I Never…Did

I Never Did Banner2

This is purely all Meridian’s fault.  I was so sick, and this is the only thing that kept playing in my head.  I just wanted to spend the day chilling so I can be better and finish ED.  I am just so close!

What if Sookie had another meeting that no one knew about in Fairy?  One that when she returned home, she knew more than when she left, if she knew about herself, and about who really loves her?  Where would TB go from there?  Starts In Season 4, no idea how far we will take this.


Disclaimer: I in no way own anything to do with True Blood or SVM.  I would have written it more like this if I had been.  And not killed off Godric.  Just saying!

Song list



Chapter One – Come Feed the Rain

Chapter Two – You’re So Extra Ordinary

Chapter Three – If Our Love’s Insanity

Chapter Four – My Life is For You

Chapter Five – Six Feet in the Ground

Chapter Six – Don’t Wanna Let You Down

Chapter Seven – Where I Wake Up

Chapter Eight – I Will Be King

Chapter Nine – Changing My Name

Chapter Ten – Just in a Dream

Chapter Eleven – Gotta Fly

Chapter Twelve – When I Wake

Chapter Thirteen – So Show Me Family

Chapter Fourteen – I Could Be Happy Here

Chapter Fifteen – You Change My World

Chapter Sixteen – Stay Here with Me

Chapter Seventeen – I’m On My Knees


  1. meridiean

    *ducks rotten tomatoes and/or cabbages* You’re very welcome!! Hey, at least your MUSES like me…

  2. msbuffy

    I know I’ll love this. Season 4 was one of the only worthy seasons of TB, considering all that’s come after, and those before excepting Season 1. This last one began with so much promise only to devolve into one of the biggest fiascos of television series I’ve ever seen. Thank Heavens for you as well as all of the wonderful and talented authors who have taken these characters and made them their own. Now, time for reading the story!

  3. vamplover669

    I’m so behind on stories but I look forward to this rewrite since I quit watching TB after S4!

  4. Angie

    Please update soon!

  5. lovestoread1735

    your chapter 15 is not showing up to read????

    • Kittyinaz

      Dammit!! It went running again!?!?!?! Damn. ok. Well I am off to catch the chapter. In the meantime, there is a menu on the side that will have the chapter… The damn chapters are trying to hide. They are being shy, but we got them pinned there.

      • kara

        please update soon

  6. kara

    i love this story how is godric sookies father??? is she more fairy then part fae thats um weird when she was raised as the child of corbett and micheill did she get any gifts from gosric???

  7. td4bz2

    I love this story. Very much looking forward to your updates!

  8. dragontrayner

    Bah! I cant wait for an update!
    Have a wonderful holiday!!

  9. kara

    Are are you going to finish thisthis story I’ve enjoyed it all 17 chapters I even found your the beginning of the next chapter going through your teaser it’s a good story I was just hoping it would be finished soon you’re a good offer and I was hoping you would finish the story because this one this one

    • Kittyinaz

      Yes, when I tried writing, it was not pretty. I am on a break right now, and plan to work on this when I am done with the chapters I have already written. For more information, please look at the posts. Thanks for the interest!!

      • kara

        Can i give you a tip ? Well if sookies is of godric line before He was turned then go from there add his mate slowly p le Wright now you have them facing each other What if They thake slow and not rush does that help any

  10. Shayna

    Eek! How come some of the most amazing true blood fics I’ve ever read, all on your site, and to which I’m so addicted to, leave me hanging? Desperate for more!!!

  11. cari1973

    Eric don’t send me.

    Sookie sends me to say she wants to be really happy and not remain in the places where her ‘owner’ has left ‘belonging’.

    And your stories are a good place to belong to her.

  12. corvus

    when is the next chapter coming?

    • Kittyinaz

      When I get to it again. I really am concentrating on getting the chapters I have done out, as well as working on the original novel. once that is done, then I am free to write on what I want again.

  13. Jessica

    Any chance we’ll be getting an update for this store?? Its one of my favorites 😀

    • Kittyinaz

      I have some written, just need to have time to edit!

      • Simonr

        It’s now December 2, 202017….PLEASE 😭😭😭

  14. Dani

    I’m not even sure why, but I’ve been in a True Blood fanfic binging mood all week. I’ve read all your stories on here and they are so good. The plot, the characters and casting of them, I can’t get enough. I hope come back to these stories one day because I can’t wait to see what you have planned next. If not, I still wanted to thank you for sharing what you have already, I love them all!

  15. kara mccarthy

    cant wait for the update!!!!



  1. Ending of a Story « Kittyinaz - […] I Never…Did […]
  2. A Few Goodies! | What LaLa is Reading - […] amazing Kittyinaz has a work in progress called I Never Did that I’m really enjoying. It starts in Season 4 when…

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