A Twilighted Tea Shoppe

A Twilighted Tea Shoppe

Twilighted Tea Shoppe

Bella decided to go out for a night on the town with her friends, Hatter decided to mix that night in his club. This starts a chain of events that has love, adventure and a mention of wonder in our world. AU, AH. Pairings? Read to find out!

Main Pairing: Bella/Peter

This story is taken from my Tea Shoppe, I wanted to see if it would be liked by another fandom as much as Alice 2009 liked it.  Also, as you may have noticed, I have Ryan Reynolds as Peter and Leighton Meester as Bella.  This Banner is made by the Beta for the story, Mommy4Thomas

Story being added back into the list.

Song List – Note this is Tea Shoppe’s list


Chapter 1 Tea Shoppe 1





Black Velvet

Black Velvet


Description – AH – Bella leaves to live in Mississippi.  She expects nothing, but to be left alone.  Instead, she is greeted by a southern gentleman who has decided that she needs to be loved.  All is fine until his contract is picked up for a record.

Disclaimer – I own nothing but the idea behind this.  Twilight is owned by Mrs. Meyers as well as the appropriate other parties.  

Wisdom, Justice and Love

Wisdom, Justice and Love

Wisdom Justice and Love_edited-1

This is now being sent to the Beta!  This song revolves around the one shot I did for Ellie Wolf.  She gave permission for me to expand it.  The one Shot was:

Points of Authority Banner with TWCS

The title of the Fic comes from this:

I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice.  A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: “This way of settling differences is not just.” This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation’s homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.”

(Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence by Rev. Martin Luther King – 4 April 1967)

Character Page


Chapters: (only activated when they are posted!)


Chapter 1 WisdomChapter 2 WisdomChapter 3 Wisdom 4Chapter 4 Wisdom 3Chapter 5 Wisdom 4

Chapter 6 Wisdom 2


Twilight One Shots

Twilight One Shots

This is any one-shots I do for Twilight.

Suds in the Bucket 1

Suds in the Bucket

This was a challenge back when I was writing Songs for Alice.  The details are in the chapter, and I will let you read it.  Mostly, it is set to Sarah Evan’s song Suds in the Bucket.

Points of Authority

This was due to a friend who needed a pick me up.  It’s not small, but it was written in dedication to her.

When I Pretend

When I Pretend


When I Pretend_edited-1

When I Pretend: Blood is spilled, and instead of James losing his life, a mate is found and the world is in a world of hurt.  The God of War is about to give lessons on why leaving him and his alone is a good idea.

Rated M for a reason folks.

Many thanks to thewriteashley for taking up the reigns on Betaing this.  Again, this is your reviews making this a reality.

Disclaimer for the story contained under this heading: Stephenie Myers own Twilight.  Not me.

Character List
Song List

Chapter One – Condescending Talk
Chapter Two – Sift Through the Lies
Chapter Three — Set You Free
Chapter Four – Gonna Be Ok
Chapter Five – Age Has Never Made Me Wise