Hansel and Gretel and Vampires by Kim Selzer
Fandoms: Avengers/Twilight/Vampire Diaries/Brothers Grimm Fairytales
Title: Hansel and Gretel and Vampires
Rating: T
Characters: Hansel/Clint, Gretel/Bella, Damon
Everyone knows the story of Hansel and Gretel; at least they think they do. Let’s start off with the story everyone knows. Hansel and Gretel, brother and sister, live with their father, a woodsman, and their stepmother. They are a very poor family so there is never enough food. Their stepmother, a conniving and evil woman, tells her husband they would be better off without the children. Their father, being a loving man who is easily influenced, agrees with her. She formulates a plan and tells her husband what to do. He is to take the kids into the woods, far enough away and following no path, so they will have no hopes of getting out. Hansel, having exceptional hearing, overhears the plan and tells his sister. Gretel, being a smart, if young, child comes up with a plan. That night, while eating their meager meal, she stows some bread in her pocket. When their father starts to lead them out into the woods she slowly breaks off pieces, leaving a trail her brother, who has hawk like eye sight, can see. Unfortunately, the birds of the forest are hungry too and begin eating the trail. Left alone to fend for themselves the two siblings begin to wander the forest, eventually coming across a gingerbread house covered in gumdrops and candy and all things good to eat. Starving, they run to the house and begin nibbling.
“Who is nibbling at my house?” An old voice croaked. Needless to say they were captured, Hansel was made to eat and eat, and Gretel to cook. Here is where the truth and fiction become jumbled. Instead of tricking the old witch I, Gretel, was able to spell my way out. I threw the witch into the oven with my powers and raced to free Hansel, who became very ill after being forced to eat so much sugar. He now has to take shots and we’ve become witch hunters. Of course, Hansel knew about my powers and being a witch; however, I’m a white witch, only using my powers to help people so, he looks the other way when I have to use my powers. With Hansel’s increased senses and my witchy powers we hunt down dark witches, evil witches, helping free people from their powers. We are supposed to be dead though, so we’ve taken on new names. He is Clint, or as I call him Hawkeye, and I am Bella, or as he calls me Swan. Today is Clint’s 23 birthday, and we are currently hunting a witch in a small town called Rothenburg. A completely walled city, its outlying areas are being affected. The witch is coming into the houses and taking young girls late at night. Sometimes, these “kidnappings” are just kids running away from home, sometimes it’s the parents, like with us, and other times it’s someone in the community. Only about a fifth of the time is it actually a witch. They call us witch hunters, and we are, but I prefer to consider us witch debunkers.
There are many types of witches, and knowing about the supernatural world, you would think people would believe in other mythical beings. However, the most they believe in is werewolves. There are so many different types of beasts of legend; werewolves, leprechauns, harpies, and mermaids, just to name a few. My most favorite is the Vampire. There are a few types of Vampire, both burdened with having to drink blood. Some try to hold in their blood thirst, mainly by eating animals, these are the ones who go on killing sprees when they lose control. My favorite vampire is called Damon Salvatore. He was traveling around Europe shortly after being turned. We ran into each other at a bar one night. He tried to compel me, and when he found he couldn’t struck up conversation, wondering what a lady was doing in a bar like this. Of course, that was right when the witch we’d been hunting came in. I pulled out my gun, aiming for her head, but she took off to fast. My brother was waiting on the roof outside and was able to take her out with his bow and arrow.
“Now what was that for darling?”
“She’s a witch. Me and my brother kill witches, he just happens to be a better shot.”
“So ya’ll hunt witches. You hunt anything else?”
“You know, I’ve found that the only ones who ask that are ‘mythical creatures’ themselves. So let’s see, you have blue eyes, so not a cold one. Your temperature is lower than normal, so not a werewolf. You’re can speak out of water, so not a mermaid. I’m going with Original Vampire. How close am I?”
“Right on the nose. You’re still sitting there though and haven’t tried to kill me.”
“Don’t hunt your kind, not unless you start causing trouble. And you’re not going to cause trouble tonight, right?”
“Nah, as hot as you looked shooting, I don’t want you to be trying to shoot me.”
“Good choice, cause I have some bullets with White Ash Oak in them and my brother has arrows made of them.”
“Note to self, don’t mess with the witch hunters.”
Damon only stayed in town for a few days before he had to move on. We kept in touch, but his sporadic trip kept us from conversing as often as we’d have liked. After a few months, we weren’t talking anymore. We connected so well, and over the years I find myself thinking about him and what might have been. Clint really liked him because they shared a lot of the same humor and both care, cared, deeply for me.
The witch we were currently hunting was a doozy. She is the blackest witch I’ve ever met. You can feel the evil before you even enter the town. Every time we think we get close to her she takes off to a new town. It was as she was spelling me that I heard a voice.
“Let her go you evil crony.”
I did a quick blast to get her away from me, but as I was doing a holding spell, she took off once again.
“Shit, I almost had her.” I stomped my foot like a little kid before I turned around to see who had interrupted me. I sucked in a quick breath of air at the sight of the face that haunted me at night.
“Damon,” I breathed.
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