New Tea Shoppe and Twilighted TS!
Yes, I know it has been awhile. And it will be awhile longer for new chapters of the stories I know you are waiting for. Why? Cause RL is bombing me with crap. So I declared it a lost cause, and will take up the fight after I come back from Las Vegas. Click on the banner below for which version you prefer.
This time next week I will be packing, thinking of what all I need to have and printing my boarding passes. I will be flying out of Houston, and landing in Los Angeles and watching the people mill around for 4 hours, before flying to Las Vegas to meet the wonderful Bertie Bott. And hopefully sometime, LadyKT. We will be meeting the wonderful Ian, and Daniel. And maybe it will motivate me to write You’re part II?
So my ladies have gotten together, and Tea Shoppe is back in business. It is taking a lot of work, that Mommy4Thomas is doing on her own, to change it to present tense, and to fix that mess. But expect it to be coming up with more chapters now that we are getting to the point of kiddos in school and so forth.
I am going to post this, and depending how I feel, I will be making some banners and looking over stuff. Per the request of my Facebook Team, they want Clocks without being finished. The teasers have them begging for more. So expect that to be coming out.
I am off to publish my chapters, and then to see what else I can get in trouble for ready for my trip.
Enjoy the chapters!