It’s Tuesday!

It’s Tuesday!


One day closer to the weekend!

I only have one chapter to post today, and it is the last of the posted chapters for Tin Man.  Starting next week will be the new stuff for that one.

I am working on the Database, I got through California Kat (Which took a long time to get all the dates and so on!  I am trying to mark it if complete and when…) And CarolEStewart.  Those are some very prolific ladies!  But as I remind myself, this is the last time I will do this, and I want to share the stories, not just the sites that list them all. Today I will be trying to get through Dirty Lemons, ElfChef and maybe EricIzMine.  tomorrow will be finishing up what I can, as I move on to Idream3223 and InLoveWithEric.

If any authors want to help me out getting your stories on here, let me know, and I will contact you with a spreadsheet that you can fill out.  (I should have asked much sooner!)

For now, I am working to get this done so that I can have as much done before the You Want Blood Awards Nominations open.

Also,  the crossover site, well due to the fact that I had no idea by the time I had WordPress accept my suggestions for a name of the site, that it was similar to Meridian’s.  I was frankly horrified and with her help, we renamed the site.  The site address is the same, with her permission.  The other alternatives was a long search again.  Thankfully she did not have me subjected to that!  Thanks again to Meridian for her help!

I am going to be working with the authors, so feel free to look over the site.  I made some changes, and loaded up all my stories.  This is a directory.  Nothing else.  If someone is looking for Crossovers, we are going to be hopefully a place for them to find them.  I also will be featuring stories, and building the site up until I can hopefully do the contest later this year.

Here is the new name:

Front Banner Quintus 2

Again, I apologize to Meridian for naming it previously close to hers, and am very thankful to the kind lady for understanding.

So here is the last published chapter for Tin Man.  I am off to work on other stuff.

Tin Man 8


Signature for TB SVM Writers2




Yep, that is what this is.

So we are down to the end, I am sooo much hoping.  6 stories folks.  That is all I have to do until I am free to work on the rec database, and to also get ready to work on my own original fiction.

I am excited, since I haven’t been writing anything new, just editing the crap out of stuff I have already written.  And it taught me a valuable lesson, don’t get so far behind!!!  I know why it happened, I was trying to finish stories before publishing them, but the group in Facebook ixnayed that one.

I am actually happy on that, since I seem to work better when you guys are so nice to tell me what you think.  I know I am so very inspired to get back to writing for a lot of the stories.

Also, I need to say again, my beta team rocks!! As I mentioned before, they are all awesome, and they have jobs, and or write in addition to that, and somehow have time for little ole me.  Yes, I am continuously surprised that you guys read me.  Seriously.  I like my stories, but never in my wildest daydreams did I think you guys would.

Carb0408 made the new LOTR Banner for the front page.  She did an excellent job!!! Here it is for you to gaze upon….

Lotr 1

So, the beta for Tin Man is almost done with the edits, and next week in fact, will be the last of the published chapters.  After that we will be publishing new chapters until we catch up to where I was.  Then it will be up to what the muse has for me.

The chapter we are up to:


And I apologize for the All I Want missep.  My fault.  I fixed everything, and if I still have it all wrong, let me know.  There is a reason 4padfoot does the linking and not me.

Don’t forget the stories this month!!! Please vote, there is only until Sunday left!!!


I finished with all but Fictionpad’s updates, and that is only because they are down.  So I can finally get back to the chapter I have been trying to edit for three days.  And it is simple.  Just a pair of dogs that have been a pain in my ass has been holding up the production.  They seem to think that 2 chewies a day thing is flexible.  So they nudge me all day long until they finally get the idea that no, they are not going to get more.  They get one at night and one during the day.

No worries, they have bones everywhere and so on.  They are spoiled rotten.

I am off to work on chapters, and hopefully send a bunch to Mknue, then I can move on to Dying to Start Again, since the beta has been ready for it.  Then Clocks… maybe with a ITE break?  We will see!!!!

Enjoy the chapter for those that want to read the Tin Man again.

kittyinaz Signature

For those that are wondering

For those that are wondering

This is Not  aka Tin Man Final

We are working with Chapter 3 of the Tin Man, going over it.  If you click the banner above, it will take you there.  And yes, the main banner is redone.

I have to say I love working with my beta kbholtz.  She has great questions.  She is asking the ones that make you dive into the story, and try to find the answers.  Luckily there is an invention of IMDb out there for me to look on for answers.

But if you are wondering what is going on, she is working on these back chapters, before she starts the new ones.  The earlier chapters will be up, once I get the emails and put in the new Buttons.

So enjoy the chapter, and you can read ahead, just ignore any mistakes.  If you do notice them, blame me.  Always blame me.  I’m the idiot who made the mistakes in the first place!

Once we get to the new stuff, I will be posting on Tuesdays.  I will post on Tuesdays how far along we are on the other stuff, but this way you guys can look over the work this way.



New Chapter of Tin Man!


Yep, it’s late.  And it’s my fault since it has been updated for DAYS.  I was unable to update, but my Beta (MissRissa81) and my group made sure the chapter was connected in the group.

Tomorrow is update day.  However.  Here is the thing.  I literally just got home from watching my Nephew.  So… Nothing was done that was not beta’d before.  And no pictures were added to the ones that were.  So tomorrow, will be super busy for me.

Plus, my board, that tells me where every single story is, got messed with and everything is messed up.  So I am trying to figure out what is going on.  ED is done, and I will update tomorrow, and I am sending the current chapter to You’re to the Beta.  After that, well it is up in the air.  In The End (Henceforth known as ITE) is at the beta, and so is Tea Shoppe.  What If is being a pain and not flowing even though I have tried to write on it several times.  But I will also be cleaning and washing clothes and all that fun stuff you do when you spend a long time away from home.  Please be patient!!!

Enjoy the current chapter of Tin Man!


New Tin Man Chapter!


Yeah, I am back to alerting you guys on all the new chapters that were done when I was out!! Plus FanFiction is allowing for the posting as well allowing me to get it done all at once.

Just a reminder, this was announced on the Group in Facebook on Wednesday!

Enjoy the chapter!
