chapters: 1 – Words: 1,535 – Reviews: 7 – Updated: 10-27-11 – Published: 10-27-11 – – Bella/Godric – Complete
Salvation by Heavan Hell Angel
Summary: Godric goes to a club to be free of the nest for awhile. He feels like there is nothing worth living for anymore. But there he meets her, his salvation and in return he might just be able to be her salvation as well.
Crossover – Twilight & True Blood – Fiction Rated: M – English – General/Romance – Chapters: 1 – Words: 3,235 – Reviews: 29 – Updated: 5-20-10 – Published: 5-20-10 – – Bella/Godric – Complete
Venom, Fangs, and Fairies – krystal 214
The supernatural world is in danger when Alice and Edward conspire with the Volturi. Soul-mates Bella and Jasper, who is actually a unique hybrid bt/wn both types of vamps, bring their family and friends to help Eric & the TB crew before its too late. Set at the start of TB season 2 and a loose time-line for Twi as Bella is still human. Funny banter, sexy moments, & fights galore. This is a WIP. And she tells the pairing. It is interesting and I am loving it. I have spoke with her about the story and quite honestly cannot wait until she continues…
Vampire Diaries/Twilight
Ok, who is really shocked here? You all should know by now I love Damon. Shoot I stuck him in my True Blood story!!! These two fit though. Damon and Bella have had enough heartbreak in their life and these two would know how to deal with it.
Edward left after Bella’s 18th birthday and kept his word never coming back. Finally moving on, Bella goes to college as far from Forks as she can get where she stumbles into the arms more trouble than she’d ever bargained for. Damon x Bella, AU, Rated M Complete.
Alice 2009/Alice in Wonderland, 2010
Ok, I write this, And I started my story What If before I ever read this. For some reason it made sense for me to put them together…
To Higher Places by Crystal Moon2
Hatter starts to think on his past and about the family he tried to forget about when Alice start to ask questions about him and his past.
Crossover – Alice, 2009 & Alice in Wonderland, 2010 – Fiction Rated: T – English – Romance/Drama – Chapters: 2 – Words: 3,582 – Reviews: 5 – Updated: 2-1-11 – Published: 7-7-10